You don’t mind if I step in?Hello Kindred.
If hell is a place (as opposed to being a state of being), then there can be no such thing as God for there is no place where God is not if God is infinite. God permeates all being. There is no existence where God does not exist, for if there is a created place in existence where God cannot be then that would mean that God has finite limitations in respect to that place and a potency in respect to the creation of that place. This is ontologically impossible.You are misunderstanding Hell. I’ll try some simple logic. One description of Hell is the absence of God. If God is Love and Hell has no God in it, then there is no love in Hell.
Hell is defined by our relationship with God, not the physical dimensions where in.
God cannot defy logic for the sake of your interpretation.
God allows people to choose hell precisely because he loves them. God’s love for somebody cannot change because that would logically mean there is potency in his nature. Human beings change how they value people because they can change. God is perfect because his nature never changes.God cannot love someone in Hell because that would place some of what He is there and that cannot be. There is no God in Hell therefore there is no love there either.
Oh and about this: God’s willing the good of the other by keeping them in existence in Hell is pure poppycock.
Its not a theological statement that God creates out of love? Have you never heard of a Catholic priest speaking of God’s love for all his creation?It is a philosophical statement that God’s love wills folks into being, not an actual theological statement.
The God you believe in doesn’t seem to be the Catholic God.
Nothing in creation is ontologically evil.If God’s willing of the damned’s existence in Hell is evidence of His love, I’d sure like to know how you drew that conclusion.
I’d say a kindergartener would think the opposite - that it is evidence God didn’t love that person at all.
Thankfully we don’t need to look to kids for a proper understanding of Catholic theology.Glenda
A truly good person does not hate his enemies. a perfect person loves his enemies.
God bless.