But if a gay man, for example, used a surrogate and his own sperm, the child would not be an orphan, would it? An orphan is someone whose parents are both dead or has been abandoned by both parents. In some cases, such a child, while living with the father, maintains a relationship with the birth mother even if it does not live with her. And surely it is better for such a child to exist than not to exist at all (at least I assume that existing is better than not existing). And not all surrogates are paid money. Some of them do it out of love for a gay friend or a gay relative.I’m a little torn on this issue myself. In general, I know that it is really harmful for a child not to have their mother or father in their life. I am adamantly against the practice of gay couples buying sperm or buying women as the case may be in order to purposefully make orphaned children because THEY want children and they FEEL they have a right to have the same as straight couples.