Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost?

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Your lucky i didn’t do my birthday special then. My head literally emerges from your computer screen and sings happy-birthday. I am told that while they understand my good intentions, that it is actually quite scary.😉
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Have you got the peer reviewed paper that table is out of.

in it , you are in the top 20 countries with mismanaged plastic waste 8 or 9 years ago. 192 countries were considered.

So its important to put it in the context of its peer reviewed paper. Its meaningless otherwise and simply says you are in the top 20 out of 192 countries, almost a decade ago.
I hope you are not basing your assumption on that table.
Anything space related should be kept to the big screen.
The benefits to society from space expoorarion are enormous. Just the medical benefits are worth the cost, and everything else is icing on the cake. Cell phones, GPS, telecommunications, water purification, food preservation — the list of things we enjoy that currently depend on space exploration or grew out of it is endless. And yes, the government should be involved. We’ve seen to our chagrin what happens when we turn entire segments of society over to the private sector.
Frankly it drives me up a wall when people complain about scientific research spending. First of all, we get a lot more out of “random” research than most realize.

But second, in the grand scheme of things the government spends basically nothing on scientific research: $4.4 trillion versus less than $25 billion for NASA and the NSF combined. Sure, that’s still a lot of money, but it’s like saying “oh man I can’t pay my mortgage this month. I guess I won’t buy Oreos anymore”
The more knowledge we have about Creation, that is, the universe, the more we can appreciate its Creator, God.

St. Robert Bellarmine wrote a little book called “The Mind’s Ascent to God by a Ladder of Created Things.” The second step in the ladder, after the consideration of man (created in His image) is consideration of the vast universe. He discusses how even at his time they were just beginning to learn about and explore the vastness of the Heavens, which were beginning to seem immeasurable. He asks if the the universe is so great and wonderful, how much greater still is its Creator?

Exploring the universe helps us to comprehend–even if just a little bit–the incomprehensible greatness and omnipotence of God.
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If we were asked 50 years ago if it was worth getting to low Earth orbit, the answer would be no. Now we have communication satellites, GPS, weather stations and telescopes up there.
So regarding further space exploration? Ask me in about 300 years, then I can get back to you.
A recoginition of reality! Common sense is not as common as it once was. Thank you for posting it.
Most Americans are pretty annoyed with the rest of the world thinking it’s our job to pony up the money to solve everything. When the other 19 countries agree to pay their fair share maybe it’ll get talked about. But of course, what you really mean is the US doing it singlehandedly.

Of course, if anything goes wrong with it that would also be all America’s fault. Some countries are in a nice place. They get to sit back and say “why doesn’t America do something?” Followed by “No no no don’t do THAT
Why should we clean up the mess China, india and others are making?
Because it is our ocean too, and we lose as much as anyone.

But I will add that the US spends more on pet food than the entire NASA budget. So we really aren’t spending much on space.
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man is not designed for deep space
We aren’t designed to fly either. Yet we do.
No…“we” do not fly…our bodies ride within a pressurized aircraft.
Our bodies cannot survive at altitude without pressurization and supplemental oxygen.
In outer space we are at an even more disadvantage.

NASA lists five just on the face of the hazards…

Isolation and confinement
Distance from Earth
Gravity (or lack thereof)
Hostile/closed environments

The human body is not designed for deep space travel.

Or to quote Ming the Merciless

Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here. If you had known anything about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would’ve hidden from it in terror.

It kind of shocks me at times hearing of the incredible amount spent on space exploration when there’s so much suffering and poverty in the world.
Could be…science fiction literature has often been a self fulfilling prophesy.

Of course human nature being what it is humankind would probably tear ourselves apart before we reached such an achievement.

Or maybe, just maybe…this is the way God designed it.
Maybe he wanted us to give all our focus and attention and care onto this rarest of rare little blue and green marbles…
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