How do you know that hell is “out of kilter” with anything with which we know of God?.
“He who does not love does not know God,
for God is love.” 1 John 4:8 (NKJV)
Hell is a form of punishment and is described as burning in a lake of fire and sulphur etc. It is a horrific form of punishment even for 1 second. In the developed World, no human judge would order that form of punishment for any criminal act including murder. However, God orders this punishment 24/7 for eternity for humans who do far less than murder someone. So how can mere humans show more love than God when sentencing someone?
Is hell contrary to God’s omnipotence? No, rather it presupposes it. Omnipotence means that there is nothing outside of God by which is power is limited by. If God himself limits His own power then it is God which is limiting Himself, not anything or anyone outside of God. That God limits His own power to permit humans to freely choose to love Him while accepting that many of them will refuse Him and therefore choose hell requires omnipotence.
This is process theism which is gathering favour amongst some theologians because they know that the God described in the Bible and the issue of hell are totally at odds
(out of kilter) with an omnipotent God. God limits His own power so He cannot impose His divine will on people but God can try to persuade people about what should be done by utilising churches, evangelists etc. People will then either agree or disregard God’s advice given to them by a human. God’s inability to impose His divine will on the World is seen as a moral advantage, rendering God more respectable and more impressive. **Unfortunately, God’s omnipotence is sacrificed in order to better secure other attributes regarded as ultimately more important. **
Is hell contrary to love? In a sense it is, but NOT God’s failure to love man, but man’s failure to love God. Any love relationship requires two parties, not just one. People who choose hell necessarily reject that relationship rule.
Process theism again but I’ll flesh out my rebuttal a bit. So if you no longer love your husband/wife but he/she still loves you then you get put in the tumble dryer for ever! Unless they have a masochistic behaviour disorder (mentally ill), no human would chose hell if it existed.
Is hell contrary to mercy? No. Mercy is a gift that needs to be freely accepted as well as freely given. God is prepared to give mercy to all, yet many refuse to accept it. Those who refuse to accept God’s mercy will then receive God’s justice.
Process theism again. How come God’s mercy is less than the judge’s mercy I mentioned earlier? Furthermore, how come God’s justice is woefully behind the justice systems in use in the developed World today? In our justice system, the punishment fits the crime. God’s justice system has only one default punishment – torture 24/7 for eternity regardless of the severity of the crime (sin).
Is hell contrary to justice? No. Sin will necessarily receive it’s just punishment at the last judgment. Those people who refuse to separate themselves from their favorite sins by repenting and accepting God’s mercy before they die will then receive God’s justice and be punished with the sin they love more than God.
Process theism again. However, I have never heard that “people will be punished with the sin they love more than God”. Don’t you mean “for” instead of “with”? The main problem here is that God is not seen as “real” by most people. I read on a Catholic website: “Because it is not
evident that God punishes in this life, He must do it in the after life”. Most people do not see any** evidence **for God in this World. They “can’t
feel” His love. When people die, they will
“actually feel” God’s love and will definitely not love their sins more than God’s love. You are using the “fear factor” to evangelise by threatening people with extreme punishment unless they repent before they die.
Hell is the end result of their choice. And God’s judgment of their choice will necessarily satisfy justice and be just.
Process theism again.
It sounds as if your objection is something like “why should our choices have such serious consequences?”
That is my objection. The punishment you are advocating is
“way out of kilter” with the crime (sin) committed. And, no matter how you try to wriggle out of it Amandil, under our Church’s teaching, children can go to hell.
The fact is that our choices necessarily have eternal consequences. This is why our will or our heart is so important to us and to God and why they need to be directed towards the good.
Whilst they may or may not think of God, the vast majority of mankind directs their will (hearts) towards the good.