Is it possible that God can relent on the eternal punishment in Hell?

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Hello ChainBreaker.

I cannot speculate about Pharaoh’s mindset nor the disposition of his heart all those thousands of years ago but I suspect the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart had to do with God showing His glory through the works that He would preform at the hands of Moses prior to and after the liberation of Israel. His heart got hardened so all the people would do as God said, and beg the Israelites to leave them so their God would stop striking them. And they even gave them gifts of gold and silver upon their departure. If Pharaoh had relented when Moses first asked no opportunity for God to show His mighty power and what happens when He stretches out His Arm to anyone. The deeds were spoken of for generations afterwards among the enemies of Israel and the news of what had happened spread to the surrounding lands ahead of the people as they went to conquer the Promised Lands. One other thing - Pharaoh’s heart being so hardened that the last strike by God falling on the first born of the Egyptians is a typology for Christ and God’s on First Born Son being struck upon the Cross fro the Nation, us. If the final curse hadn’t landed on the Egyptians, killing all the first born males of man and beast alike, the sign that was wouldn’t have been burnt into the minds and memories of the Israelites to show when Jesus came along and died.

“Therefore it is not a reasonable interpretation to suggest that God actively and intentionally blinds people to truth by hardening their hearts because he hates them.” This isn’t true and the Church doesn’t teach this. Think about Judas Iscariot. I’ll comment about that another time. God does hate. Don’t give Him reason to hate you. Choose life.Glenda
In all my years as a catholic sitting in the pews at mass and other events I have never heard such a statement.:eek: (apart from choose life, referring to abortion…)
Is it possible for God to eventually relent? Is there some type of stain on these souls that God cannot cleanse or change? Sure, the damned are in Hell due to their own free-will, but that does not mean that they would not repent under the right conditions.

LOVE! ❤️
For the reprobate in hell there is no love, no hope. It’s punishments an torments are not remedial and serve no purpose.

Hell is the fulfillment and the logical conclusion of a life lived for sin and self-will. The reprobate have no will or identity apart from the particular sin or sins which they loved.

And if no amount of recognition for God’s love for them change them and compel them to repent in this life, neither will they repent in the next once their wills are set for eternity.
In all my years as a catholic sitting in the pews at mass and other events I have never heard such a statement.:eek: (apart from choose life, referring to abortion…)
I know. It’s not Catholic dogma that God hates. I’m not saying that those who are arguing that He does are definitely wrong (although I personally disagree with them, strongly) but it is not something that you have to believe in order to be a Catholic. As you’ve no doubt seen here, there are multiple ways of looking at the passages in scripture that suggests God hates anyone (just as those who argue that God does hate have to find alternate ways to look at the scriptures which say God loves all and that nothing He hates will continue to exist).

Therefore Catholics are by no means obligated to believe that God hates. It seems that some worry that a Catholic who thinks God loves everyone is guilty of the sin of presumption. However, the truth is that as long as we take Hell seriously, realize that it is eternal, and do NOT presume that God is a Cosmic pushover just because He loves us, then we are respecting His Justice, we are not committing the sin of presumption, and we are certainly within the bounds of orthodox Catholicism. Presumption has nothing to do with believing God hates no one, it has to do with thinking that you, or anyone else, is “so special” that God could “never allow ME to go to hell.” Thinking that God loves everyone, as long as you know that love does not mean everyone is guaranteed to go to Heaven, is not the same as presumption.

Blessings in Christ,
Is it possible for God to eventually relent? Is there some type of stain on these souls that God cannot cleanse or change? Sure, the damned are in Hell due to their own free-will, but that does not mean that they would not repent under the right conditions.

LOVE! ❤️
For the reprobate in hell there is no love, no hope. It’s punishments an torments are not remedial and serve no purpose.

Hell is the fulfillment and the logical conclusion of a life lived for sin and self-will. The reprobate have no will or identity apart from the particular sin or sins which they loved.

And if no amount of recognition for God’s love for them change them and compel them to repent in this life, neither will they repent in the next once their wills are set for eternity.
Hello Thorns.
Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.Romans 9:18

It was also being discussed in another thread about the presumption of God’s mercy. People were stating that one presumes they will have the capacity to love and turn to God later in life if they persist in sin now, because sin binds us and it would be risky to assume that God will just easily free you from your bondage of sin and perhaps keep you darkened instead. Any truth to that?
Presumption runs deeper. It says “Its only a venial sin. God will forgive it as soon as I ask. Its okay. Everyone does it. It isn’t that big a deal. Not like I’m robbing banks or something.” Etc. etc. etc. The real killer is “I’ll go to Mass tomorrow and as soon as the Kyrie is said, I’m good to go.” Missing in this picture is genuine sorrow over ones sins. Notable is excuses and justifications and no real remorse. They thought about it once, it was a sin and no worry, God forgave it already just as soon as they asked because it is only venial. On with the day. It gets worse.

God will never relent on the eternal punishment.

God’s justice has to be satisfied. This is what is meant by those God hate’s - they are vessels of God’s justice.

Lots of people sin left and right and run to the confessional. I think some are assuming there are many Catholics like this.

There is a hierarchy in heaven and hell.

I think there may be cases of some Catholics running around doing really evil things even conjuring demons for favors but they remain close to the sacraments so they don’t go to hell. Now God knows this… but why??? 🤷
Hi Robert!

I haven’t read the entirety of the thread, but I wanted to say that it seems to me that the damned indeed will NOT repent.

Hi Kindred Soul,

It’s a pity you haven’t read the entirety of the thread because you may have missed some interesting posts on both sides of the debate. For many reasons, especially logical ones, I do not believe in Hell. It is interesting to note that in our parent religion, Judaism, there is universal salvation. In Judaism, the maximum amount of time a soul can spend in a sort of purgatory is 12 months. And, we both worship the same God! Do you or anyone else really believe that Satan was an archangel (Lucifer) in Heaven who along with a third of the other angels in Heaven staged a “coup” to overthrow God? Then, God created Hell to put Satan and a third of His angels into. Come on – this is pure mythology. Thinking logically, we cannot even enter Heaven unless we have a completely unblemished sinless soul. That’s why we have Purgatory to cleanse away even the minutest of sins before being allowed into Heaven. Yet an archangel and a third of the angels in a SINLESS Heaven commit a massive sin and try to overthrow God. Absolute mythology.

God is an omnipotent being. He started the “Big Bang” that created our entire Universe. Billions of Galaxies, each with several billion stars and likely trillions of planets in the Universe. He may have created an infinite number of other universes. By evolution, he created the multitude of life on our planet including us. And, “God knows” how many other planets with intelligent life. However, this incredible being can only create 2 levels of punishment on our death, Purgatory or Hell. One of the punishment systems is temporary and the other punishment system lasts for eternity and is unbelievably agonising. Purgatory is only available to Christians with minor forgivable sins on their souls. After punishment for these minor sins, they can enter Heaven. Hell is given to every other non Christian human being above the age of 7 (our Church’s age of accountability) and Christians above the age of 7 who die with a mortal (major) sin on their soul. Hell is torture in a lake of fire, sulphur, and brimstone 24/7 for ETERNITY with no hope of a reprieve. Mere human beings in the developed World have created systems of correction and punishment based upon the severity of the crime or civil disobedience committed. Torture is banned in these correction/punishment facilities. Only the most serious crime (murder) may result in a lifetime in prison and in 2 countries of the developed World, the death penalty. I fully understand that secular laws do not include certain immoral actions (or thoughts) that would be called major sins in Christian religions. Notwithstanding certain immoral actions (or thoughts) not being in developed nations’ justice systems, the above logic shows that mere human beings can create a more balanced, just, merciful and humane system of justice than our omnipotent God. As a father, I love my children more than anything else in the World. I could never ever torture them even though their free will may lead to major disobedience. We are constantly told that God’s love for us is far greater than any earthly father’s love for his children. Therefore, logically, God could never ever allow us to go to a place like Hell to be TORTURED for ETERNITY even with our gift of free will.

I want to quote from Charlemagne 111’s post in reply to a post from Chainbreaker. “We are not a failed experiment. God knows the outcome before we do”. God can see into the future and knows exactly who is going to Hell. Therefore, logically, God must be an extremely evil sadistic being if He knows well in advance that the vast majority of His creation is going to Hell for an eternity. Why did He bother creating them? We are talking here about several billion maybe even trillions (into the future) of men, women AND CHILDREN being sent to a place far worse than a Nazi concentration camp for ETERNITY. Far too much is made of the words “free will”. When anyone says it’s not God’s fault, we have free will, they are effectively “washing their hands” of the real problem and feeling quite smug about it. The real problem is the ridiculously out of kilter harsh punishment that results from this free will. You mentioned some people may say sorry just to avoid Hell. I believe some people will do just that. Fear of Hell and fear of God are despicable outcomes from the teaching of what should be “The Good News”. I am not saying that sinners should not be punished. For me, it is logical that this punishment should take place in Purgatory. After Purgatory, ALL souls go to Heaven.
Hello Arte.
Hi Robert!

I haven’t read the entirety of the thread, but I wanted to say that it seems to me that the damned indeed will NOT repent.

Hi Kindred Soul,

It’s a pity you haven’t read the entirety of the thread because you may have missed some interesting posts on both sides of the debate. For many reasons, especially logical ones, I do not believe in Hell. It is interesting to note that in our parent religion, Judaism, there is universal salvation. In Judaism, the maximum amount of time a soul can spend in a sort of purgatory is 12 months. And, we both worship the same God! Do you or anyone else really believe that Satan was an archangel (Lucifer) in Heaven who along with a third of the other angels in Heaven staged a “coup” to overthrow God? Then, God created Hell to put Satan and a third of His angels into. Come on – this is pure mythology. Thinking logically, we cannot even enter Heaven unless we have a completely unblemished sinless soul. That’s why we have Purgatory to cleanse away even the minutest of sins before being allowed into Heaven. Yet an archangel and a third of the angels in a SINLESS Heaven commit a massive sin and try to overthrow God. Absolute mythology.

God is an omnipotent being. He started the “Big Bang” that created our entire Universe. Billions of Galaxies, each with several billion stars and likely trillions of planets in the Universe. He may have created an infinite number of other universes. By evolution, he created the multitude of life on our planet including us. And, “God knows” how many other planets with intelligent life. However, this incredible being can only create 2 levels of punishment on our death, Purgatory or Hell. One of the punishment systems is temporary and the other punishment system lasts for eternity and is unbelievably agonising. Purgatory is only available to Christians with minor forgivable sins on their souls. After punishment for these minor sins, they can enter Heaven. Hell is given to every other non Christian human being above the age of 7 (our Church’s age of accountability) and Christians above the age of 7 who die with a mortal (major) sin on their soul. Hell is torture in a lake of fire, sulphur, and brimstone 24/7 for ETERNITY with no hope of a reprieve. Mere human beings in the developed World have created systems of correction and punishment based upon the severity of the crime or civil disobedience committed. Torture is banned in these correction/punishment facilities. Only the most serious crime (murder) may
result in a lifetime in prison and in 2 countries of the developed World, the death penalty. I fully understand that secular laws do not include certain immoral actions (or thoughts) that would be called major sins in Christian religions. Notwithstanding certain immoral actions (or thoughts) not being in developed nations’ justice systems, the above logic shows that mere human beings can create a more balanced, just, merciful and humane system of justice than our omnipotent God. As a father, I love my children more than anything else in the World. I could never ever torture them even though their free will may lead to major disobedience. We are constantly told that God’s love for us is far greater than any earthly father’s love for his children. Therefore, logically, God could never ever allow us to go to a place like Hell to be TORTURED for ETERNITY even with our gift of free will.

I want to quote from Charlemagne 111’s post in reply to a post from Chainbreaker. “We are not a failed experiment. God knows the outcome before we do”. God can see into the future and knows exactly who is going to Hell. Therefore, logically, God must be an extremely evil sadistic being if He knows well in advance that the vast majority of His creation is going to Hell for an eternity. Why did He bother creating them? We are talking here about several billion maybe even trillions (into the future) of men, women AND CHILDREN being sent to a place far worse than a Nazi concentration camp for ETERNITY. Far too much is made of the words “free will”. When anyone says it’s not God’s fault, we have free will, they are effectively “washing their hands” of the real problem and feeling quite smug about it. The real problem is the ridiculously out of kilter harsh punishment that results from this free will. You mentioned some people may say sorry just to avoid Hell. I believe some people will do just that. Fear of Hell and fear of God are despicable outcomes from the teaching of what should be “The Good News”. I am not saying that sinners should not be punished. For me, it is logical that this punishment should take place in Purgatory. After Purgatory, ALL souls go to Heaven.

There are things in your above statement that are at variance with what we believe as Catholics, yet you list yourself as one. Can I ask, are you practicing? Do you go to Confession and receive Communion? Just curious.

It’s a pity you haven’t read the entirety of the thread because you may have missed some interesting posts on both sides of the debate. For many reasons, especially logical ones, I do not believe in Hell.
This is heretical. Jesus certainly taught hell, and he certainly taught that “many” will wind up there.
Yet an archangel and a third of the angels in a SINLESS Heaven commit a massive sin and try to overthrow God. Absolute mythology.
You’re conflating so many things here its noting but incoherent nonsense. Even if I grant the above statement, the angels were evicted AFTER their sin.

In any case you’re begging the question. Hardly logical.
God is an omnipotent being…However, this incredible being can only create 2 levels of punishment on our death, Purgatory or Hell. One of the punishment systems is temporary and the other punishment system lasts for eternity and is unbelievably agonising.
Hell is not a “system”, systems are created for a purpose. Purposes are directly ordered to good ends. Hell is neither good nor does it have a purpose. Purgatory has a purpose, to conform souls with sanctifying grace into souls prepared for heaven.

So, again, your statement is illogical.
Purgatory is only available to Christians with minor forgivable sins on their souls. After punishment for these minor sins, they can enter Heaven.
You clearly have a grave misunderstanding as to what purgatory is.
Hell is given to every other non Christian human being above the age of 7 (our Church’s age of accountability) and Christians above the age of 7 who die with a mortal (major) sin on their soul.
And you have proof for this from the Catechism?
As a father, I love my children more than anything else in the World. I could never ever torture them even though their free will may lead to major disobedience. We are constantly told that God’s love for us is far greater than any earthly father’s love for his children. Therefore, logically, God could never ever allow us to go to a place like Hell to be TORTURED for ETERNITY even with our gift of free will.
Neither do you understand precisely what sin is.
God can see into the future and knows exactly who is going to Hell. Therefore, logically, God must be an extremely evil sadistic being if He knows well in advance that the vast majority of His creation is going to Hell for an eternity. Why did He bother creating them?
If you are a parent, then you ought to know the answer to this. But seeing that you seem to lack the ability to think things through fully, perhaps I overestimate your ability to perceive.

Let me put it to you this way: If you knew that one of your children, say at the age of 13, came to you and said, “You’re no longer my father, you’re dead to me, and I never want to see you again,” would you still conceive and give birth to them?
Far too much is made of the words “free will”.
Yet you are exercising that will right now.
When anyone says it’s not God’s fault, we have free will, they are effectively “washing their hands” of the real problem and feeling quite smug about it.
This is simply dumb.
The real problem is the ridiculously out of kilter harsh punishment that results from this free will.
Which again demonstrates a real and gross underestimation of sin. No saint would ever say such a thing.
Fear of Hell and fear of God are despicable outcomes from the teaching of what should be “The Good News”.
“Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”. You clearly do not fear the God of the universe enough. Your “wisdom” is foolishness. You clearly do not understand even what you think you know.
I am not saying that sinners should not be punished. For me, it is logical that this punishment should take place in Purgatory. After Purgatory, ALL souls go to Heaven.
Purgatory does not exist for sinners!

Man, his post is chock full of heretical beliefs.
… Do you or anyone else really believe that Satan was an archangel (Lucifer) in Heaven who along with a third of the other angels in Heaven staged a “coup” to overthrow God? Then, God created Hell to put Satan and a third of His angels into. …
The Catholic teaching is that Satan was a good angel that sinned and fell as a result, and the same for some other angels. It was an irrevocable free choice.

Catechism****391 Behind the disobedient choice of our first parents lurks a seductive voice, opposed to God, which makes them fall into death out of envy. 266 Scripture and the Church’s Tradition see in this being a fallen angel, called “Satan” or the “devil”. 267 The Church teaches that Satan was at first a good angel, made by God: “The devil and the other demons were indeed created naturally good by God, but they became evil by their own doing.” 268

392 Scripture speaks of a sin of these angels. 269 This “fall” consists in the free choice of these created spirits, who radically and irrevocably *rejected *God and his reign. We find a reflection of that rebellion in the tempter’s words to our first parents: “You will be like God.” 270 The devil “has sinned from the beginning”; he is “a liar and the father of lies”. 271

393 It is the *irrevocable *character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, that makes the angels’ sin unforgivable. “There is no repentance for the angels after their fall, just as there is no repentance for men after death.” 272

1035 The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, “eternal fire.” 617 The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.

Father Hardon, S.J. wrote:

29. Why do rationalists deny the existence of angels?
The Sadducees among the Jews, the Socinians in the Middle Ages, and the Anabaptists in the sixteenth century regarded the angels as only metaphorical personifications of divine power. Modern Rationalists unanimously reject the existence of an angelic world.*38. Do all Christians believe that the angels were originally created in the state of grace?*This has been the common teaching of the Catholic Church. Thus Saint John Damascene says, “All the angels were created by the Word of God and perfected by the Holy Spirit through sanctification; corresponding to their dignity and to their order of rank, they became participators in the illumination and the grace”(The Orthodox Faith, II, 3).*39. Who denies the fall and damnation of the angels?*All Materialists, Rationalists, and Spirtualists deny both that the angels fell from God’s friendship and that they were eternally condemned to hell.​
. . . It is interesting to note that in our parent religion, Judaism, there is universal salvation. In Judaism, the maximum amount of time a soul can spend in a sort of purgatory is 12 months. And, we both worship the same God! Do you or anyone else really believe that Satan was an archangel (Lucifer) in Heaven who along with a third of the other angels in Heaven staged a “coup” to overthrow God? Then, God created Hell to put Satan and a third of His angels into. Come on – this is pure mythology. Thinking logically, . . .
Re: Judaism - I don’t see it as “our parent religion”. It is a belief in the presence of the Word in history which leaves out its purpose and culmination. There is no magisterium in Judaism; they value discussion and the joke is that putting two Jews together to argue a point, you will come up with three opinions. Of many Jewish friends, I believe most hope for an after-life, but I would say the general view is that this is it. Except for a handful, they are predominantly Ashkenazi, having lost most of their families in the holocaust; I have never heard anyone speak of meeting Hitler in heaven.

BTW: Satan is real regardless of how your logic, apparently informed by the nonsense of modern secular society, distorts scripture.
Absurd; (adj), 1)unreasonable, unsound, incongruous 2) meaningless, lacking order or value.

It is not discourteous to speak truthfully. It is rather discourteous not to.

If I call a statement absurd it is because it is. I’m not going to lie just so you can feel nice about opinions which are unsound if not outright false.

Perhaps you ought to distance yourself a bit from your opinions so that you can perhaps look at them more objectively.

Irrelevant. You said that they didn’t know who He was and that that excuses them. I demonstrated that they did.

Now you’re apparently admitting that they did but now they have to “believe”?

You’re simply shifting the bar here.

John 2:23-25
"Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover feast, many believed in Him when they saw the signs which He did, **but Jesus did not trust Himself to them, because Jesus knew all men and needed no one to bear witness of man; for He Himself knew what was in man. **

This is simply incoherent nonsense.

You do realize that there is a difference between us as creatures and Jesus Who is God, don’t you?
I will respond to this post, but I will not in the future until you learn to be more courteous. If you do not understand my statements, say so. In the mean time, my statements are obviously coherent and sensical to me, and I request that you respect my view. I forgive your discourtesy, you do not know what you are doing. Would you talk like this to your mother? To a priest?

In the mean time, if I had stated that I was the Pope, would you believe me? Probably not. So, when Jesus said he was the Son of God, the people thought he was full of baloney (er… kosher baloney:)) and did not “know” he was the son of God. They heard it, but they did not believe it, so they certainly did not “know” it.

I am telling you that to say someone else’s opinions on the forum are “absurd” “nonsense” “lacking order or value” or what have you is discourteous. I am saying this. Do you know it is discourteous? No, you disagree. You do not know. You have heard, but you do not know. Such is the same with the crowd who hung Jesus, they heard the words, but they did believe Him, they did not know what they were doing. They did not know of His humanity, let alone His divinity. And, by the way, God excused them, remember? And He explained why, “because they do not know what they are doing”.

I am going to say something here not to you specifically, but to all readers. Our national media, especially talk radio, has elevated public discourtesy to new levels. If you, the reader, resent something a person has done or said, forgive him or her. If you would like to say something in response to the person, forgive first. This is our calling. Do not judge, instead try understand where people are coming from and what there intent is. There is always good intent. Talk radio in the national media is not Christ-centered. There is very little evidence of forgiveness in the dialog.

End of sermon. God Bless.🙂
Amandil, I am putting this in because I had written up the response earlier, and I could not get to the net until now. If you cannot respond as if you are responding to someone you respect, please do not respond. And please remember, God is within all of us, even people who are not those you respect.

Please provide an example of “dishonest ignorance” and we can investigate its "dishonesty”.
I gave you two. Perhaps you overlooked them, so I’ll give them again:
It’s like avoiding going to the doctor when you know that you’re ill
So, before calling this “dishonest”, let us determine why the person is avoiding going to the doctor. If the person is fearful, they can be honestly fearful. The person is afraid of the truth. If the person wants to die, and is not fearful, then he honestly wants to die. You must be using a different definition of “honesty”?

The question is, “Why is he avoiding the doctor?” Then we can investigate the dishonesty aspect a bit futher, I think.
or avoiding the assignment board at work because you are afraid that you’ll get some unpleasant duty.
Same applies here. A person avoids the board because he fears an unpleasant duty. He is being honest with himself, and if someone asks him and he responds with this, he remains accountable. Do we let him continue such avoidance? Of course not. He complies, or he is fired. “Work” is a practical, human institution.
The question is, “why is he not considering the feelings and needs of his coworkers and employer?”
Or no different than those who avoid answering their phone when they know that they owe money to a utility of credit card company.
Back to the question. “Why do people avoid answering their phone when they know that they owe money?”
Or those who receive the Eucharist unworthily when they have knowledge, implicit or explicit, of some mortal sin and refuse to go to confession.
Back to the question: “Why would a person do this?”
A very wise priest once told me, “It is not to condemn or condone, but understand.” Let’s understand why people do what they do. Jesus said “do not judge”. However, IMO judgment is a triggered response, it comes from the gut. The best I can do is to realize I have condemned, my gut reacted and I have judged, and then I need to take the steps to understand and forgive.🙂

Originally Posted by OneSheep
Did the crowd who hung Jesus know that what they were doing was sinful?
Matthew 27:1.[25] And all the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!”
So, the question here is “why did they say that?” Did they say it because they thought they were doing something wrong, and wanted the punishment for the wrong to be meted out on them and their children? Or, instead, did they think that what they were doing was right, and saw what they were doing was just, and that His blood was of no consequence, that the “goodness” to be found was in their serving of “justice”? Or, is there another reason why they said that?
In addition, I would still like you to answer the question, did the crowd who hung Jesus know what they were doing was sinful? So far, it sounds like your answer is “yes”. If “yes” is the answer, what did Jesus mean when He said “for they do not know what they are doing”?
Please note, I find nothing you are saying “absurd”. I am finding your comments understandable in light of your way of looking at things, which is a very normal, natural way of looking at things. So, here is my request. Before you respond, try to understand and forgive me first, if you have not done so.
I will respond to this post, but I will not in the future until you learn to be more courteous. If you do not understand my statements, say so. In the mean time, my statements are obviously coherent and sensical to me, and I request that you respect my view. I forgive your discourtesy, you do not know what you are doing. Would you talk like this to your mother? To a priest?

In the mean time, if I had stated that I was the Pope, would you believe me? Probably not. So, when Jesus said he was the Son of God, the people thought he was full of baloney (er… kosher baloney:)) and did not “know” he was the son of God. They heard it, but they did not believe it, so they certainly did not “know” it.

I am telling you that to say someone else’s opinions on the forum are “absurd” “nonsense” “lacking order or value” or what have you is discourteous. I am saying this. Do you know it is discourteous? No, you disagree. You do not know. You have heard, but you do not know. Such is the same with the crowd who hung Jesus, they heard the words, but they did believe Him, they did not know what they were doing. They did not know of His humanity, let alone His divinity. And, by the way, God excused them, remember? And He explained why, “because they do not know what they are doing”.

I am going to say something here not to you specifically, but to all readers. Our national media, especially talk radio, has elevated public discourtesy to new levels. If you, the reader, resent something a person has done or said, forgive him or her. If you would like to say something in response to the person, forgive first. This is our calling. Do not judge, instead try understand where people are coming from and what there intent is. There is always good intent. Talk radio in the national media is not Christ-centered. There is very little evidence of forgiveness in the dialog.

End of sermon. God Bless.🙂
You appear to have this need to evade the issue by making this about me instead of the subject matter.

This is a debate forum. The criticisms I laid against your opinions, and that’s all they are and they have hardly any if no identity with Catholic Tradition and are at the least heterodox if not outright heretical, are consistent with that of debate.

This has nothing to do with your perceived feeling of “discourtesy” or your lamentation of the level of “discourse” do to “national talk radio”. These are simply Red Herrings you are inventing because you think they appear to bolster your ideas.

On top of that you are contradicted by the fact that my language is no different than that of other Apologists on CA when someone, either protestant, atheist, or Catholic, claims that the Church teaches things which it does not. They use the same terms and criticisms the same way I do.

You are not my mother, nor are you a priest. You are a lay person claiming that your opinions are somehow authoritative. Your use of the word “sermon” is interesting in itself, as if you are trying to assert an authority of your own which you obviously do not have while seemingly hiding behind a false humility.
Is it possible for God to eventually relent? Is there some type of stain on these souls that God cannot cleanse or change? Sure, the damned are in Hell due to their own free-will, but that does not mean that they would not repent under the right conditions.

LOVE! ❤️
It would seem to be that the person who wants Hell does not change. It is not God who needs to relent but the person is not willing to relent at all. Perhaps the soul is so sick that it cannot recover. For instance God can give His Grace to anyone but let us say when God will give His Grace to a certain soul this soul rejects it very violently. Now will God give this grace again to this soul? How can He if the soul does not want it. Perhaps the souls who are like this are in the same category of those who are in Hell. They just hate more when Grace is given for them. I was taught by a Roman Catholic priest that when your soul leaves the body at death your will which is part of your soul becomes naturally fixed. In this way the soul will not be inclined to sin once the Graces of God were accepted beforehand. However if you spurn the Grace of God in this life and your will becomes naturally fixed there is no way the soul will ever get better. What is God going to do? Why does a soul reject Grace? There has to be the enormous gravity of living a very sinful life rejecting all forms of Grace even by hating it more if one is touched by it. There has to be a very longing to hatred within a person to do such an act. I believe this occurs in the devil. There is a great hatred in the devil towards God and to us because there is a great hatred within.
Amandil, I am putting this in because I had written up the response earlier, and I could not get to the net until now. If you cannot respond as if you are responding to someone you respect, please do not respond. And please remember, God is within all of us, even people who are not those you respect.
Aside from the obvious ad-hominum you have now adopted in order to evade the issue at hand, you are yourself trying to have your cake and the same time eat of it.

For one you have it backwards. If I did not respect you or love you ontologically, I wouldn’t bother correcting your false opinions, instead I’d leave you to your own devices and falsehoods.

The corollary to that though is that I would be held responsible before God by allowing you to remain ignorant in your falsehoods. “Blessed is he who does not condemn himself by what he approves”(Rom 14:22). So “respect” necessarily demands that I correct you, your obstinacy withstanding.

Respect necessarily follows from a level of frankness and honesty, not positing opinions and specious arguments as fact. So I can easily make the same argument that you have not been respectful to me by the fact that you continually use these Red Herring arguments.
So, before calling this “dishonest”, let us determine why the person is avoiding going to the doctor. If the person is fearful, they can be honestly fearful. The person is afraid of the truth. If the person wants to die, and is not fearful, then he honestly wants to die. You must be using a different definition of “honesty”?
  1. You’re actually using an emotive argument as an excuse for willful ignorance? Thank God Paul didn’t allow fear to dictate whether or not he preached the Gospel(1 Cor 9:16).
2)“Afraid of the truth”? You can’t be serious. Fear is a product of an excessive attachment to self and self-will. There’s nothing virtuous about being “afraid of the truth.” Is God afraid of Himself? This is nothing but an excuse for cowardice and egocentrism.
  1. So if a person shoots a gun into a dark room because he is afraid of what may be in there and kills someone that means he’s not culpable for their deaths?
The question is, “Why is he avoiding the doctor?” Then we can investigate the dishonesty aspect a bit futher, I think.
If he is avoiding the doctor because he wants to remain ignorant to his physical condition, when he has a responsibility not only to himself but to his family and to God to do his utmost to take care of his health, then his ignorance is willful and dishonest and therefore sinful.
Same applies here. A person avoids the board because he fears an unpleasant duty. He is being honest with himself, and if someone asks him and he responds with this, he remains accountable. Do we let him continue such avoidance? Of course not. He complies, or he is fired. “Work” is a practical, human institution.
The question is, “why is he not considering the feelings and needs of his coworkers and employer?”
And my answer also applies here. The “feelings” of his coworkers and employer are irrelevant. He has a moral obligation to do his job, no matter how undesirable or disagreeable he finds it(unless of course what he is asked to do is in fact immoral, but that is not the issue here). This moral obligation is not only imperative due to his employer but to those who depend upon his employment for their support.

In any case, its dishonest. He knows what he ought to do, but chooses to do otherwise.
Back to the question. “Why do people avoid answering their phone when they know that they owe money?”

Back to the question: “Why would a person do this?”
A very wise priest once told me, “It is not to condemn or condone, but understand.” Let’s understand why people do what they do. Jesus said “do not judge”. However, IMO judgment is a triggered response, it comes from the gut. The best I can do is to realize I have condemned, my gut reacted and I have judged, and then I need to take the steps to understand and forgive.🙂
Now you’re just editorializing.
So, the question here is “why did they say that?” Did they say it because they thought they were doing something wrong, and wanted the punishment for the wrong to be meted out on them and their children? Or, instead, did they think that what they were doing was right, and saw what they were doing was just, and that His blood was of no consequence, that the “goodness” to be found was in their serving of “justice”? Or, is there another reason why they said that?
The statement was an oath formula(Josh 2:17-19). They were invoking a curse upon themselves staking their lives on their decision. Their guilt came to fruition with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 a.d. They obviously didn’t take seriously the fact that they were crucifying a man whom they knew to be a holy man, innocent of any crimes, whom they witnessed teach and perform miracles.

Jesus spoke of the sin of rash oaths(Matt 5:33).
In addition, I would still like you to answer the question, did the crowd who hung Jesus know what they were doing was sinful? So far, it sounds like your answer is “yes”. If “yes” is the answer, what did Jesus mean when He said “for they do not know what they are doing”?
The collaboration of Jewish and Roman authorities was part of the divine plan of salvation, regardless God’s foreknowledge of their sin does not mitigate their culpability. The fact that Jesus asks that they be forgiven is proof that what they are doing is in fact sinful. Their ignorance may or may not mitigate the level of their culpability. Even if I granted your claim that they did not “know” that they were committing Deicide, they knew that they were condemning an innocent man to death, which is a despicable and detestable sin in itself.
No Saints believed that there was* no Hell *or that there was a universal salvation. If they did, they wouldn’t be Saints.

That’s not true. St Gregory of Nyssa advocated the possibility of universal salvation. So did St Isaac the Syrian.
God’s justice has to be satisfied. This is what is meant by those God hate’s - they are vessels of God’s justice.
“Be a herald of God’s goodness, for God rules over you, unworthy though you are. Although your debt to Him is so very great, He is not seen exacting payment from you; and from the small works you do, He bestows great rewards upon you. Do not call God just, for His justice is not manifest in things concerning you. And if David calls Him just and upright, His Son revealed to us that He is good and kind. ‘He is good’, He says, ‘to the evil and to the impious.’ How can you call God just when you come across the Scriptural passage on the wage given to the workers? ‘Friend, I do thee no wrong: I choose to give unto this last even as unto thee. Or is thine eye evil because I am good?’ How can a man call God just when he comes across the passage on the prodigal son who wasted his wealth with riotous living, how for the compunction alone which he showed, the father ran and fell upon his neck and gave him authority over all his wealth? None other but His very Son said these things concerning Him, lest we doubt it, and thus bore witness concerning Him. Where, then, is God’s justice, for while we are sinners Christ died for us! But if here He is merciful, we may believe that He will not change.”
  • St Isaac the Syrian
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