However, I have never heard that “people will be punished with the sin they love more than God”. Don’t you mean “for” instead of “with”?
No, I said what I meant. Again, Christ is clear on this:
“Everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.”
Slaves necessarily have no identity apart from their masters, they are the property of their masters. If one enslaves themselves to greed or avarice, they have no identity apart from the thing they think make them happy; their life is their things. If one enslaves themselves to sexual sins such as pornography or masturbation or homosexuality, they have no identity apart from what they love to do.
IOW they are “glued” to and with their favorite sins. There is no real difference between the person and the sin that they love, and their sin clings to them and constantly gnaws at them.
God practices what He preaches: He hates the sin and loves the sinner.
God’s grace of forgiveness AND our repentance and free-will acceptance of His mercy act(in the words of Peter Kreeft) as “reverse epoxy”, separating the sinner from the sin.
Those who refuse this “reverse epoxy” and remained glued to their favorite sins will necessarily receive God’s judgment against sin: hell, eternal and unrelenting, because it’s precisely what they wanted. They refused to be parted with their favorite sins for love of God; they loved their sins more than God, therefore God gives them precisely what they ask for.
The main problem here is that God is not seen as “real” by most people. I read on a Catholic website: “Because it is not evident that God punishes in this life, He must do it in the after life”. Most people do not see any** evidence **for God in this World. They “can’t feel” His love. When people die, they will “actually feel” God’s love and will definitely not love their sins more than God’s love. You are using the “fear factor” to evangelise by threatening people with extreme punishment unless they repent before they die.
None of this is of any relevance to anything I have said save for the last sentence.
As for "using the “fear factor”, so what? The Truth can be the scariest thing imaginable(like a malignant brain tumor), so does that mean that what is “scary” cannot possibly be true? That’s simply absurd and a non-sequitur.
Sometimes the most loving thing you can do is to tell someone the Truth, even when you know that the Reality of what you are saying will definitely frighten them.
**Conversely one of the most unloving things you can do is lie to someone or hide the Truth from someone, a truth for which they have a right to know, because you want to be “kind” and you want to spare them the feeling of being scared. **
That is my objection. The punishment you are advocating is “way out of kilter” with the crime (sin) committed.
Here’s another “reality” you need to familiarize yourself with: some choices DO have eternal consequences.
If the choice to be saved by God by accepting His mercy has an eternal consequence, then the rejection of God and spurning His mercy necessarily has an eternal consequence as well.
P.S., Sin is not merely a “crime”. Again you’re confusing positive law with natural law.
And, no matter how you try to wriggle out of it Amandil, under our Church’s teaching, children can go to hell.

Not as “children,” arte.
You do realize that death is the separation of the human soul from the human body, don’t you?
Whilst they may or may not think of God, the vast majority of mankind directs their will (hearts) towards the good.
Again you continue to show a remarkable naiveté:
For there is no distinction;
[23] since
all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (Rom 3:22-23).
We are “by nature children of wrath”(Eph 2:3).
The vast majority of mankind directs their wills towards the self: self-interest, self-concern, self-desire. They don’t set their hearts towards the Universal objective good, only the lesser goods to achieve their own self-satisfaction, or even worse the perceived “goods” they find in their favorite sins which are not objectively good or virtuous at all but evil and self-destructive.