Is Pope Francis right on climate change?

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Is this before or after they manipulated the numbers?
Oh Bob. Bob Bob… you are convinced they manipulated numbers that’s always what it comes down to, the scientists are lying so I suppose we’re done talking. Have a good day and God bless you!!
Oh Bob. Bob Bob… you are convinced they manipulated numbers that’s always what it comes down to, the scientists are lying so I suppose we’re done talking. Have a good day and God bless you!!
You are aware that NASA manipulated the numbers aren’t you? They didn’t try to hide it.
I’m sorry ferd but I’m not following it very well.
Hi Karen,

The staunch defender of the climate science establishment led by the IPCC that you be, I was wondering if trust in their testimony has been affected by the revelations in Dr. Pachauri’s cross-examination in posts 166, 171, 195, 200, 207,208, 296, and 312.

You are aware that NASA manipulated the numbers aren’t you? They didn’t try to hide it.
Of course they didn’t hide it. They often have to correct the data so it more actually reflects reality and is more valid. Nothing new there.

Sometimes the correction is downwards and sometime upwards.

No one except people who really don’t know how science is done is objecting to scientists adjusting the data. Sheesh. Get over it already.

Here are plenty of good rebuttals to your myth that warming is made up from manipulated data –

And here is an explanation by a climate scientist:

However, if you don’t believe the thermometer data and their corrections, then there are plenty of other indicators that warming is happening…such as disappearing arctic ice, glaciers, and ice and snow cover around the world. Seasonal shifts for plants and animals. 1000s of scientists are documenting such changes that go well beyond temperature data. The science behind AGW is quite robust from many different angles.
I can tell you we’ve had a rise in tornadic activity. Just the other day another touch down in northern Michigan and almost hit my friends. I’m tired of going into the basement. I"m tired of calling my son who lives an hour away from me in tornado alley. I’m sorry for the man who lost his life the other day in a weather related event and the warnings… I’m wish I didn’t hear about all the storms my relatives are having in Texas during hurricane season. It’s not rain rain rain it’s storm storm STORM! NOAA confirms I’m right!
It is the attribution of tornadoes to AGW that is problematic, not that they are occurring.
It is the attribution of tornadoes to AGW that is problematic, not that they are occurring.
Tornadoes ARE problematic!!

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I can tell you that in the midwest our tornadoes are caused by the gulf stream waters which are warming so more tornadoes in the middle section of the country. That’s also why Louisiana and Florida and we are getting so flooded. Warmer water evaporates more easily , combined with heat energy, lifts and comes ashore causing more either hurricanes or tornadoes, even more winter storms which we’ve also been seeing.

two winters ago we saw more violent and extreme snowstorms than I’ve ever seen in my whole life, and I’ve always lived here. They called them polar vortexes and they happened time after time… The storms were like a mixture of violent summer storms and winterstorms, meaning we saw fronts and had snow thunder associated with the fronts. And we had subzero temps associated with them which is highly unusual for snow. The drifts were everywhere and there was nowhere to put the snow because there was so much of it.

A few years before that winter in Wisconsin where my sister was was so bad the roads were impassable so they brought in trucks from Minneapolis which would blow the snow up and over passed the side of the road because the road was disappearing. And the snows stayed much later than normal.
All the winter snow melts and spring and early summer rains have contributed to rising rivers and a massive flooding problem in Illinois! I kid you not this has been crazy!!

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And ask yourself what do the people do when the water comes in their basements and they don’t have flood insurance or any means to deal with this. In Chicago they’ve made it so the Chicago river flows in reverse so when it rains like this they open up some locks to release water and then it backs up in the basement of some areas where theres not alot of affluency. Illinois has tried to fix the problem by making deep tunnels to collect the water but it’s not working as well as they’d like. Now they’re talking about utilizing an old quarry to help. Its ’ still not going to help with all the local flooding because there’s no where for the water that’s coming down so quickly to go but in peoples homes. And then California has been experiencing drought that is causing wildfires.
Of course they didn’t hide it. They often have to correct the data so it more actually reflects reality and is more valid. Nothing new there.

Sometimes the correction is downwards and sometime upwards.

No one except people who really don’t know how science is done is objecting to scientists adjusting the data. Sheesh. Get over it already.

Here are plenty of good rebuttals to your myth that warming is made up from manipulated data –

And here is an explanation by a climate scientist:

However, if you don’t believe the thermometer data and their corrections, then there are plenty of other indicators that warming is happening…such as disappearing arctic ice, glaciers, and ice and snow cover around the world. Seasonal shifts for plants and animals. 1000s of scientists are documenting such changes that go well beyond temperature data. The science behind AGW is quite robust from many different angles.
I agree they change it dated reflective t their reality. The reality was a world wasn’t warming. But they were heavily invested in a reality that it was. So presto-chango let’s ramp that temperatures up to reflect their reality. The global warming myth is going to so seriously damage the credibility of scientists it will take generations for people to trust them again. And it is sad that the church has involved themselves in this as our enemies will use this, as they have used the Gallileo incident for 500 years, to tell us how we’re just a bunch of superstitious simpletons who have no place in the real world
I agree they change it dated reflective t their reality. **The reality was a world wasn’t warming. **But they were heavily invested in a reality that it was. So presto-chango let’s ramp that temperatures up to reflect their reality. The global warming myth is going to so seriously damage the credibility of scientists it will take generations for people to trust them again. And it is sad that the church has involved themselves in this as our enemies will use this, as they have used the Gallileo incident for 500 years, to tell us how we’re just a bunch of superstitious simpletons who have no place in the real world
But that’s not true! You’re letting a myth that our world isn’t suffering the effect of AGW bring you into inaction. Just like people said that Galileo was wrong. As Christians we have the responsibility to speak out against injustices to the poor and destruction of our world due to what we’re doing. Love God and Love One Another, we can’t love either if we don’t do our part in protecting the environment that we live in.
The entire climate science establishment led by the IPCC has been utterly discredited and is unworthy of belief. We certainly shouldn’t rely on their conclusions to formulate public policy. People of good will and who love the truth and the common good, including our Pontiff, need to reject climate activism.

Why shouldn’t we trust the climate science establishment led by the IPCC? It is corrupt. Those aren’t my words, but those of Richard Lindzen, a prominent atmospheric physicist from MIT.

How can an entire scientific field be corrupt? There is no single explanation, but we can begin by noting the disturbing trend towards “post-normal” science which encourages political activism by scientists. “Noble cause corruption” helps explain the conduct of some. (“A little dishonesty here and there is justified because we are saving the planet.”) Dwight Eisenhower’s farewell speech is famous for his dire warnings about the “military industrial complex.” Not so well known is his warning about the danger of becoming captive to a “scientific-technological elite,” which seems to describe very well what has happened in the United States. Of course, there is money and greed. Today no one gets funded saying global warming isn’t a problem. Finally, there is the corrupting influence of the IPCC.
But that’s not true! You’re letting a myth that our world isn’t suffering the effect of AGW bring you into inaction. Just like people said that Galileo was wrong. As Christians we have the responsibility to speak out against injustices to the poor and destruction of our world due to what we’re doing. Love God and Love One Another, we can’t love either if we don’t do our part in protecting the environment that we live in.
I don’t know where you got the idea that I wasn’t taking action to protect the environment. P I am disappointed that we wasting trillions of dollars chasing this myth down that could be spent much better on real threats to the environment . Do you have any idea how much help the $500 million given to Solyndra would have been to Third World countries trying to provide clean drinking water for their citizens ? Don’t you believe the money wasted giving credits to people to put windmills in their yards and drive electric cars could have been much better used fighting deforestation ?
I didn’t talk about weather, I talked about global temperature…

Oh so the world is not cooling! That’s no surprise because it’s WARMING!
What makes discussing this topic with you so frustrating is that you won’t take a position and stick with it. Here you assert that global temperatures are still warming (present tense) while in an earlier post (#260) you cited several sources acknowledging that it is in fact not warming, that we are in a “pause”.

Why can’t you admit what even AGW scientists acknowledge: there is presently no warming and hasn’t been any for about 18 years? This, by the way, is the consensus view.

Tornadoes ARE problematic!!
If you did not know what I meant, remember what I said earlier:
The number of tornadoes, per month, year, decade, by type, etc., has been affected by different reporting methods over the years. There are recent studies that claim that after reporting bias adjustments there is a slight negative, slight positive, and no trend observed since 1950. This was pointed out in the public comments of the 2014 draft of the National Climate Assessment.

This means evidence that AGW is responsible for increased frequency, magnitude or damage caused by tornadoes during the reporting period is equivocal at best, and most likely not at all.
This argument is valid for all kinds of weather events. I am sorry you are enduring this, but to blame it on AGW is not a proposition that is realistic.
All the winter snow melts and spring and early summer rains have contributed to rising rivers and a massive flooding problem in Illinois! I kid you not this has been crazy!!

And ask yourself what do the people do when the water comes in their basements and they don’t have flood insurance or any means to deal with this. In Chicago they’ve made it so the Chicago river flows in reverse so when it rains like this they open up some locks to release water and then it backs up in the basement of some areas where theres not alot of affluency. Illinois has tried to fix the problem by making deep tunnels to collect the water but it’s not working as well as they’d like. Now they’re talking about utilizing an old quarry to help. Its ’ still not going to help with all the local flooding because there’s no where for the water that’s coming down so quickly to go but in peoples homes. And then California has been experiencing drought that is causing wildfires.
From the 2014 National Climate Assessment Report, “Climate Change Impacts in the United States”, Appendix 3, Climate Science Supplement, Supplemental Message 9, P770:

“The data on the number and intensity of severe thunderstorm phenomena (including tornadoes, thunderstorm winds, and hail) are not of sufficient quality to determine whether there have been historical trends. (119) This scarcity of high quality data, combined with the fact that these phenomena are too small to be directly represented in climate models, (131) makes it difficult to project how these storms might change in the future.”

*(119) Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge, from the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

(131) Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Heat Waves, Cold Waves, floods and Droughts in the United States: State of Knowledge, from the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

In other words, they don’t know.
From the 2014 National Climate Assessment Report, “Climate Change Impacts in the United States”, Appendix 3, Climate Science Supplement, Supplemental Message 9, P770:

In other words, they don’t know.
Nice citation that once again shows the difference betweenwhat the public has been led to believe the scientists are saying, and what the scientists have actually said.

It is the attribution of tornadoes to AGW that is problematic, not that they are occurring.
“Attribution science” is improving by leaps and bounds. Ten years ago they used to say, “We cannot say if this particular hurricane was made more forceful by climate change, we can only say that climate change is making hurricanes in general more forceful, or the dice are now loaded for those types of extreme weather events” – which itself, vague as it was about specific storms, should have been plenty to get people to start reducing their GHG emissions … at least those people concerned about life on earth.

Now they can actually attribute such things as particular droughts, heat waves, and floods to AGW at 95% confidence.

Since I’m not a scientist requiring 95% confidence that this or that storm or drought or African famine was enhanced by AGW, I attribute all of the specific extreme weather events they say that on the whole are being enhanced by AGW to AGW, including Hurricane Andrew back in 1992. I started mitigating in 1990, well before they even reached 95% confidence AGW was happening, which the first studies reached in 1995. (I’d also forgo drinking tainted orange juice even if there were only a 20% chance it would kill me.)

Eventually they will be able to go back and either attribute the increased intensity of Andrew to AGW or not…maybe in 10 years.

So do y’all just want to wait it out with your heads buried in the sand before turning off lights not in use, etc.? From my perspective and the knowledge I have about what’s going on y’all are going to be proved wrong – and believe me I sincerely hope you are right and I am wrong and you can then laugh you’re heads off at me and I’ll be laughing too. It would be great!

Is it a game you’re playing, and you’ve taken your side and you’re not going to “admit defeat” no matter what, bec your “game-ego” or something is at stake? It couldn’t be money, since AGW measures overall save a great deal of money. So are you even willing to forgo the great savings from mitigating AGW just because you need to “win the game” or detest “admitting defeat”?

I really can’t figure you people out, why you would want things to continue to get worse and worse for the next 20 years – greater famines in Africa, etc – and even then claim, “Oh they’re only 98% confident AGW is real, so that means I win, bec there is 2% doubt about it and they couldn’t even attribute the storm that wiped out Podunk to AGW.”
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