In all my years as a catholic sitting in the pews at mass and other events I have never heard such a statement.Hello ChainBreaker.
I cannot speculate about Pharaoh’s mindset nor the disposition of his heart all those thousands of years ago but I suspect the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart had to do with God showing His glory through the works that He would preform at the hands of Moses prior to and after the liberation of Israel. His heart got hardened so all the people would do as God said, and beg the Israelites to leave them so their God would stop striking them. And they even gave them gifts of gold and silver upon their departure. If Pharaoh had relented when Moses first asked no opportunity for God to show His mighty power and what happens when He stretches out His Arm to anyone. The deeds were spoken of for generations afterwards among the enemies of Israel and the news of what had happened spread to the surrounding lands ahead of the people as they went to conquer the Promised Lands. One other thing - Pharaoh’s heart being so hardened that the last strike by God falling on the first born of the Egyptians is a typology for Christ and God’s on First Born Son being struck upon the Cross fro the Nation, us. If the final curse hadn’t landed on the Egyptians, killing all the first born males of man and beast alike, the sign that was wouldn’t have been burnt into the minds and memories of the Israelites to show when Jesus came along and died.
“Therefore it is not a reasonable interpretation to suggest that God actively and intentionally blinds people to truth by hardening their hearts because he hates them.” This isn’t true and the Church doesn’t teach this. Think about Judas Iscariot. I’ll comment about that another time. God does hate. Don’t give Him reason to hate you. Choose life.Glenda