Is Joe Biden pro-life or pro-choice?

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He’s pro choice.

No matter what he says about being ‘personally opposed’ he supports legislation that provides for abortion.

It’s terrible.
You are correct. To be more precise, Biden now stands for whatever the Democratic Party establishment tells him to stand for. He would go back and renounce his own past if the democratic establishment deems so.
Precisely this. Going all the way back to Joe Lieberman people running for the highest office have a change of heart and go pro choice after talks with the national party. Whether you like the Dems or not this is a real requirement for their Presidential candidates; arguably more (a bit) than being nominally pro life is for a Republican. They demand doctrinal purity on this.

I haven’t voted for either party in a long time; but in the rare (once) circumstance I had a chance to vote for a real pro life Democrat I did; and that was at a point when I rarely voted anything but Republican.
I agree with you that I’d prefer that many pro life politicians were more considerate towards the poor; but there is a difference between dehumanizing a class of people and allowing that class’s active murder and allowing conditions which might end up in death and suffering.
And in the US why do not the same politicians use the power of the state to provide the essentials children need to overcome unnecessary child mortality as an absolute priority?
They do! Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Child welfare, all are aimed at this. It might not be enough, or efficient, but it is there and is hardly paltry. Politicians of varying parties do better and worse than this (in my State the Republicans are terrible, generally not, in my opinion, giving enough help to the poor. That said, President Obama’s rules about school lunches disallowed a former school practice whereby uneaten food was allowed to go home to kids. It wasn’t intentional but it did happen.).
Was this actually directed at me? I’m not sure what this has to do with what I said.
Biden is so pro choice that he has been denied communion for it.

Also, Hunter Biden is struggling to be pro life in supporting his own child.
Biden has consistently presented himself as pro-choice throughout his career.
Not only is he pro-abortion, he is more pro-abortion now than when he started the race

Before the race, he supported Hyde Amendment, which forbids forcing tax payers (including pro life Catholics) to fund abortion

Now, he opposes Hyde Amendment and thus supports forcing tax payers (including pro life Catholics) to fund abortion

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Public statement from last summer

There are many other public statements you can find.
He changed his position days after that clip to support forcing taxpayer funded abortions

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A politician will “always” do what is most popular among the majority of voters.
In my lifetime, I have not know a POTUS who is against abortion. They have all approved abortion to some point.

However, you and I have had that discussion many, many times before.
In my lifetime, I have not know a POTUS who is against abortion. They have all approved abortion to some point.

However, you and I have had that discussion many, many times before.
But one problem with that, you nor I define what pro-life is but except for ourselves.

I know, I am not making morally false equivalents with what is at stake.

When we look how killing someone is dealt with, we have 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, manslaughter and even self defense, these are not loopholes. This is the legal system and just because we may stand on one side or the other, to accuse some of making loopholes seems disingenuous and I think unkind and smacks of libel as well. People are trying to do their best. If you don’t care for one party, that’s not their fault.

It’s pretty clear too, voting Democrat overwhelmingly, is voting for Planned Parenthood.

One can reject voting guides too, but the voting guides I have seen speak of voting for the most pro-life candidate, not the perfect pro-life candidate. I think insisting on this is not only unrealistic but a plain cop-out.

In the end, nobody can deny that the Democrat party is extremely subservient to Planned Parenthood who could even be called a puppet master of sorts.

Katrina Jackson of Louisiana, a Democrat sponsored the anti-abortion bill that has been in the news with the Supreme Court, if I arrogantly, look at it, and say “Hey, there’s exceptions here and they are loopholes”, I think that callousness should be seen for what it is and that I am not really taking any kind of pro-life position.
Pretty sure we have had this discussion before.

I define “Pro Life” as a broad term, to me, it is more than “placing some limits on abortions”.
My simple question: is he pro-life or pro-choice?
Let’s not mince words…he’s pro-abortion!
I’m a liberal and I don’t know anyone that’s pro-abortion. No one is happy to see it done.

But I know thousands that are pro-choice. Women cannot be made slaves to their wombs.
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Joe’s stance of being personally against it but politically for it stems from a perspective many don’t understand. It’s as follows;

“This is my personal view, but you should be free to make your own choice. My view shouldn’t control you.”

This radical thought used to be called liberty…
The problem is when choices directly harm or obstruct (in this case, actually terminate) other human lives. Liberty depends on life or else it is merely another form of “might makes right” and negates itself.
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Hi, Joe Biden is for Planned Parenthood and both terms is one in the same. God won’t allow him to become President of the United States as God is holding back the Evil one who must shortly come on the World stage, read 2 Thessalonians 2.
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