Is our relationship with God repaired by His Son?

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You are evading my question too. Why we should be held here for the crime our parents committed? God can simply open the sky and takes innocents to Him.
where do you get that we are held here for the crimes our parents committed? This is untrue
where do you get that we are held here for the crimes our parents committed? This is untrue
Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden because of eating the fruit. We are here in the same place therefore we are punished for the crime that we have never made, eating the fruit.
I am sorry that I have to mostly repeat myself. There is no disorder in soul of a child. God creates the soul at the time of conception. Isn’t that correct? Therefore there is no compounds related to original sin within our souls unless God does it in purpose. Does that make sense that God does create a soul with problem related to original sin? Those pure souls have nothing to do with the original sin.
False dilemma. Grace, by definition, is not owed to the recipient, but is pure gift. If God withholds sanctifying grace from men because the father of men forfeited that grace, He does us no injustice. Yet God offers grace, not at natural conception but at our spiritual rebirth.
Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden because of eating the fruit. We are here in the same place therefore we are punished for the crime that we have never made, eating the fruit.
This is only partially correct. They were sent out of the garden because they disobeyed.
False dilemma. Grace, by definition, is not owed to the recipient, but is pure gift. If God withholds sanctifying grace from men because the father of men forfeited that grace, He does us no injustice. Yet God offers grace, not at natural conception but at our spiritual rebirth.
What is the spiritual rebirth?
What is the spiritual rebirth?
A person encounters Christians proclaiming the Kingdom of God, and living a life of hope and of virtue, claiming that Jesus is alive and with them. They are his body on earth.
The person wants to participate in this Kingdom, this assembly of the People of God, so he asks, “Can I be part of this? Will you baptize me and grant me Citizenship in this Kingdom that is established by God? Will you baptize me into membership in this People?”

And the Church decides whether to include you. And they then baptize you. But now in addition to just granting you physical membership, they give you the whole of participation in this God; they give you the Holy Spirit of God, breathing it onto you for you to inhale.

Not only are you united to Jesus, but Jesus pours his whole being into you when the priest baptizes you. Then you are “reborn”, meaning you are a new creature, having additional qualities of Grace and Virtue illuminating your soul so that you can see and do what you could not see and do before.

Grace is like a spiritual light shining and infusing your soul like the sunlight infuses and brightens the sky on a cloudy day (you can’t see the sun, but it is light out). The Virtues are like “frequencies of light” that make colors visible to your eyes, but the Virtues are “frequencies” that make virtuous choices or dispositions visible to your intellect and will. You can now see that certain things are true that you could not see before, and you can see that you will achieve union with God and know all things in him, and you can now see how good he is and love him, and you can now see that other people actually come from him and now desire to have them participate in this goodness.

THat is the new birth.
You think you are just joining with other Christians, but you are then (through the action of God) joined to participate in his divinity, with him enlightening you.
The other posters are trying to say, STT,
you must have FAITH to SEE that Jesus’
death and resurrection celebrated in the
Eucharist is the means of repairing our
broken relationship w/ the heavenly Fat-
her, BUT we will never be able to be healed
of our brokenness until we acknowledge
that we live in a broken world and are our-
selves broken in our consciences AND
relationships. The Catholic Church IMHO
is the BEST means to find that “born again”
experience so that we may enter in to the
Kingdom of God. John 3:3
Baptism, by water or of desire.
Ok, great. Lets accept that that is true. Now lets go back to the basic question in OP: Why we are still here if the relationship is repaired? We should be in the Garden, shouldn’t we? Instead we are here, doing sins constantly and then confess. Satan and His army have their tools on us! We are suffering. Do all this make sense to you?
Ok, great. Lets accept that that is true. Now lets go back to the basic question in OP: Why we are still here if the relationship is repaired?
Though repairqa our relationship must be perfected. We must learn to love as God loves.
We should be in the Garden, shouldn’t we?
How do you know we are not? We each must pass the test that is represented by the garden.
Instead we are here, doing sins constantly and then confess. Satan and His army have their tools on us! We are suffering. Do all this make sense to you?
It may not make sense, but Jesus promised that He would be with us while we suffer.
I don’t see if He opens His arms toward me. Have you seen? That is only a part of your belief.
I don’t understand this question, could you ask it another way. Thanks
Suffering doesn’t heal a wound instead it make it worst.
Why are you so preoccupied with suffering? Maybe this preoccupation influences your view of the world.
If all of life were suffering you might have a point.
Have you ever have any spiritual experience which you see a vision of Father opening his arms for you?
Sir God is love and truth, can you see love? Well yes you can, you can see love in nature, in another persons eyes, in Creation, and most certainly Love Comforts us especially when we suffer…Love fills us up with Goodness and light and joy and everything that we need in order to help us with our suffering. Suffering brings us closer to God if we can let it or we can just choose to wallow in our suffering… I prefer to have God wrap His big arms around me… 🙂 We most certainly can see God in the Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the great gift God gave us when he suffered and died for us.
It may not make sense, but Jesus promised that He would be with us while we suffer.
It does makes sense ( but maybe not to STT)… Jesus loves us and didn’t want us to be without Him. It wouldn’t make sense if Jesus left us on our own without any help from God. A friend wouldn’t do that. A friend stays loyal and God is very Loyal to us. God is faithful where many friends are not.
Ok, great. Lets accept that that is true. Now lets go back to the basic question in OP: Why we are still here if the relationship is repaired? We should be in the Garden, shouldn’t we? Instead we are here, doing sins constantly
Why would we have to sin constantly? Don’t you think it’s possible that people live a good life as best they can? There’s joy in living a clean life so why not go for joy?
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