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Do any of you know if an Athiest Org. is funding the ACLU?:mad:

What are the “religions” of the ACLU Top Brass?:mad:

Did the ACLU EVER try to help a Religious group?:mad:
I would suggest that if your inquiry is sincere, you check with the ACLU via their website. I’m sure they keep and publish a list of donors. There is probably also a way to survey their history of case involvement by topic (i.e. religion, churches). Though the names of the leading officers within the organization may be available as well–I doubt whether they identify their religious affiliation–as that is not the typical practice among either corporate or non-profit entities when listing board members or officers.
Actually the title of this thread is an insult to pagans.

Apparently the ACLU DOES occasionally support the cause of a religious person or issue. Rarely. But most of the time they are worried about such breaches of “civil liberties” as a tiny cross on a city seal. I wish they would interest themselves in the civil liberties of unborn babies!

One thing I do is vote with my feet. A few of my (formerly) favorite authors or actors appear in their ads. I then boycott all of their work.

I think the ACLU is as evil as an organization can be.

Lisa N
No, the ACLU is atheistic. At least pagans believe in A higher power, atheist reject any such notion.
ACLU fulfilling communist agenda

Every day, the headlines scream with some new threat from the American Civil Liberties Union. I believe it’s important to look behind the curtain and discover the origins of groups and organizations to better understand their activities.
The ACLU was founded in the 1920s by Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman, described as a “progressive” and “the perfect feminist.”

Earl Browder was general secretary of the Communist Party of the United States from 1930 through its dissolution in 1944. When the party was reconstituted as the Communist Political Association later that year, Browder was chosen as its president. Browder proudly proclaimed that the ACLU functioned as “a transmission belt” for the party. To deny the ACLU’s founding was attached at the hip to communist organizations is to deny what can easily be proven as truth.

For the past few decades, the ACLU has been on a major crusade to destroy Christianity in America, promote filth under “freedom of speech and expression,” and of course, vigorously defend the homosexual culture of death. On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr., D-Fla., read a list of 45 communist goals into the Congressional Record. Below are the communist goals being implemented by the ACLU in their quest to destroy America’s culture and traditions:
The ACLU’s history belongs to people like Alfred Kinsey, Margaret Sanger, and Morris Ernst who was the attorney for the Kinsey Institute, SEICUS, and Planned Parenthood. This group has contributed immensely to the decline in morals in our global society.
I agree with you. Something deep inside me is very afraid of this organization. What can we do about it?

Star a competing group, give it the same funding, membership, and support. Then meet the ACLU in court.
Call me dumb, but what’s so bad about the ACLU? It does support reproductive rights, but beyond that, what is the big deal? Remember, it even filed legal briefs in support of everyone’s buddy Rush Limbaugh when he was going through that little problem with the drugs.
kjvail said:

Another group that helps in the fight against the ACLU is the Thomas More Law Society. I’ll see if I can find a link. We definitely need to support these organizations but we can also vote with our feet and checkbooks and refuse to support the authors and actors who lend their name to this cause. I believe for example Paul Newman’s “Newman’s Own” salad dressing is used to fund his pet charities, among those of course ACLU. I don’t buy his salad dressing either. A small act but if enough people vote with their feet and checkbooks it will eventually damage them.

Honestly I am all for following the Constitution, freedom of speech and all that jazz but the ACLU has totally lost its moorings. They have a vendetta against the Boy Scouts because the Boy Scouts will not accept atheists and homosexuals. It would be one thing if the Boy Scouts were seriously interfering with civil liberties but having a club with certain requirements for membership is not the same thing. If you think about it, the same thing could be said for ANY club, that their requirements block “civil liberties” but it’s only those that reject ACLU’s pet causes that get attacked.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Another group that helps in the fight against the ACLU is the Thomas More Law Society. I’ll see if I can find a link. We definitely need to support these organizations but we can also vote with our feet and checkbooks and refuse to support the authors and actors who lend their name to this cause. I believe for example Paul Newman’s “Newman’s Own” salad dressing is used to fund his pet charities, among those of course ACLU. I don’t buy his salad dressing either. A small act but if enough people vote with their feet and checkbooks it will eventually damage them.

Honestly I am all for following the Constitution, freedom of speech and all that jazz but the ACLU has totally lost its moorings. They have a vendetta against the Boy Scouts because the Boy Scouts will not accept atheists and homosexuals. It would be one thing if the Boy Scouts were seriously interfering with civil liberties but having a club with certain requirements for membership is not the same thing. If you think about it, the same thing could be said for ANY club, that their requirements block “civil liberties” but it’s only those that reject ACLU’s pet causes that get attacked.

Lisa N
Lisa, I looked on the ACLU’s site, and, as far as I can tell, their only beef with the Boy Scouts deals with government support of that quasi-religious group. Makes sense to me. I didn’t see much to indicate a “vendetta.” Get a grip.
Lisa, I looked on the ACLU’s site, and, as far as I can tell, their only beef with the Boy Scouts deals with government support of that quasi-religious group. Makes sense to me. I didn’t see much to indicate a “vendetta.” Get a grip.
I don’t know if vendetta is the right word or not, but the ACLU has been behind:
  1. Lawsuits to get avowed homosexuals in as Scoutmasters to lead campouts with the Boy Scouts
  2. The Boy Scouts to not be given any money by the United Way (a non-government agency)
  3. The Boy Scouts to allow avowed homosexuals in as junior leaders of the organization
  4. The Boy Scouts not to be allowed to hand out fliers at public schools
  5. The Boy Scouts not to be allowed to have discounts when using public lands
  6. The Boy Scouts to allow avowed atheists in as members (even though they have an oath that asks each member to do a Duty to God).
It is a long history of pursecution (or prosecution) of the Scouts. If you really are interested go here to learn more:
I believe the Rutherford Institute also goes up against them and btw, here’s anothr target:

"…Louisiana is rejecting a complaint by the American Civil Liberties Union that the state’s website promoting premarital, sexual abstinence violates the Constitution because of its religious references.

Gov. Kathleen Blanco insisted the program complies with a federal settlement two years ago that allowed faith-based viewpoints in public discussion, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reported.

In the settlement, a federal judge ruled some aspects of Louisiana’s abstinence program unconstitutionally promoted religion and ordered the state to stop using taxpayer dollars to “convey religious messages or otherwise advance religion in any way,” the New Orleans paper said.

Defending the website, Blanco’s executive counsel, Terry Ryder, contended in a letter to the ACLU state branch that some of the specific complaints about experts invoking God were written by high school students discussing their faith.

Ryder said the website forum “ensures that young people can exercise their right to free speech on the subject of abstinence.”
My experience in the ACLU forums (boy are they fun now since Bush won hehehehe) tells me the ACLU is at least anti-Christian if not outright atheist.
On the ACLU homepage, they describe their efforts to oppose the abuse of detainees being held by the U.S. government. Do I take it that the American Center for Law & Justice and the Thomas More Law Society, being opposed to the ACLU, are in favor of such abuse?
Lisa, I looked on the ACLU’s site, and, as far as I can tell, their only beef with the Boy Scouts deals with government support of that quasi-religious group. Makes sense to me. I didn’t see much to indicate a “vendetta.” Get a grip.
I have a grip thank you and special thank you to Gilliam for posting the long litany of persecution of the Boy Scouts. Of COURSE you looked at their website and they didn’t admit to a vendetta against the Boy Scouts. Did you expect “We take special delight in trying to bankrupt troops of Boy Scouts” ?

If they were TRULY interested in civil liberties, surely there are more important things to do than make sure a bunch of ten year old boys aren’t wreaking havoc by saying they believe in a higher power and are morally straight.

Lisa N
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