Forty years ago, someone asked me, “How does it hurt you if someone else has a child our of wedlock?”
For the life of me, I couldn’t answer that – but today I can look around me, see whole sections of society where most chidren are born out of wedlock, and see how that is associated with poverty, crime, and so on.
Forty years ago, someone asked me, “How does it hurt you if someone else decides to take drugs?”
For the life of me, I couldn’t answer that – but today I can look around me, see homeless people, their brains literally burned out by drugs, drug-related crime, and drug-related disease.
Now, I may not be able to predict today exactly what will happen if we recognize gay unions as “marriage” – but I’ll bet money that in forty years we will look back and wish we had nipped this in the bud.
For the life of me, I couldn’t answer that – but today I can look around me, see whole sections of society where most chidren are born out of wedlock, and see how that is associated with poverty, crime, and so on.
Forty years ago, someone asked me, “How does it hurt you if someone else decides to take drugs?”
For the life of me, I couldn’t answer that – but today I can look around me, see homeless people, their brains literally burned out by drugs, drug-related crime, and drug-related disease.
Now, I may not be able to predict today exactly what will happen if we recognize gay unions as “marriage” – but I’ll bet money that in forty years we will look back and wish we had nipped this in the bud.