So is bacteria. So are amoebas. So is poison ivy. Being alive says nothing. Why is being alive more important than any non-living chemicals?Because I’m alive,
Feelings are chemical responses. If you didn’t have feelings there would be no difference at all.I have feelings
If caring is a feeling, see above. It’s just a chemical response that evolved for no reason at all. Evolution does not care if you survive or not. It is no better for a godless universe that you are here or that you never were born. The universe doesn’t care. Evolution doesn’t care. The chemicals that accidentally formed life doesn’t care. So the fact that you have feelings that you call “care” is meaningless. It has no more value than what a rock does.and I care
Well, no. A world which was created by God, for a reason - that has people in it who are created and loved by God - is much different than the atheist world where there is no God who cares. The atheist world has no reason to exist. As I said, nothing matters at all.what you mentioned has anything to with whether there is a god or not, please be logical,
Robots and rocks are reducible to non-living, unintelligent matter (although robots require human intelligence at their origin). In the atheistic-materialist view, human beings are the same as rocks in that sense. Humans are just chemical and material formations that came into existence by a blind, accidental, unintelligent, random accident. That’s the basic foundation of atheism. There is no God who cares. Your life has no meaning, it did not need to exist for any reason at all. The fact that you are alive now is also meaningless. When you die, you return to chemicals and that is no better or worse than a living organism. It’s no better or worse than a bacterium or a virus or an insect. It’s just chemicals and molecules and formations. Like raindrops or rock formations or sand dunes.whatever the reason be for us to be here, we are here and we’re sentient, not robots or rocks, this changes nothing on that manner.
In a world created by God, human beings have a far different meaning and purpose. In fact, only if God exists does humanity have meaning and purpose.