This is a great thread with lots of insightful posts. At the very least, almost everything on tv is a huge waste of time. There are times when it can be sinful and not just because of program content. When we start to put the “god of tv” before our one true God, we are guilty of violating the first commandment. Therefore, we are often commiting venial sins by watching too much tv and can also be guilty of mortal sins depending on the program content and what it does to us.
Let me give a personal example. For many years, after my wife and kids went to bed, I would watch tv until 12:30 - 1:00 AM. It was all junk (old sitcoms, sports, news, etc). Nothing sinful or offensive, but for the most part mindless entertainment. I would put off saying my prayers until I was ready for bed and for the most part I would either forget to say them or fall asleep before finishing them. I also had a hard time dragging myself out of bed the next morning. My justification for watching tv was that I needed to escape from all of the family and work difficulties that I had to face during the day. I honestly wanted nothing to do with spiritual reading or EWTN because it was too boring and I just wanted to relax.
About a year ago, I got sick and went through a major conversion experience. At this point I gave my life to the Lord and starting spending time doing things that would help me and my family get to Heaven. Now, after my wife and kids go to bed, I sit down (in a room with no tv) and prayer evening prayer (from the Liturgy of the Hours) followed by some spiritual reading (the Bible, the Catechism, etc) for about an hour. After that is finished, I sometimes watch tv (for maybe 15-20 minutes). I now go to bed at 11:00 or 11:15 because I need to wake up at 6AM so I can pray the Liturgy of the Hours and go to daily Mass. This has made a HUGE difference in my life. I have never been so peaceful before and I feel like I am finally putting the Lord first.
The main reason that we are on earth is to get to Heaven and help those around us to get there also. I strongly urge everyone reading this to take a good look at how you spend your leisure time. If it doesn’t help you to get to Heaven, consider eliminating it. TV can sometimes be beneficial in that it can help us to recharge our batteries, but we need to keep it in perspective. Try some spiritual reading every evening and keep at it. It really will change your life as it did mine.
God Bless,
Let me give a personal example. For many years, after my wife and kids went to bed, I would watch tv until 12:30 - 1:00 AM. It was all junk (old sitcoms, sports, news, etc). Nothing sinful or offensive, but for the most part mindless entertainment. I would put off saying my prayers until I was ready for bed and for the most part I would either forget to say them or fall asleep before finishing them. I also had a hard time dragging myself out of bed the next morning. My justification for watching tv was that I needed to escape from all of the family and work difficulties that I had to face during the day. I honestly wanted nothing to do with spiritual reading or EWTN because it was too boring and I just wanted to relax.
About a year ago, I got sick and went through a major conversion experience. At this point I gave my life to the Lord and starting spending time doing things that would help me and my family get to Heaven. Now, after my wife and kids go to bed, I sit down (in a room with no tv) and prayer evening prayer (from the Liturgy of the Hours) followed by some spiritual reading (the Bible, the Catechism, etc) for about an hour. After that is finished, I sometimes watch tv (for maybe 15-20 minutes). I now go to bed at 11:00 or 11:15 because I need to wake up at 6AM so I can pray the Liturgy of the Hours and go to daily Mass. This has made a HUGE difference in my life. I have never been so peaceful before and I feel like I am finally putting the Lord first.
The main reason that we are on earth is to get to Heaven and help those around us to get there also. I strongly urge everyone reading this to take a good look at how you spend your leisure time. If it doesn’t help you to get to Heaven, consider eliminating it. TV can sometimes be beneficial in that it can help us to recharge our batteries, but we need to keep it in perspective. Try some spiritual reading every evening and keep at it. It really will change your life as it did mine.
God Bless,