Notice he didn't post even one link to back up his claim?
And if he does happen to find one, it will be biased and terribly lacking of any credibility whatsoever.
NARTH isn’t the one being falsely accused of not tolerating homosexuals, and it isn’t being accused of causing homosexual youth to commit suicide.
The evidence/link I wanted (and still want) to see is proof that the
Catholic Church, as a whole, is solely responsible for teen homosexual suicide.
It has been pointed out above, and numerous times on this thread, The Catholic Church is not intolerant toward homosexuals (people). It is intolerant (as well as the Bible) of homosexual behavior. And yet, those unwilling to accept the Teachings of the Church (which by the way, She cannot change) continue to accuse and codemn Her.
Now, if you were to ask me:
- Are there members of the Catholic Church who are intolerant to homosexuals? I say, “yes, absolutely”.
- Are there members of other Christian Churches who are intolerant to homosexuals? Yes.
- Are there members of non-Christian Churches who are intolerant to homosexuals? Yes.
I’m sure this question also applies to all religions, as well as Atheists and Agnostics.
In every community, one will find people who are intolerant of homosexuals.
Let’s be honest here; there are cruel poeple in every community, but one cannot blame the community as a whole, because it has some bad apples in it.
- Do I condone the ill treatment of homosexuals? Absolutely not.
- Would I reject/disown my own son if he came to me and told me he was homosexual, or my daughter? When hell freezes over.
But that doesn’t mean I’m going to condone them acting on it.
I don’t condone the mistreatment of any human being.
However, if someone is going to attack and falsely accuse
my Church of being intolerant of certain groups of people, I’m not going to sit idly by and ignore it.
Catholics have the same right to speak out against those who condemn us and our Church as everyone else.
In fact, it’s not only our right, but our duty.
Personally, IMNSHO: Whatever goes on behind the bedroom door, should
stay behind the bedroom door.
I do not need, nor care, to know what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.