I still felt my eyes wander, only I was now fully aware of the fact.
The banality of sin? As an admitted , and committed, recovering lustful male… as similar to st.augustine and his common law wife… I find that my walk of faith is neither blind obedience, nor perfectionism. Rather a good look at 'what the SINFUL side of sex instinct does" is rather the key.
As one who has misused this gift, to remove the relation unity giving element to a completely selfish interested pursuit of the self gratifying aspects *(touch, orgasm, stimulation, etc)- I can learn from looking at the damage the use of sexual looks, intents, and touch does when not in context to relationality, leading to the potential spousal relation. I find nothing wrong with sex -not lust, food- not gluttony , desire - not greed, rest -not sloth, pride- not arrogance, having hurt or even angry feelings- not wrathful vengeful resentful or swear word based language, admiring qualities in others- not envying…
When I do my nightly examin of conscience, I try to keep track of my day’s actions in line with that above way of conduct. and compare how I did to the 10 commandments, and 2 commandments of the new testament… takes 5-10 minutes , looking at my iphone calendare. I keep a brief not of areas I over stepped the lines, and bring it to confession… I try and do a small act of contrition, and ask myself- do I really want to keep this sin? What’s it doing for me? Am I feelings distant from God or not?
Bear in mind, I was very pagan agnostic for many years. Now I am Catholic, but I used to just think that God was a myth fairytale brainwashe gobbedlygoop excuse for naive kool aid drinkin kumbayah hypocrites that needed some excuse to hold hands pray and feel some sort of greater purpose to their meaningless cess pool of biological material that hogs oxygen for 70-80 years and the gets old sick and dies, and somehow such banality was what christians or any god seeking people had to lie to themselves about to go blah blah blah… but I no longer think like that… I guess I may have been like Paul’s conversion… a former persecutor turned pitch man for Christ and the Catholic way