Is Joe Biden pro-life or pro-choice?

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The problem is with your question. Those wanting a total ban on abortion are not really pro life…they are pro foetus, but they are not pro-mother’s life. Likewise those who are pro-choice use similarly circular arguments. I suspect Biden is what I would call “real pro life” which means that he doesn’t believe in having abortions like haircuts like so many in our society today…that is intrinsically evil. However, in the case of the mother’s life vs the life of the foetus (which is a lot more common than people care to admit…about 1/3 of all abortions in the US), whether it’s due to ectopic pregnancy, atypical pregnancy or suicide due to rape/incest, he probably believes it’s up to that family to decide for themselves. That is the true pro-life and pro-choice viewpoint IMO. …so from that perspective, both…
I’m a liberal and I don’t know anyone that’s pro-abortion.
The doctors who perform the abortions are pro-abortion as long as they get paid…take money out of the equation and it changes the picture. I’ve seen pro-life doctors donate their time at Birthcare clinics.
Anyone who has taken a developmental animal biology course knows that life begins at conception.Again, take money out of the equation, and you’d be hard-pressed to find a doctor willing to perform an abortion.
Women cannot be made slaves to their wombs.
My simple question: is he pro-life or pro-choice?
Let’s not mince words…he’s pro-abortion!
I’m a liberal and I don’t know anyone that’s pro-abortion. No one is happy to see it done.

But I know thousands that are pro-choice. Women cannot be made slaves to their wombs.
Children cannot be made slaves to their parents.
It’s a child, not a choice.

Your response seems to involve shaming people.

And yes, many women come to regret their abortion, 2 lives destroyed as some say.

Carrying a child is like slavery, that is truly an ill-conceived argument per elsewhere I saw on the page. How about the previous choices involved? Make the baby pay?

Is this British English that is being used? The USA is a bit primitive in that we have full term abortions, up to birth and even after is a subject of discussion.

A number of countries at least, ban it after 12 weeks or first. First trimester. US law puts us in the same category as North Korea. Pretty pitiful really.

US abortion is just barbaric and it is inflicted on minorities disproportionately.

Let’s get to the truth of the matter and I don’t mean your post in particular but a lot of the arguments that smack of feminism.

Liberals then, should cowboy-up to what they are supporting, about half of black babies being eliminated in this way, abortionists doing this to African-American teenage girls, reality check.

Not feminist-talk about slavery, how offensive really, Susan B. Anthony is considered a pioneer feminist and she was pro-life.
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I’m a liberal and I don’t know anyone that’s pro-abortion. No one is happy to see it done.

But I know thousands that are pro-choice. Women cannot be made slaves to their wombs.
And I know thousands are pro-life. What you are saying is just what feminist say. Susan B. Anthony was a pioneering feminist and pro-life.

And also, the disproportions of minority abortion rates, Planned Parenthood putting their clinics in minority neighborhoods, even aborting as much as half of black babies conceived hardly seems to me to be some sort of admirable liberal principle.
Would you point me to this in official Church teaching, please?
And now we see Chuck Schumer with his little speech on Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. It might not even be enough to say, Planned Parenthood is a special interest of the Democrat party, they are almost the Democrat Party, staffers of Senators and Representatives, Senator Tina Smith, a former Planned Parenthood director. It’s a shame that they get millions of tax payer dollars and then, even make political endorsements. Very unfair.
Regrettably, a woman must always have complete and total control over her body. It’s a fundamental, completely non-negotiable point.

Thus being pro-choice is the only moral option.

People who are also pro life should advocate programs that dont make women, particularly poor women, scared of pregnancy.
Against any drugs involuntarily taken? Absolutely!
My point was if a woman should have complete control over her body shouldn’t it be legal for her to put whatever she wants into it?
I think we should do what we can to influence her from making that poor decision.
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Depends on who you ask. If you ask a Libertarian no. if you ask a traditional Conservative Republican yes.
I think the morality of taking recreational drugs is very very subjective. And I think a woman’s autonomy over her own body is not subjective.

I like to drink on occasion. That’s absolutely a drug. So I don’t know.
Regrettably, a woman must always have complete and total control over her body. It’s a fundamental, completely non-negotiable point.

Thus being pro-choice is the only moral option.
Why is it the only moral option? Because women will harm themselves unless the state allows doctors to terminate her pregnancy?

That’s the only possible justification I can see. And it’s a grim one. Does providing abortion services save lives, or not? I think, in the end, it does not. More girls are aborted than women are saved.
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A woman who doesn’t have autonomy over her body is, by rule, enslaved.

Slavery is immoral and illegal.
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