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On the ACLU homepage, they describe their efforts to oppose the abuse of detainees being held by the U.S. government. Do I take it that the American Center for Law & Justice and the Thomas More Law Society, being opposed to the ACLU, are in favor of such abuse?
Did you see some evidence that the Thomas More Law Society and ACL&J are opposed to the ACLU itself? I don’t. I see them being opposed to certain actions taken by the ACLU. If they are not stepping into the Guantanamo Bay controversy perhaps they are in agreement with the ACLU on this issue.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Did you see some evidence that the Thomas More Law Society and ACL&J are opposed to the ACLU itself? I don’t. I see them being opposed to certain actions taken by the ACLU. If they are not stepping into the Guantanamo Bay controversy perhaps they are in agreement with the ACLU on this issue.

Lisa N
So, is the ACLU the problem, or are some f its positions problematic?
So, is the ACLU the problem, or are some f its positions problematic?
Were the Nazis a problem, or were some of their positions problematic? After all, they built great highways, didn’t they? And gave all kinds of people jobs. It all depends if you can convert them or not, doesn’t it? Until then, you fight them.
Were the Nazis a problem, or were some of their positions problematic? After all, they built great highways, didn’t they? And gave all kinds of people jobs. It all depends if you can convert them or not, doesn’t it? Until then, you fight them.
Do you equate the Nazis with the ACLU? Are there any simlarities?
Lisa N:
Did you see some evidence that the Thomas More Law Society and ACL&J are opposed to the ACLU itself?
I got that mainly from your statement, “Another group that helps in the fight against the ACLU is the Thomas More Law Society.”

In looking at the Thomas More Law Society webpage, they have a long list of items regarding “Protecting the Sanctity of Human Life”:
  • Pro-Life Demonstrations
  • Abortion Counseling
  • Crisis Pregnancy Centers
  • Pro-Life Clothing
  • Free Speech
  • Euthanasia
  • Physician Assisted Suicide
  • Pro-Life Displays
  • Legal Challenges to Roe v. Wade
  • Cloning
  • Right of Conscience
  • Defending Ban’s on Partial Birth Abortion
Conspicuous by its absense is any opposition to the death penalty. The ACLU, on the other hand, is working to remove the death penalty from the U.S. legal system, right in line with the Holy Father’s statements on the use of the death penalty in modern society.
Conspicuous by its absense is any opposition to the death penalty. The ACLU, on the other hand, is working to remove the death penalty from the U.S. legal system, right in line with the Holy Father’s statements on the use of the death penalty in modern society.
OK, they got 1 thing right and a hundred things wrong. So you are in favor of them because they have 1 thing right? Just like the Nazi’s and their great highways?
Wanting to promote an agenda that is anti-Christian.
Do you equate the Nazis with the Buddhists and Hindus? Are there any simlarities?
OK, they got 1 thing right and a hundred things wrong. So you are in favor of them because they have 1 thing right? Just like the Nazi’s and their great highways?
I’m just wondering whether the ACLU is really as bad as all the Republican sycophants make it out to be. Personally, I think that any organization that fights the indefinite detainment of U.S. citizens without access to their attorneys can’t be all bad.

Given that making Nazi analogies is the last refuge of those who have run out of rational arguments, it may very well be that the ACLU is just misguided on a few issues (e.g., pro-choice).
I’m just wondering whether the ACLU is really as bad as all the Republican sycophants .
Are you calling me a psycophath? An apology is probably in order.

Any organization that has done as much harm as the ACLU has to Christianity and other values based organizations in the US is a bad organization. Any organization which has promoted atheism and homosexual behavior as the ACLU has done is a bad organization. Any organization who defends pedophilia (which defending NAMBLA does), is a bad organization. Should I go on?
Zoot said:
Do you equate the Nazis with the Buddhists and Hindus? Are there any simlarities?

The Buddhists and Hindus don’t set out to deminish the presence of God in the United States, while promoting athiesm, homosexual behavior and pedophilia. The ACLU does.
Are you calling me a psycophath? An apology is probably in order.

Any organization that has done as much harm as the ACLU has to Christianity and other values based organizations in the US is a bad organization. Any organization which has promoted atheism and homosexual behavior as the ACLU has done is a bad organization. Any organization who defends pedophilia (which defending NAMBLA does), is a bad organization. Should I go on?
The Catholic bishops protected, abetted, and enabled pedophiles. Is the Catholic Church a bad organization?
The Catholic bishops protected, abetted, and enabled pedophiles. Is the Catholic Church a bad organization?
It is the stated intent of the ACLU to assist NAMBLA, they encouraged that act. It is not the stated intend of the Catholic Church to assist pedophiles, nor did it encourage that act. But you know that so why post such a thing?
I’m just wondering whether the ACLU is really as bad as all the Republican sycophants make it out to be. Personally, I think that any organization that fights the indefinite detainment of U.S. citizens without access to their attorneys can’t be all bad.

Given that making Nazi analogies is the last refuge of those who have run out of rational arguments, it may very well be that the ACLU is just misguided on a few issues (e.g., pro-choice).
Catholic2003, please look at the record of the ACLU and see the kind of issues they take up. They seem to be determined to erase Christianity from the map. I don’t recall that this was their objective say five years ago, but since then quite honestly they have focused on a few causes and organizations with absolute fury.

For example look at the long list of actions against the Boy Scouts. We are NOT talking the Hitler Youth here, we are talking about a well respected, cherished organization that has done untold good. In addition I cannot think of any specific evils BSA has promoted. However they do ask boys to take a pledge saying they believe in a “higher power.” Notice it is not “God” or “Yahweh” or “Jehovah.” The higher power might be quantum physics for all know. Further the pledge says they will remain morally straight. Golly don’t you think that sounds better than a child who would lie, steal, cheat instead? Now the BSA does not want homosexual male Boy Scout leaders. Do you blame them? I don’t think that any children’s groups should be in the care of people who are sexually attracted to that group. I wouldn’t want adult males sleeping in tents with GIRL scouts either. But this seems to be the genesis of most of their actions against BSA, that they won’t allow homosexuals to be involved in scouting.

Frankly why the ACLU is attacking Boy Scouts when there are so many other troubled kids out there whose rights are NOT being guarded it begs the question is this someone’s personal agenda?

Lisa N
It is the stated intent of the ACLU to assist NAMBLA, they encouraged that act. It is not the stated intend of the Catholic Church to assist pedophiles, nor did it encourage that act. But you know that so why post such a thing?
Only two organizations have protected, abetted, and enabled pedophiles. One is NAMBLA. The other is the Church.

Are the law firms that defend the Church in abuse cases encouraging abuse? Are they, too, bad organizations?

The ACLU is after the Boy Scouts because they don’t let in avowed adult homosexuals. Bottom line. If the Boy Scouts let them in to do what they will in the organization, then the ACLU would be off onto other organizations in a nano-second.
Only two organizations have protected, abetted, and enabled pedophiles. One is NAMBLA. The other is the Church.

Are the law firms that defend the Church in abuse cases encouraging abuse? Are they, too, bad organizations?
I can’t agree with you. You are really off on a tangent against the Church here. The Church says homosexual behavior is a sin. The ACLU says it is a right, and sues people to prolmulgate it. Completely different goals.
Are you calling me a psycophath? An apology is probably in order.
Where did “psychopath” come from? A sycophant is an uncritical and unwavering supporter; another phrase I could have used is “Republican cheerleader.” On the other hand, a psychopath is someone who has no moral compass; the modern term is sociopath.

While we’re on the subject, are you calling me a Nazi?
Any organization that has done as much harm as the ACLU has to Christianity in the US is a bad organization.
The First Amendment says that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Is it that you disagree with this part of the First Amendment, and think that we should all just ignore it?

I know I would have problems if the local courthouse had an excerpt from the Koran on display. Is it too hard to imagine that some non-Christians have a problem with courthouses putting the Ten Commandments on display, e.g., if they are going up against a Christian spouse for child custody?
Only two organizations have protected, abetted, and enabled pedophiles. One is NAMBLA. The other is the Church.

Are the law firms that defend the Church in abuse cases encouraging abuse? Are they, too, bad organizations?
No more fruit salad Zoot. You are comparing apples and oranges. The objective of NAMBLA is to eradicate any age barriers to homosexual encounters. NORTH AMERICAN MAN BOY LOVE ASSOCIATION. Look at their websites and their literature, and they want to promote perversion. They have an objective to open the doors to allow homosexual men to prey upon boys. This is ‘what they do.’

The Catholic church is composed of flawed human beings. Some of those flawed human beings have created a great scandal. There was never the objective for certain members of the Church to prey upon young boys, unlike NAMBLA that has this very activity as its major focus.

But to compare the two organizations is just another red herring…which doesn’t sound like a good addition to your fruit salad recipe. Maybe you could come up with a better analogy.

Lisa N
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