I think that many people who call themselves atheists are really agnostics or close to agnosticism in that they say that there has not been enough evidence to convince them of theism.Just as YOU, as YOU, cannot “prove” that YOU are real to someone who refuses to believe that YOU are.
To a large extent, proof and evidence, are only as good as the recipient of that proof and evidence.
I could not, for example, supply any “proof” for my existence that a rock would accept. That “fact” in itself does not suffice to prove that I do not exist.
So merely because you have not accepted any proof does not mean either:
So your claim that “you CAN no more prove that your God is real, than…” is simply an assertion for which you have provided, not a smidge of the kind of “evidence” you demand of theists. It is the “faith” claim of a fundamentalist atheist and nothing more.
- No such proof exists, nor that,
- No such proof can ever be formulated.
At least, follow your own rules. If you demand “evidence” or “proof” from others, then be so kind as to take on the same burden yourself for the claims you make. Otherwise, be prepared not to be taken seriously.
You have no control over what others can or cannot do, nor over what God can or cannot do and to claim, as an absolute impossibility, (i.e., you CAN no more prove…) what others “can” or “cannot” do is overstepping what you are believably competent to claim.
In other words, making such a claim is, plainly speaking, evidence that you lack an understanding of the limits of your own logic.
You have overstepped your own boundaries, young man. There is a stool in the corner.![]()