You sincerely think motherhood makes women’s rights proportionate to those of men? Feeding children? Sincerely?
As for men doing the heavy work, that work happens to include the corporate world and the entire economy, choosing when to fight wars, and thus far, running the country. All rather powerful positions. Yes, we do do a lot of the heavy work, and women have fought for centuries to have their share in that heavy work.
The hand that rocks the cradle…rules the world!
Mary didn’t just feed, Jesus. She educated Him.
She was educated in the temple from a very young age and had memorized the Scriptures which she taught to Jesus.
This is why her lap is referred to as the Seat of Wisdom.
God, the all powerful creator of the universe, put His only Son in her hands.
She could have taught Him to love money, power and warfare. She could have taught Him Satanic rituals. She could have taught Him to hate certain races. She could have taught Him to hate women. She could have beat Him, neglected Him, even sexually abused Him or secretly kill Him.
She was given complete power over God!
Mom’s don’t just birth and feed and scrub floors.
They form consciences. Consciences are what create History. Behind every great man is a great woman.
They create and form souls which last for all eternity.
Doctors can save a life (temporarily) but it will eventually end. Only a Mom can give someone their life. That’s an ETERNAL gift. It never ends.
The whole human race depends on women and their sacrificial love.
There are over 10,000 named Saints, but there are many, many more that are unnamed and never canonized.
A real Saint would prefer to be unnamed. They would never seek glory for themselves. They would only want their story to be shared if it gave greater glory to God and not to themselves.
The good deeds Moms do are hidden in the home, so their rewards won’t be seen until Heaven as Jesus promised.