Kevin Walker:
No one is asking for blind obedience, only that we accept the civil law must be obeyed, unless it contradicts the natural law.Hi fix,
Not to overly digress from the topic, but I have pondered this situation ever since forced busing began in Boston in 1974; and I cannot see the link between faith & morals and statute law (or civil law). To me they are imiscable as oil & water.
In 1974 Cardinal Medeiros said that parents were wrong not to allow their children to be forced bused into some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in New England, and the victims of forced busing feel towards Cardinal Medeiros the way sex abuse victims feel toward Cardinal Law - not very good!
Faith, morals, religion are a separate category altogether from civil law, and the blind obediance towards any authority is a sin in my opinion.
Even if they legalized marijuana, smoking it to distort your conscienous would still be immoral in my eyes (like getting drunk on purpose).