I cannot understand your point of view, even so, I am interested. Would you mind answering a few questions? (in case you do, here they are):The Roman Catholic Church does not consider homosexuals, in general, to be “evil”. The Church considers their actions to be DISORDERED.
I do not need an organized religion to tell me that homosexuality is disordered or unnatural.
Homosexual acts ARE EVIL. While there may be a few homosexuals who are able to fight their temptations or eventually return to a heterosexual lifestyle…the majority freely engage in deviant and dangerous sexual practices.
The Catholic Church has paid a price for covering up this EVIL.
- Do you think homosexuality it’s like a disease that must be cured?
- If so, do you think that by prayer homosexual feelings will just go away in time ?
- If you think that when 2 gay people are intimate, they are actually hurting other people directly or indirectly, how does that manifest? (this is my understanding of evil, the deliberate act of harm over an innocent, that much simplified).
I, myself, have nothing against them, but I am curious of your point of view.