Pol Pot took a village, you know. And, it takes a village to present leftist liberalism where parents raising children is a violation of some “right” granted to the state. Is this child endangerment, is this child abuse?Is that your response to homeschooling’s inability to provide high level technical education? Sure, ditch-digging is a respectable profession - if one freely chooses it. But for a child to be resigned to such jobs because the parents made the decision to withhold the opportunity for technical education - that’s a crime.
I learned more from my grandfather’s college texts when I was at an elementary grade school level than I learned in twelve years of state approved schooling. Would it have been a crime if my parents did not send me off to learn how to smoke dope and buy liquor at twelve or thirteen years of age? I think not.
Perhaps my case is not typical, but does that somehow indicate that the Marxist ideal of state schooling is the right rule for the education of children? How is the state a better educator of children than parents?
In terms of education in the faith, who is the primary catechist of children? Is it well groomed and duly paid civil “servants?” What then is the “faith” that is mandated by state schooling. If you don’t teach your children relevant truth are you to be put in jail?
But, is there not a separation of church and state? Apparently not when you silhouette your faith and ethos as “secularism.” Or, perhaps it is properly “secularism” when the notion is raised to the level of state religion; in so much as Rome was to insist upon at the time when Christ was born.
Which leads me to declare, “Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus, Come.” Praise to Mars or Jupiter would not be the same.