I think you might be implying that I am projecting, not sure. If so. I can assure you that isn’t the case.Sometime it’s good to self reflect to see if there is any tendency to project
I don’t have to look any farther than the numerous posts you’ve made yourself about your body image/beauty issues, issues with makeup, what your wear, your sister, distrustfulness of men , etc. You posted these things.It’s important also not to “look for things” in peoples posts (if that makes sense).
They are context for your current post wherein you posit that it is nigh impossible to find a Christian man who doesn’t have a “wandering eye” and lament men staring at your cleavage as you wear a tank style bodysuit top while Christmas shopping. Also, you asked a question— is it possible to find a good Christian man who doesn’t ogle women on the street only to dismiss the numerous posters who have answered in the affirmative. So it doesn’t seem you really wanted an answer but rather to confirm your own position that there aren’t such men to be found.
And then go further with sweeping generalizations about men and jealousy, men and being “visual”, men and “wandering eyes” and “grass is greener” mentality.
I think those who have pointed out— a) there are plenty of men who don’t stare/ogle other women and plenty of Christian men out there who treat their wives respectfully without wandering eyes, grass is greener mentality or jealousy, and b) if you don’t want to be ogled in stores don’t wear a cleavage-showing tank top or body suit (which tend to be form fitting in addition to revealing)— are being entirely reasonable.
So yes, some self reflection might be needed, but I’d don’t think it’s me that needs it.
I don’t believe anyone on this thread has said that the male and female sexes are “the same”, merely that gross generalizations aren’t helpful.I don’t believe genders are the same, even though the Western world is trying to push that they are.
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