Is it wrong for gay couples to adopt?

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It boggles the mind…
With your permission faith dancer would you allow me to start a new thread in the near future regarding necrophiliac couples raising a child vs starving? I just would like to know what others have to say on that
Wouldn’t that at least give the children some love and dignity being raised by a couple even if its a homosexual one?
There isn’t anything inherently inferior about homosexuals in regards to love or parenting. Some will be good parents, some will not, just like straight people. Some excel at love, and some stink at it, just like straight people. If you should ever know any gay people personally, you will see this for yourself. There’s no need to take my word for it.

There are lots of abandoned children in the world. We should embrace any stable responsible couple, gay or straight, who is willing to serve these children.

The solution here is simple…

Value children over ideology.

Ideology is all about us, our position, our rightness, our holiness, our interpretation and analysis, me, me, me.

Forget all that.

Serve the kids.

If you still want controversial I could make some intemperate judgmental remarks I guess. 🙂
With your permission faith dancer would you allow me to start a new thread in the near future regarding necrophiliac couples raising a child vs starving? I just would like to know what others have to say on that
Oh you don’t need permission! You could start it in this forum, there doesn’t seem to be a moderator assigned. I think CAF is short staffed right now or something…
There isn’t anything inherently inferior about homosexuals in regards to love or parenting. Some will be good parents, some will not, just like straight people. Some excel at love, and some stink at it, just like straight people. If you should ever know any gay people personally, you will see this for yourself. There’s no need to take my word for it.

There are lots of abandoned children in the world. We should embrace any stable responsible couple, gay or straight, who is willing to serve these children.

The solution here is simple…

Value children over ideology.

Ideology is all about us, our position, our rightness, our holiness, our interpretation and analysis, me, me, me.

Forget all that.

Serve the kids.

If you still want controversial I could make some intemperate judgmental remarks I guess. 🙂
Thanks for the (name removed by moderator)ut, gave me a new side of things to think about as well 👍
Thanks for the (name removed by moderator)ut, gave me a new side of things to think about as well 👍
Ok, but don’t listen to me, listen to the gay people you meet. I don’t mean listen to their opinion, listen to who they are as human beings, just like you would with a straight person.

BTW, my wife was raised by a couple who thought they were straight (1950s), but both turned out to be gay. Gay lovers lived in the house with the family at various times as the kids were growing up. The kids of that union are both straight. The family has stuck together for decades through thick and thin.

Meanwhile, my Catholic family broke up, went their separate ways, and I have a sibling I don’t even see anymore.

The gay family, good at being family. The Catholic family, not so much.

Life is not as simple as:

Catholic = good
Gay = bad

The point should be love, not gay or straight, Catholic or whatever else.
Correction: was just looking up Unitarians. Belief in a higher power also optional.
They have some fantastic churches / church yards too - to die for (ha ha). (click on photo)

View attachment 23778

As for parenting I believe kids do best with their biological parents. Anything short of that will lead to issues. Frankly even the biological parents often create issues as most of us can attest. 😉 Still there is a natural bond between child and mother and father. Each parent contributes differently to his/her offspring. Alternative child raising just adds to instability and suffering. We live in an age where people are incredibly selfish; the amount of self-sacrifice it takes to raise children in a good supportive environment is actually beyond a lot of people - they are too weak and dissipated to even attempt it. I actually think it is kind of a Darwinian regression. Other cultures that are better at this, more organized, more traditional will surpass the West. We encourage sickness, discourage health.
Nowhere is it listed as a sin.

On the other hand, if a homosexual couple speaks to their child about living in chastity, they may set a good example for the children.
Just an idea.
But even if one does not agree with it, the Roman Catholic Church does not (as far as I know) establish any sort of adoption as a sin.
What if self aware AI’s programmed to be nuturing and loving want to adopt a human child? Or kindly and benevolent extraterrestrials?
What if self aware AI’s programmed to be nuturing and loving want to adopt a human child? Or kindly and benevolent extraterrestrials?
That’s the slope we are already on with legal changes to marriage.
I’m a little torn on this issue myself. In general, I know that it is really harmful for a child not to have their mother or father in their life. I am adamantly against the practice of gay couples buying sperm or buying women as the case may be in order to purposefully make orphaned children because THEY want children and they FEEL they have a right to have the same as straight couples.

However, in the case of adopted children, particularly those adopted later in childhood, they have already lost the relationship with their birth parents and the damage is done. Yes, my preference would be for them to go to a functional family with a mother and father, but in the absence of that, surely a caring homosexual couple would be preferable to being sifted through foster homes and institutions?

I have a coworker who is in a gay relationship and she and her partner have adopted three siblings, who were very difficult to place because of the high needs of two of them and the fact that siblings are hard to place together anyway. These two women are both teachers of special needs children and are trained to help these children become successful, functioning adults, despite the havoc wrought upon them by their morally bankrupt birth parents.

I honestly don’t think that family services could have found a better placement for these children than with my coworker. They are all almost up to grade level in school now, doing well socially, and most importantly, they are TOGETHER with their siblings. They are also active in their church, which I believe is some sort of Episcopalian church, so while they obviously don’t agree with the Catholic church on the homosexuality issue, they are at least getting some semblance of a Christian upbringing. If you talk to my coworker about this, she will tell you that she agrees that it isn’t ideal for a homosexual couple to bring children into the word, but that she and her partner feel that they are called to help these kids and they are doing quite well at it. I’m convinced that this couple is genuinely in it to help these kids and not to prove a point or anything like that. It’s really hard for me to say that they are wrong in what they are doing. (I mean in adopting the kids, not their sex life.)

I also know of a gay male couple in which one partner has adopted his sister’s children. Without his intercession, the children would have been put into foster care, possibly separated from each other, and probably separated from all of their extended family, including their half-siblings. It’s really hard for me to say that this arrangement is “wrong”, though obviously it would be more ideal if the uncle was living a celibate life. Because the children have been adopted by their uncle, they continue to have a relationship with their siblings, grandparents, cousins, etc. It’s possible that they may someday be able to restore a relationship with their mother, if she ever gets her act together.

So, I guess it’s my opinion that it’s “wrong” in most cases, and most especially if it’s done with an attitude of what the adults want or have a right to, rather than what’s really best for the children.
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