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Nope. I’m saying teh Chines government is a good example of what happens when good people say nothing when their rights are taken away (10 commandments, prayer in schools etc.)
Tell me again which amendment guarantees the right of Christians to have the Ten Commandments on display in courthouses. Do Muslims have a right to have excerpts of the Koran on display in courthouses, or is it just Christians who have a right to display the Ten Commandments there?
Hitler didn’t start out that bad - he just started taking away some Christian things here and some Jewish things there.
Hitler started by attacking the civil liberties of one of the more despised group of the time, the Jews, just as today’s Republicans are attacking the civil liberties of the most despised groups of today, terrorists and NAMBLA. It’s very effective, as Hitler showed, because the majority of people are too ignorant to see their own civil liberties under attack that way. If President Bush had his way, we would live under a police state that would rival China. I guess you would be happy though, because Christianity would be the state religion. But what happens when the government evangelists decide that Catholics aren’t Christian?
Hitler started by attacking the civil liberties of one of the more despised group of the time, the Jews, just as today’s Republicans are attacking the civil liberties of the most despised groups of today, terrorists and NAMBLA. It’s very effective, as Hitler showed, because the majority of people are too ignorant to see their own civil liberties under attack that way. If President Bush had his way, we would live under a police state that would rival China. I guess you would be happy though, because Christianity would be the state religion. But what happens when the government evangelists decide that Catholics aren’t Christian?
WHOA!!! Slow down!!!

So you are comparing Jews with terrorists and pedophiles??? Popular public opinion is one thing, the TRUTH of the matter is another!! Jews were NEVER and are NOT at threat to humanity (Hilter was EVIL) and terrorists and pedophiles ARE a threat!! Even you see that, right??

Bush wants a police state??? Boy, you are in the fever swamp now! State religion??? Huh??

Come back to earth…Please.
Tell me again which amendment guarantees the right of Christians to have the Ten Commandments on display in courthouses. Do Muslims have a right to have excerpts of the Koran on display in courthouses, or is it just Christians who have a right to display the Ten Commandments there?
Why does there have to be an amendment to say it’s ok? There are a lot of things on courthouses that aren’t in the constitution. Take the pictures of Moses and the Bible in the U.S. Supreme Court. In fact, I think there may be a reference to the Koran there too - I’m not sure. The constitution does say that the Federal Government cannot interfere with State religious practices.

In any event, the Koran is not the foundation of our legal system. The Bible is. You know that swearing on the Bible to tell the whole truth? Why do we do that? Because the Bible is the Truth of God’s Word. The founding fathers understood that. How about you? The Koran is full of contradictions and does not have any consistent law. It would be impossible to base a legal system on it as we see with the mess of different Muslim sects all over the world that kill each other.
Hitler started by attacking the civil liberties of one of the more despised group of the time, the Jews, just as today’s Republicans are attacking the civil liberties of the most despised groups of today, terrorists and NAMBLA. It’s very effective, as Hitler showed, because the majority of people are too ignorant to see their own civil liberties under attack that way. If President Bush had his way, we would live under a police state that would rival China. I guess you would be happy though, because Christianity would be the state religion. But what happens when the government evangelists decide that Catholics aren’t Christian?
WHAAAAATTTT??? Comparing Jews to terrorists and child molestors? Give me a break. No comparison.

Your assessment of President Bush shows your politcal feelings trump reality. There is zero indication anywhere that shows Bush would ever want to do this.

Christianity a state religion? No. I don’t support that but I do respect the right of a Christian to say “Merry Christmas” in a public school. In any event, I’d gladly live under a state ruled by say, James Dobson - He might try to convert me but he would never try to kill me if I resisted - instead, he would offer me dinner.
WHOA!!! Slow down!!!

So you are comparing Jews with terrorists and pedophiles??? Popular public opinion is one thing, the TRUTH of the matter is another!! Jews were NEVER and are NOT at threat to humanity (Hilter was EVIL) and terrorists and pedophiles ARE a threat!! Even you see that, right??
I’m comparing the general public hatred of Jews in 1930’s Germany with the general public hatred of terrorists and pedophiles in present-day America. I have no idea how you managed to read the above nonsense into what I wrote.
Bush wants a police state??? Boy, you are in the fever swamp now!
Oh, I see your confusion. Just because something is called “the Patriot Act” doesn’t mean that it is patriotic. Allowing wire taps without probable cause and without court order is exactly what a police state is all about.
State religion??? Huh?? Come back to earth…Please.
I’m trying to bring everyone back down to Earth, but it is tough going.
Hitler started by attacking the civil liberties of one of the more despised group of the time, the Jews, just as today’s Republicans are attacking the civil liberties of the most despised groups of today, terrorists and NAMBLA.
Jews have the right to live freely in a just society. Practicing terrorists and pedophiles do not. This is not just a Republican position, at least I hope not.
I’m comparing the general public hatred of Jews in 1930’s Germany with the general public hatred of terrorists and pedophiles in present-day America.
It is OK to hate terrorism and child molestation.

Your way off here.
I’m comparing the general public hatred of Jews in 1930’s Germany with the general public hatred of terrorists and pedophiles in present-day America. I have no idea how you managed to read the above nonsense into what I wrote.

*Just needed clarification. Marginalization of Jews are not justified. Marginalization of terrorists and pedophiles ARE. BIIIIIIIIG difference in policy, don’t you think??
Oh, I see your confusion. Just because something is called “the Patriot Act” doesn’t mean that it is patriotic. Allowing wire taps without probable cause and without court order is exactly what a police state is all about.

Please keep the shrill rhetoric to a minimum, ok?
*“without probable cause”??? there is NOOOOOOOOO instances where this is done. NONE. I challenge you. This is just putting suspected terrorists under the same laws as mafiosos and drug dealers. Have a big problem with that?? *
*Hey, I understand the “slippery slope” argument. I just think that the Patriot Act has done more good than harm. Whatever it’s worth to you, we haven’t been attacked since 9/11/01. You give the Patriot Act no credit AT ALL???
Dude you have totally lost it.
Hanging on but by a the smallest of threads. Sooner or later, illogical arguments reveal themselves, regardless of the education of the debator.
I didn’t realize the ACLU was going completely over the top on abortion, trying to make it so all Cathlic hospitals must perform them. We really are at the point where the evil one is trying to undermine us in every possible way and will stop at nothing.

Thing is, they can win these things on legalities eventually. As if the world were all about legalities…
I didn’t realize the ACLU was going completely over the top on abortion, trying to make it so all Cathlic hospitals must perform them. We really are at the point where the evil one is trying to undermine us in every possible way and will stop at nothing.

Thing is, they can win these things on legalities eventually. As if the world were all about legalities…
I don’t think anyone is surprised about this except perhaps Catholic2003, Penny_Plain, and Sbcoral.

Such a fine organization defending the rights of all citizens (we just haven’t realized they don’t consider Christians citizens - that’s the secret - shhhhhhhhhh).
Dude you have totally lost it.
I know. You see what can happen when you start trying to read “agendas” and conspiracies into the actions of people and groups whose actions can easily be understood by taking their explanations at face value. 😉

But you know what really amazes me? That several people noticed this, but not a single person made similar comments on the theories being advanced that the ACLU is in league with Satan like Keanu Reeves in the movie The Devil’s Advocate. I truly do not understand this.
I know. You see what can happen when you start trying to read “agendas” and conspiracies into the actions of people and groups whose actions can easily be understood by taking their explanations at face value. 😉

But you know what really amazes me? That several people noticed this, but not a single person made similar comments on the theories being advanced that the ACLU is in league with Satan like Keanu Reeves in the movie The Devil’s Advocate. I truly do not understand this.
Trelow was just channeling Keanu by saying “Dude”. What a coinscidence!! 😃

Meanwhile, dude, you lost us again.
But you know what really amazes me? That several people noticed this, but not a single person made similar comments on the theories being advanced that the ACLU is in league with Satan like Keanu Reeves in the movie The Devil’s Advocate. I truly do not understand this.
Because you were doing a good job debating that point 😉
Hitler started by attacking the civil liberties of one of the more despised group of the time, the Jews, just as today’s Republicans are attacking the civil liberties of the most despised groups of today, terrorists and NAMBLA. It’s very effective, as Hitler showed, because the majority of people are too ignorant to see their own civil liberties under attack that way. If President Bush had his way, we would live under a police state that would rival China. I guess you would be happy though, because Christianity would be the state religion. But what happens when the government evangelists decide that Catholics aren’t Christian?
If NAMBLA has the “freedom of speech”, like you said, to molest and murder young boys, then surely Hitler had the “freedom of speech” to murder the Jews? :rolleyes:
Meanwhile, dude, you lost us again.
Maybe the ACLU can explain it to you. You should give them a call; just be sure not to call during their 9:00am-10:00am video conference with the Prince of Darkness, or the 2:30pm-4:00pm virgin sacrifices. :rolleyes:
I don’t understand what you are trying to say here. The ACLU is a private organization, not a branch of the U.S. government funded by taxpayer dollars. And if they believe that the right to legal representation extends to all people and organizations, not just the rich ones, does that make them Satanic? And if New Jersey passes a law requiring public accomodations to accept homosexuals, and the ACLU wants to see the laws enforced, isn’t it really the New Jersey legislature that is supporting the “homosexual agenda” and the normalization of homosexual activities? I guess the ACLU is just easier to hate.
How many red herrings to you have in that barrel Catholic2003? No one said ANYTHING about being rich to warrent legal representation. You must be trying to make NAMLBA look like some poverty stricken, victimized organization. Hardly. What I would like to know is how the ACLU justifies spending money to represent an organization that promotes preying on young boys? It is not only disgusting but illegal.

New Jersey huh? Land of Mr McGreevey the Gay American! Yes I suspect their legislature supports a gay agenda. OTOH, my understanding was that the Supreme Court overturned the case and said as a PRIVATE ORGANIZATION, the BSA did not have to accept homosexual members or leaders.
I’m pretty sure the Republican opposition to the ACLU is based on their opposition to administration efforts to take away our civil liberties by starting with suspected terrorists. Ever notice how if you call someone a “terrorist” or an “insurgent”, it makes it okay to do whatever you want to him? And if anyone disagrees, they are accused of supporting terrorism by the Republican thought police. Now that is the “agenda” that I am really worried about…
Where do you come up with these hackneyed cliches? It’s all a Republican plot correct? “Republican thought police.” How hilarious! I feel like I am transported back to the 1970s and listening to the Communist Youth Brigade pontificating from a park bench at my university. Please put some THOUGHT into your answers, don’t just regurgitate these outrageous and unsupported claims.
I just wish people wouldn’t take this Republican agenda and attempt to portray it as a Catholic one. It’s a big stumbling block to those who would be Catholic but who understand the importance of civil liberties. And you know what Jesus said about being a stumbling block!
I am not trying to make this either a Republican or a Catholic agenda. I do think that the ACLU has an agenda and those who support this organization will not admit they are extremely biased in their choice of organizations to support or to attack. IOW why aren’t they attacking AA for being “religious?” Why aren’t they attacking MENSA for not allowing people whose IQ doesn’t measure up to standard? Why aren’t they supporting the Aryan Nation in its quest to proclaim white superiority and debase dark skinned people? Pick and choose. They are trying to portray themselves as some kind of white knight when I think the part of the court jester is a bit more appropriate.

Lisa N
Maybe the ACLU can explain it to you. You should give them a call; just be sure not to call during their 9:00am-10:00am video conference with the Prince of Darkness, or the 2:30pm-4:00pm virgin sacrifices. :rolleyes:

Aren’t you missing your 3:45??
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