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They shouldn’t. See my post on license just above.

The reason they defend Nazis and NAMBLA and vigorously attack Christianity is because they have an ideology largely consisting of Socialism.

They are selective as to the free speech that they want to protect. Those that hold to ideals that Christians would abhor - they protect. Those that say anything Christian - they sue to shut them up.
Yes, authentic freedom is not license. The ACLU has a definite anti Christian agenda.
Yes, authentic freedom is not license. The ACLU has a definite anti Christian agenda.
Amen. Authentic freedom is always tempered with responsibility, which is a quality the ACLU is sorely lacking.

And do you mean to tell me that if I got a group of people together and advocated the establishment of human sacrifice as an expression of a quazi-religious belief? Isn’t it my right to express my religion by taking the life of another person, as long as that person consents to being sacrificed?
Amen. Authentic freedom is always tempered with responsibility, which is a quality the ACLU is sorely lacking.

And do you mean to tell me that if I got a group of people together and advocated the establishment of human sacrifice as an expression of a quazi-religious belief? Isn’t it my right to express my religion by taking the life of another person, as long as that person consents to being sacrificed?
We do not know what authentic freedom is and we do not know what authentic rights are either. Everything is a right to most people. They think they have a right to perversion, baby murder, to say anything they want, etc. We only have a right to do what is good.
Lisa N:
Catholic2003, please look at the record of the ACLU and see the kind of issues they take up. They seem to be determined to erase Christianity from the map. I don’t recall that this was their objective say five years ago, but since then quite honestly they have focused on a few causes and organizations with absolute fury.

For example look at the long list of actions against the Boy Scouts. We are NOT talking the Hitler Youth here, we are talking about a well respected, cherished organization that has done untold good. In addition I cannot think of any specific evils BSA has promoted. However they do ask boys to take a pledge saying they believe in a “higher power.” Notice it is not “God” or “Yahweh” or “Jehovah.” The higher power might be quantum physics for all know. Further the pledge says they will remain morally straight. Golly don’t you think that sounds better than a child who would lie, steal, cheat instead? Now the BSA does not want homosexual male Boy Scout leaders. Do you blame them? I don’t think that any children’s groups should be in the care of people who are sexually attracted to that group. I wouldn’t want adult males sleeping in tents with GIRL scouts either. But this seems to be the genesis of most of their actions against BSA, that they won’t allow homosexuals to be involved in scouting.

Frankly why the ACLU is attacking Boy Scouts when there are so many other troubled kids out there whose rights are NOT being guarded it begs the question is this someone’s personal agenda?

Lisa N
I frankly think MOST of the ACLU’s little cursades are ridiculous, though they’ve had a few free speech victories that they deserve. BY AND LARGE, the vendetta against the BSA is absurd. However, BSA support by outside monies (from the government OR from United Way) poses a problem for me because it would tend support religious beliefs with which I, as a Catholic, do not agree (I was a Boy Scout). The BSA is enormously popular with the Mormon church. I don’t want any of my money given over to support in any way the futherance of their teachings, either in an overtly doctrinal manner or in a mere “atmospheric” manner. Better that the BSA be sponsored/supported by the Church or the other churches or ecclesiastical communities and their own fund-raising activities. My mother paid my way (single working mom, 3 sons, a reluctant ex-husband who got off cheap on child support). This is also why I’m a little leery of the “faith based initiative” agendas. I’ve no doubt that they are better able to serve the needs of their communities (the same thing could be accomplished through block grants to local governments/organizations, etc.), but I don’t trust all of them to keep it doctrine free. Our tax money might go to support the propagation of ideas that are not merely heresy, but also vitrolically anti-Catholic. At least with the United Way, I am able to select the org. that alone gets my cash (Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada) and can specifically exclude others if I don’t have a specific preference for who should get the cash. You can exclude by name and code groups like Planned Parenthood.
They shouldn’t. See my post on license just above.

The reason they defend Nazis and NAMBLA and vigorously attack Christianity is because they have an ideology largely consisting of Socialism.

They are selective as to the free speech that they want to protect. Those that hold to ideals that Christians would abhor - they protect. Those that say anything Christian - they sue to shut them up.
People in the United States have the right to think whatever they want. George Bush always talks about the “enemies of freedom,” and this is one of those freedoms that makes it great to live in our country. Don’t be an enemy of freedom, Brad.
There’s nothing socialistic about the ACLU. Where did you get that. As I mentioned above, they have defended the rights of pro-life protesters in the past. They don’t necessarily support the message of Nazis, or NAMBLA, or pro-lifers, but they do adamantly support the rights of everyone guaranteed by our Constitution.
We do not know what authentic freedom is and we do not know what authentic rights are either. Everything is a right to most people. They think they have a right to perversion, baby murder, to say anything they want, etc. We only have a right to do what is good.
Our Constitution guarantees us certain rights, and the ACLU does what it can to protect those rights, even for people and groups that we find repugnant.
Amen. Authentic freedom is always tempered with responsibility, which is a quality the ACLU is sorely lacking.

And do you mean to tell me that if I got a group of people together and advocated the establishment of human sacrifice as an expression of a quazi-religious belief? Isn’t it my right to express my religion by taking the life of another person, as long as that person consents to being sacrificed?
Yes, Scott Lafrance, you do have that right to form that group if you want. You’re not allowed to sacrifice humans, because it’s against the law, but if you want to right an essay about how useful that would be, or start a website or get together a group of like-thinking people to promote decriminalization of human sacrifice, you have every right to do that. And the ACLU would defend your right to do that.
Our Constitution guarantees us certain rights, and the ACLU does what it can to protect those rights, even for people and groups that we find repugnant.
All authentic rights come from the creator, man can’t invent a right. The ACLU is an organization bent on eliminating, or severly limiting, Christianity. They do not understand authentic freedom or authentic rights.
All authentic rights come from the creator, man can’t invent a right. The ACLU is an organization bent on eliminating, or severly limiting, Christianity. They do not understand authentic freedom or authentic rights.
What are you talking about?
The ACLU defends our civil liberties promised by the Constitution, and that is the issue, Fix, not theology.
There is no evidence that the ACLU is intent on destroying Christianity. It does take many positions that are not popular with the narrow-thinking, conservative Christian crowd, but it has no mission beyond protecting our civil liberties. Get a grip.
This is also why I’m a little leery of the “faith based initiative” agendas.
A good example of this is the Inner City Christian Outreach Residential Program from my post #79, which required Catholics to give up their rosaries and be saved before they could pass the drug treatment program. It’s a good thing there is a civil liberties organization to fight stuff like this!
I read a little about the ACLU-NAMBLA business. It’s interesting. NAMBLA officially advocates changing the legal age of sexual consent; it does not advocate breaking the law or committing crimes.

The direct parallel here is groups like Right to Life. When an abortionist is murdered, should the family of the victim be able to sue Right to Life, claiming their rhetoric and statements led to the murder? No, because, like NAMBLA, RTL only advocates changing laws, not breaking them.
As a side note, the ACLU also defended the rights of pro-life protestors to protest outside Bill Clinton’s inauguration in 1992, even though the ACLU is a pro-choice group.
I think the ACLU is an admirable group overall.
RTL is NOT a direct parallel to NAMBLA. Not even close. Now you might find a more direct parallel to one of the very radical prolife groups that published abortion doctors’ phone #s on their website. Although they were not saying 'visit these guys at their homes, harrass them, shoot them…" the message was clear that they advocated direct action rather than working through channels to change the laws as does RTL.

Similarly the head of some kind of Aryan Nation/Neo Nazi group WAS held responsible for the actions of his followers who murdered an Ethiopain man, Mulagetta Suraw here in Portland. Although the leader of the group never saw the man, never arranged for the killing and in fact did not OVERTLY condone violence in his propaganda, the courts decided his philosophies were enough to hold him responsible. I see a direct connection between THIS case and the NAMBLA case you cited.

A group can be found responsible for the actions of its followers. Although certainly the NAMBLA website does not say “Go out and find little boys to molest and kill” their website is FULL of “testimonials” from little boys who CLAIM that the forty year old pervert they met is the ‘best thing that happened to me.’ Not a real stretch here to claim that the men who molested the boy were only trying to ‘do him a favor.’

All I can say is EEEEEEEEWWWWWWW this group is beyond redemption.

Lisa N
What are you talking about?
The ACLU defends our civil liberties promised by the Constitution, and that is the issue, Fix, not theology.
There is no evidence that the ACLU is intent on destroying Christianity. It does take many positions that are not popular with the narrow-thinking, conservative Christian crowd, but it has no mission beyond protecting our civil liberties. Get a grip.
What are YOU talking about? Theology is not the issue. Truth is the issue. Rights come from the creator, not men. That is true, no matter what one believes or does not believe. The founders of this country understood that much.

The ACLU takes many positions that are at odds with the truth and with right reason. The immoral left wing accepts most of their propaganda because they too have poorly formed consciences. It is easy to see their point of view; they are rigid moral relativists.
All authentic rights come from the creator, man can’t invent a right. The ACLU is an organization bent on eliminating, or severly limiting, Christianity. They do not understand authentic freedom or authentic rights.
It is true that the ACLU doesn’t understand authentic freedom or authentic rights; this is why they are on the wrong side of the abortion issue.

However, my impression going into this discussion was what sbcoral has said – that the focus of the ACLU is to fight for the civil liberties guaranteed to all citizens by the U.S. constitution. And nothing I’ve read here has changed my impression.

In theory, non-Christians are not second-class citizens in our country. The Ten Commandments do not be long in a courthouse that supposedly guarantees justice to all, any more than an excerpt of the Koran belongs there. And when a judge is told to remove them, he has no business disobeying. You would think a judge would understand the concept of “contempt of court”.
Lisa N:
RTL is NOT a direct parallel to NAMBLA. Not even close. Now you might find a more direct parallel to one of the very radical prolife groups that published abortion doctors’ phone #s on their website. Although they were not saying 'visit these guys at their homes, harrass them, shoot them…" the message was clear that they advocated direct action rather than working through channels to change the laws as does RTL.

Similarly the head of some kind of Aryan Nation/Neo Nazi group WAS held responsible for the actions of his followers who murdered an Ethiopain man, Mulagetta Suraw here in Portland. Although the leader of the group never saw the man, never arranged for the killing and in fact did not OVERTLY condone violence in his propaganda, the courts decided his philosophies were enough to hold him responsible. I see a direct connection between THIS case and the NAMBLA case you cited.

A group can be found responsible for the actions of its followers. Although certainly the NAMBLA website does not say “Go out and find little boys to molest and kill” their website is FULL of “testimonials” from little boys who CLAIM that the forty year old pervert they met is the ‘best thing that happened to me.’ Not a real stretch here to claim that the men who molested the boy were only trying to ‘do him a favor.’

All I can say is EEEEEEEEWWWWWWW this group is beyond redemption.

Lisa N
I don’t know about the Aryan Nation case. I agree with “ewww,” too, and don’t even want to look at NAMBLA’s website. But I think the ACLU did the right, if very unpopular, thing in defending the group, based on my understanding of the case.
What are YOU talking about? Theology is not the issue. Truth is the issue. Rights come from the creator, not men. That is true, no matter what one believes or does not believe. The founders of this country understood that much.

The ACLU takes many positions that are at odds with the truth and with right reason. The immoral left wing accepts most of their propaganda because they too have poorly formed consciences. It is easy to see their point of view; they are rigid moral relativists.
The ACLU defends our civil liberties promised by Constitution, and that’s all. Sorry it’s not more than that.
What are YOU talking about? Theology is not the issue. Truth is the issue. Rights come from the creator, not men. That is true, no matter what one believes or does not believe. The founders of this country understood that much.

The ACLU takes many positions that are at odds with the truth and with right reason. The immoral left wing accepts most of their propaganda because they too have poorly formed consciences. It is easy to see their point of view; they are rigid moral relativists.
Yes, and the US government should be in the business of deermining what the Truth and Right Reason are? From what I know of the ACLU, it generally takes the position that expression of all ideas is entitled to protection, even repellent ones, so people can decide for themselves what to believe.
I frankly think MOST of the ACLU’s little cursades are ridiculous, though they’ve had a few free speech victories that they deserve. BY AND LARGE, the vendetta against the BSA is absurd. However, BSA support by outside monies (from the government OR from United Way) poses a problem for me because it would tend support religious beliefs with which I, as a Catholic, do not agree (I was a Boy Scout). The BSA is enormously popular with the Mormon church.

FWIW the Boy Scouts do not get a dime from United Way here, and it is SPECIFICALLY because they will not allow homosexual Scoutmasters they were removed from the list of UW approved charities. Fortunately reason prevailed here in Moscow on the Willamette and the action totally backfired. People pulled donations FROM UW and gave them directly to BSA instead. UW is almost bankrupt here in Portland, it’s struggling to keep going and is considered a dinosaur that will die soon. I would be curious if this is happening in other places. I must say I am not sorry to see this happen. UW was ADAMANT about supporting pro abortion groups such as PP but apparently felt a group that wouldn’t allow homosexuals to sleep in tents with boys was somehow discrimination. Were they half as concerned about millions of babies as they are about a handful of homosexual activists…

While I agree there are troops sponsored by the Mormon church that one might want to avoid, from my experience although several troops met in my former church (Methodist) there was NO indoctrination. They simply used the space free of charge and in turn helped us out on various charitable endeavors such as delivering food baskets.

I am curious what you mean by BSA gets money from “the government.” I know there was a recent case where military units were prohibited from sponsoring troops. So if using a miliatry base for meetings is “government funding” I’m not too disturbed by that. Certainly much less funding than Public Broadcasting receives…

Lisa N
The ACLU defends our civil liberties promised by Constitution, and that’s all. Sorry it’s not more than that.
OK so tell me exactly what civil liberties are being thwarted by the Boy Scouts? They do not have to believe in God, as we Christians perceive God. They pledge to maintain morally straight behavior. Anything wrong with that? If you don’t want to be “morally straight” OK, you probably wouldn’t be a very good Boy Scout.

So tell me about that TINY cross on the seal of LA? Look at the copies of the seal as Gilliam posted. What do you notice. The HUGE Roman goddess in the middle or the tiny cross on one side? What possible REAL civil liberty is being infringed? Before you answer, the Constitution does not have any legal right never to be offended by anyone or anything.

I agree with the premise that people can express ideas, however repugnant. I don’t agree with the KKK either but if they want to dress up in bedsheets and walk down the streets looking like nitwits, well they are welcome to do so. But where I disagree with the ACLU is their picking and choosing and an apparent agenda with respect to radical homosexual activists. If I saw any real balance in their approach I’d have a different impression. But saying they protect “all” of our rights is like saying PBS is balanced news coverage. (And they get govt money!)

Lisa N
Penny Plain:
Yes, and the US government should be in the business of deermining what the Truth and Right Reason are? From what I know of the ACLU, it generally takes the position that expression of all ideas is entitled to protection, even repellent ones, so people can decide for themselves what to believe.
The position the ACLU takes (you only have to review their case load to realize this) is that if it is a case attacking Christian values, or supporting hedonistic, atheistic or socialistic values, then they will take it. Otherwise, they will be on the other side.
The position the ACLU takes (you only have to review their case load to realize this) is that if it is a case attacking Christian values, or supporting hedonistic, atheistic or socialistic values, then they will take it. Otherwise, they will be on the other side.
I will take your word for it, Gilliam. I am sure you know more about it than I do. However, those expressions generally seem to be the ones that the narrow-minded and intolerant are trying to shut down, so they are the ones that need protection.

Don’t get me wrong: I think the world would be a much better place if NAMBLA and all its members fell into a cave and never came out. BUT they have a right to express their opinions, even if those opinions are depraved. I do not want the government deciding which opinions are licit and which ones are not because tomorrow it may decide that mine are illicit.

I also do not want it deciding which religions it should support or oppose because tomorrow it might decide to oppose mine.
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