Before I was married (i.e., no outlet) and when I was younger (stronger urges than now), this was an area of much concern for me and I discovered that when it comes to confessors, there is no consistency when it comes to mastubation. I confessed the act to one priest who told me that it was a mortal sin and gave me a HUGE penance to perform. I went to another priest who told me that it wasn’t a sin and I didn’t even have to bother confessing it.
This brings up an interesting question: Christ said that whatever they loosen on earth will be loosen in heaven and whatever they bind on earth will be bound in heaven.
Does it go with the first one to pass judgement? The last one to pass judgement? A majority vote?
I received the following written reply from a Monsignor in charge of religious education at a Catholic University that I attended when I wrote to him about this subject: *" … There is much contraversy about mastubation in the Church today. The original doctrine making it a mortal sin came from an interpretation of Genesis 38 in which Onan was obliged to marry his dead brother’s wife and give her children in his brother’s name. But, instead of completely the act with her, he withdrew and spilled his seed on the ground. *
Today, many in the Church say it was not the spilling of the seed that was a sin, but the act of not giving his sister-in-law an opportunity to conceive. It’s safe to say that most confessors today do not consider it to be a sin … "
It is very confusing when the generals from headquarters (Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, etc.) say one thing and the captains & sergeants in the field (the priests ministering to the faithful) give a different message to the troops.