Hello Shelby.
I wouldn’t brag about having a gay male around school children too loudly if I were you. Many hearts are still healing from the sexual abuse of minors in and around the Church and her properties, let alone having four. Perhaps your Pastor could benefit from this little bit of wisdom from the USCCB:
Child and Youth Protection
The committee assists the bishops, both collectively and individually, on all matters related to child and youth protection, and it oversees the development of the Conference’s plans and programs for child and youth protection. The committee provides the bishops with comprehensive planning and recommendations concerning child and youth protection by coordinating the efforts of the staff and the National Review Board.
This mandate includes the following areas of responsibility: Provide support and assistance to the National Review Board, safe environment programs, diocesan audits.
1.Advising the bishops on all matters related to child and youth protection and the restoring of trust between the bishops and the Church including a sensitivity to the impact on culturally diverse communities
2.Communicating the message of the bishops of protecting young people and restoring trust to the entire Catholic community and to the public
3.Studying issues of significance related to the mandate of the committee
4.Being in relationship with and providing consultation to bishops and their dioceses
5.Being in relationship with outside organizations, the Holy See, and other episcopal conferences
1.With the National Review Board for the implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and research studies
2.With targeted committees and offices of the USCCB, especially the Committees on Canonical Affairs and Church Governance; Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations; Evangelization and Catechesis; and Catholic Education
3.With the Holy See and other episcopal conferences
4.With the dioceses of the United States
5.With targeted national organizations and governmental bodies
Committee for the Protection of Children and Young People