This is heretical. Jesus certainly taught hell, and he certainly taught that “many” will wind up there.
God is so far above us in all levels. I see it as heretical the way He is diminished down to a God that looks like He has been invented by man with all the flaws of man but on a much larger scale. I constantly pray for guidance in these matters especially to Jesus because He spoke more about Hell than anyone else in the Bible.
You’re conflating so many things here its noting but incoherent nonsense. Even if I grant the above statement, the angels were evicted AFTER their sin.
In any case you’re begging the question. Hardly logical.
The statement is very clear and logical. It’s not incoherent nonsense so you must have a problem with your ability to read and take in information. In addition to no sin in Heaven, angels were perfected by the Holy Spirit through sanctification so how could an archangel and a third of the angels commit a massive mortal sin there?
Hell is not a “system”, systems are created for a purpose. Purposes are directly ordered to good ends. Hell is neither good nor does it have a purpose. Purgatory has a purpose, to conform souls with sanctifying grace into souls prepared for heaven.
So, again, your statement is illogical.
For me the word “system” conveys the meaning of the statement well enough. Not all purposes are directly ordered to good ends. The purpose of Hell is to punish souls with mortal sins very severely for an eternity. All logical. I now seriously doubt your ability to read and take in information.
You clearly have a grave misunderstanding as to what purgatory is.
Replace minor with venial and check the Catholic Encyclopedia.
And you have proof for this from the Catechism?
Another approach: “Only Christians go to Heaven”.
John 14:.6 - Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me”. See Catechism1026 for full quote. “He (Jesus) makes partners in his heavenly glorification for those who have believed in him and remained faithful to his will”. From the above quotes, I believe that Heaven is only available to Christians.
Confirmation – The Age of Discretion/Reason/Accountability/Moral Responsibility
I could not find a definitive answer on age in the Catechism. See Catechism1307. The Catholic Encyclopedia states as a rule; age 7. The website: catholic – states: “If you die in the state of mortal sin after confirmation you cannot go to Heaven”. Therefore, children above the age of 7 who have been confirmed and die with a mortal sin on their souls cannot enter Heaven. So where do they go, if not to Hell?
Neither do you understand precisely what sin is.
Sin is an offense against God. Sin sets itself against God’s love for us and turns our hearts away from it. Is my definition of sin correct? My paragraph above was written to show that God as a “parent” must be capable of showing far more love and mercy than a human parent. Therefore, there is no way that He can torture us. Therefore, Hell cannot exist.
If you are a parent, then you ought to know the answer to this. But seeing that you seem to lack the ability to think things through fully, perhaps I overestimate your ability to perceive.
Let me put it to you this way:
If you knew that one of your children, say at the age of 13, came to you and said, “You’re no longer my father, you’re dead to me, and I never want to see you again,” would you still conceive and give birth to them?
I certainly do not overestimate your ability to perceive. You have shown in your post that you cannot derive the meaning from the simplest of logical discussions. I would still fertilise my wife and want her to give birth to them. However, I would not torture them for a second let alone the rest of their lives or if they were immortal - for an eternity.
Yet you are exercising that will right now.
Yes, I am but my free will should never ever lead me to becoming tortured for an eternity. Gosh, haven’t you perceived yet what my posts on this thread mean?
This is simply dumb.
I disagree; people make this statement with no perception of what the outcome is for the individual concerned
Which again demonstrates a real and gross underestimation of sin. No saint would ever say such a thing.
I am not a Saint. No matter how much our sin turns us away from God’s love, surely as an omnipotent being, He can rectify this after our death. Whatever the description of sin, my statement above still stands. Even with your illogical, rigid, dogma riddled mind, can’t you understand the logic behind my position on Hell?
“Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”. You clearly do not fear the God of the universe enough. Your “wisdom” is foolishness. You clearly do not understand even what you think you know.
You are obviously quoting from Proverbs 9:10. Fear of God is an oxymoron. One reason why atheists do not believe in God is: “Why would an omnipotent being want me to fear him”? Criminal gangs, terrorists, and dictators use fear to get what they want. You are equating God with the above degenerates of our society.
Purgatory does not exist for sinners!
Correct me if I am wrong but don’t souls with venial SINS go to purgatory?
Man, his post is chock full of heretical beliefs.