Is our relationship with God repaired by His Son?

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Do you feel and think that you are in Heaven?
I believe that heaven (paradise) is within us and around us but we must be In Christ to see this. That’s what sharing life with God is about. 1 John 4:4 is true.
Suffering doesn’t heal a wound instead it make it worst.
Suffering in itself doesn’t harm or heal. It does *indicate *harm or loss (real or perceived) or fear of those things; but sometimes we have to undergo violence under one aspect in order to experience healing under another. A surgeon, for example, may remove things from my body, and it may hurt, but he is helping me. Similarly, because of the disorder in our souls, we have to undergo a sort of pain or loss in order to correct it. The will, instead of governing the passions, is dominated by them. We are inclined to temporary pleasures at the wrong time, in the wrong context, and too much of them, as ends in themselves. Suffering gives us a unique opportunity to practice humility and faith, moderation and self-sacrifice, which counter-balance our disordered tendencies, and over time corrects them.
Garden??? What are you talking about, Garden??? If we were in that Garden, you would have none to call you to the open arms of the Father in Heaven.
We are here, once we become Catholic, to be the open arms you yourself are seeking from God - to be light and salt and a city on a hill for people like you looking for the open arms.

When you become one of us, you are taking one that same mission to be light for all to see where they can find God with open arms.

The sons of God do the work of God; they are exactly like their Father, doing what he does, and exactly like the Son, mourning over those called who do not will to answer and come. The work of God is to announce, to call, and to welcome those who come to him and to give them life in his Name.

So, again, Come and become one of his People, be Baptized and confirmed; frequent the Sacraments.
I am sorry but what you said is not a proper answer to my question. So I repeat my question: Why we should be here for fault of other?
There is suffering that children experience that is not due to any personal fault but that arises as a result of the actions of their parents, and sometimes these may be lifelong.

Some humans will freely choose charity over malice and be in the state of grace at the end of their life. They in the state of grace will merit and if so at the end of life, will retain the merit from their entire life.
God can reduce this suffering by opening the sky and taking us to Heaven. You are evading my question: Why we should be held here for the crime our parents committed?
He heals me spiritually and physically. Jesus is Our Divine Physician who can do more than any physician on earth can do. Jesus surrounds me in love even in my darkest days.
Do you really feel and see Him?
I believe that heaven (paradise) is within us and around us but we must be In Christ to see this. That’s what sharing life with God is about. 1 John 4:4 is true.
You are with Christ and don’t see it.
Suffering in itself doesn’t harm or heal. It does *indicate *harm or loss (real or perceived) or fear of those things; but sometimes we have to undergo violence under one aspect in order to experience healing under another. A surgeon, for example, may remove things from my body, and it may hurt, but he is helping me. Similarly, because of the disorder in our souls, we have to undergo a sort of pain or loss in order to correct it. The will, instead of governing the passions, is dominated by them. We are inclined to temporary pleasures at the wrong time, in the wrong context, and too much of them, as ends in themselves. Suffering gives us a unique opportunity to practice humility and faith, moderation and self-sacrifice, which counter-balance our disordered tendencies, and over time corrects them.
There is no disorder in soul of a child. God create the soul at the time of conception. Isn’t that correct? Therefore you cannot argue in favor of suffering this way.
Christians believe that the relationship between God and man was repaired by dying His Son on the cross. Why we are still here and suffering if that is true? Why God doesn’t show up and open His arms for us?
Because suffering is because of sin. He does open his arms, and we keep crucifying him by our sins.
God can reduce this suffering by opening the sky and taking us to Heaven. You are evading my question: Why we should be held here for the crime our parents committed?
Because thats how sin is, the guilty do not always suffer, the innocent do. Look at Jesus he had not a sin but paid for many.
Because suffering is because of sin. He does open his arms, and we keep crucifying him by our sins.
I don’t see if He opens His arms toward me. Have you seen? That is only a part of your belief.
Because thats how sin is, the guilty do not always suffer, the innocent do. Look at Jesus he had not a sin but paid for many.
You are evading my question too. Why we should be held here for the crime our parents committed? God can simply open the sky and takes innocents to Him.
There is no disorder in soul of a child. God create the soul at the time of conception. Isn’t that correct? Therefore you cannot argue in favor of suffering this way.
If the soul is created in perfect harmony with God, that is true; however, Adam as head of the human race forfeited that grace for all mankind. Consequently we are conceived without it. Personal sin only compounds the disorder already present due to original sin. (Baptism restores sanctifying grace, but does not instantly repair all the damage that original sin causes; consequently we must repeat acts of virtue to achieve the inner harmony that grace makes possible.)
If the soul is created in perfect harmony with God, that is true; however, Adam as head of the human race forfeited that grace for all mankind. Consequently we are conceived without it. Personal sin only compounds the disorder already present due to original sin. (Baptism restores sanctifying grace, but does not instantly repair all the damage that original sin causes; consequently we must repeat acts of virtue to achieve the inner harmony that grace makes possible.)
I am sorry that I have to mostly repeat myself. There is no disorder in soul of a child. God creates the soul at the time of conception. Isn’t that correct? Therefore there is no compounds related to original sin within our souls unless God does it in purpose. Does that make sense that God does create a soul with problem related to original sin? Those pure souls have nothing to do with the original sin.
There is no disorder in soul of a child. God create the soul at the time of conception. Isn’t that correct? Therefore you cannot argue in favor of suffering this way.
Catholic teaching is that except for Adam and Eve, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Jesus Christ, all human souls were created without Sanctifying Grace.

St. John Chrysostom, Baptismal Instruction 3:6. (Ancient Christian Writers, p. 57)
“You have seen how numerous are the gifts of baptism. Although many men think that the only gift it confers is the remission of sins, we have counted its honors to the number of ten. It is on this account that we baptize even infants, although they are sinless, that they may be given the further gifts of sanctification, justice, filial adoption, and inheritance, that they may be brothers and members of Christ, and become dwelling places of the Spirit.”
I am sorry but what you said is not a proper answer to my question. So I repeat my question: Why we should be here for fault of other?
Oooh; but I always answer what is proper to your questions, what you need to hear - we are here to provide open arms for the other,

That is what the love of a Father is for a Son.
We (the Citizens of the Church) are not here to suffer FOR other’s fault, nor did Jesus.
We are here suffering so that others have a place to come to, a person to come to, the Church to come to and receive adoption as sons, themselves.

You have to figure out why you are here, the world.

But, there is no Garden where people play happily like children forever without pain.
There is no disorder in soul of a child. God create the soul at the time of conception. Isn’t that correct? Therefore you cannot argue in favor of suffering this way.
The disorder is not “in the soul” - the disorder is that the soul is not master of the body so that all actuality happening in and with the body is not moved by right reason, but is happening without consultation of the intellect.
It is the composite of soul and body that is not working together per the ordering of right reason. Instead there is contention.

It is with the Gift of Grace infused, infused Virtues, that there is capacity to overcome the contention. That is the new birth given by the Church when it baptizes the individual.
In the Garden of Eden, there were TWO trees
mentioned. The Tree of the Knowledge of
good and evil and the Tree of Life. Our first
ancestor chose wrongly and ate of the for-
bidden fruit and thus had damaged the
relationship they had w/ God, their Maker.
They were then banished from the Garden.
However in another Garden, the Garden
of Gethsemane, Jesus, God’s Son made
one right choice and chose to BE the
fruit of the Tree of Life, the Cross and
those who eat of Him will be restored or
repaired into a right relationship w/ God.
So, you too have a choice to remain in
separation w/ your Maker or take of the
Fruit of the Tree of Life and be reconciled
to the God, who loves us and provided
the Bread of Life from the Fruit of the Cross,
which is the broken body of Jesus, whose
sacrifice we perpetuate in the Eucharist
in the Catholic Church every time we
celebrate mass.
You are with Christ and don’t see it.
YES I see and feel Jesus especially in the Eucharist. Come on fellow, what we say is not meaningless or based on ‘your’ perception because you have not come to the Truth of God, ‘yet’. But there is always ‘hope’ and prayer that one day you will see God. God is everywhere but most especially can be seen in the Holy Eucharist. That was the Great Gift that God gave us when He died on the cross.
Oooh; but I always answer what is proper to your questions, what you need to hear - we are here to provide open arms for the other,

That is what the love of a Father is for a Son.
We (the Citizens of the Church) are not here to suffer FOR other’s fault, nor did Jesus.
We are here suffering so that others have a place to come to, a person to come to, the Church to come to and receive adoption as sons, themselves.

You have to figure out why you are here, the world.

But, there is no Garden where people play happily like children forever without pain.
So it was a part of God’s plan?
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