Hello Chimo.
The problem is that the person you are talking to in the reply you made thinks after death there is somehow going to be a second chance and that the particular judgment that each person undergoes at death will somehow lead to a second chance and THEN they’ll repent. But the rest of us know the truth - that is when it is too late to repent. The error comes from a belief in universal salvation which is a mistake too. I can tell from your sharing that you are talking about the soul turning to God before death, repentance. That is Catholic, but neither a 2nd chance to repent after death nor universal salvation are catholic teaching. The person you’re responding to may believe those things can be reconciled to Catholic teaching but they are both errors. That’s the truth.It would seem to be that the person who wants Hell does not change. It is not God who needs to relent but the person is not willing to relent at all. Perhaps the soul is so sick that it cannot recover. For instance God can give His Grace to anyone but let us say when God will give His Grace to a certain soul this soul rejects it very violently. Now will God give this grace again to this soul? How can He if the soul does not want it. Perhaps the souls who are like this are in the same category of those who are in Hell. They just hate more when Grace is given for them. I was taught by a Roman Catholic priest that when your soul leaves the body at death your will which is part of your soul becomes naturally fixed. In this way the soul will not be inclined to sin once the Graces of God were accepted beforehand. However if you spurn the Grace of God in this life and your will becomes naturally fixed there is no way the soul will ever get better. What is God going to do? Why does a soul reject Grace? There has to be the enormous gravity of living a very sinful life rejecting all forms of Grace even by hating it more if one is touched by it. There has to be a very longing to hatred within a person to do such an act. I believe this occurs in the devil. There is a great hatred in the devil towards God and to us because there is a great hatred within.