I agree with Lance–this thread has gotten off topic. Please return to the original thread topic. Thank you, everyone.
Leo XIII (1884) expressly states:
No doubt, Mozart was among those described in the bolded segment. Does this mean I can enjoy his music now?What we say, must be understood of the Masonic sect in the universal acceptation of the term, as it comprises all kindred and associated societies, but not of their single members. **There may be persons amongst these, and not a few, who, although not free from the guilt of having entangled themselves in such associations, yet are neither themselves partners in their criminal acts nor aware of the ultimate object which these associations are endeavouring to attain. **Similarly some of the several bodies of the association may perhaps by no means approve of certain extreme conclusions, which they would consistently accept as necessarily following from the general principles common to all, were they not deterred by the vicious character of the conclusions.
Yes… but even still during this century there was a lot of controversy regarding this. It was not clear to many at that point, and obviously Mozart and many of the Catholics who were Freemasons during that time were not excommunicated. Why? Because it still apparently wasn’t clearly stated. Otherwise, his Bishop in Salzburg (who didn’t have much love for Mozart) and the Bishop in Vienna would have done much to get him excommunicated. Those who do know much about Mozart’s life and faith agree that his devotion as a Catholic and his faith in God was what drove his life. I just finished reading a biography on him. Towards the end of his life, things were starting to get hotly debated regarding the Freemasons. It’s one of the reasons why he collaborated to compose “The Magic Flute” - a farce and commentary on society like almost all of his operas.
Have you read posts #51, 53? Please show how it says the music of sects/cults that are anti-Christian is good listening? Read then Post, not the opposite, that would be counterproductive to this thread. Let me know if you need the links to the Papal documents you require.This thread has denigrated into an argument over Freemasonry. No one including you St Isidore can show me one thing in the Catachism or papel documents that forbids one from listening to Mozart. If you don’t want to listen to him don’t listen but just because you are being closed mineded about it don’t try to deprive the rest of us the enjoyment of his music.