Is the devil real or a human invention?

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I should’ve said this on my other post, but after being in an exorcism for 5 years, it cost me somehow. The book by Malachi Martin on ‘The Hostage to the Devil’ is more real than you can imagine. This ministry is not for the faint-hearted at all. The devil attacks all christians in different ways, especially those who are progressing in holiness…but the same can be said of those who have been in battle with the Evil One…except the battle is upped a bit! I have been told again and again that the Evil One hates me!!! But then who cares??? My only concern is to do the will of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in conjuction with Mother Church!!

I adore You and praise You o Holy One, O Mighty One, o Immortal One…now and forever. Amen…:bowdown:
I adore You and praise You o Holy One, O Mighty One, o Immortal One…now and forever. Amen…:bowdown:
May Jesus reward your faith!

God Bless you always and much love and peace to you

It’s sad that our culture has gotten to the point that even many Catholics do not believe in the devil any longer. He is real, he is dangerous, he seeks to distract us from God.

Let’s stay focused on the love, justice and mercy of God.


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I should’ve said this on my other post, but after being in an exorcism for 5 years, it cost me somehow. The book by Malachi Martin on ‘The Hostage to the Devil’ is more real than you can imagine. This ministry is not for the faint-hearted at all. The devil attacks all christians in different ways, especially those who are progressing in holiness…but the same can be said of those who have been in battle with the Evil One…except the battle is upped a bit! I have been told again and again that the Evil One hates me!!! But then who cares??? My only concern is to do the will of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in conjuction with Mother Church!!

I adore You and praise You o Holy One, O Mighty One, o Immortal One…now and forever. Amen…:bowdown:
:eek: FIve years!! Oh, my. I am so glad that you are no longer under attack.
deb1 said:
:eek: FIve years!! Oh, my. I am so glad that you are no longer under attack.
It was a much longer 5 years for the victim and the family than for any of us who were a team…
This is turning into an interesting discussion. I am curious how Atheists explain the existence of Good and evil?
I’m told that athiests believe Evil and Good are opposites, and one can not exist without being balanced by the other. They recognize natural law and the principle that certain things are intrinsically evil or intrinsically good, but there is no general consensus between them as to what those things are.

Athiests live in a world of individually-defined situational morality. What is intrinsically evil to one (abortion, for example) becomes good to another under a given set of circumstances.

From the Catholic perspective, God and Total Good are synonymous. Evil is the absence of Good. To explain:
Darkness is the absence of Light. Dark has a limit - the total absence of light. Light is unlimited. You can not introduce a factor that will make “total dark” any darker, you can only make “light” brighter or dimmer.
Cold is the absence of Heat. Cold has a limit - absolute zero, -459.69 degrees Farenheit. Heat is unlimited. You can not introduce a factor that will make “absolute zero” colder; you can only make “heat” warmer or cooler.
Evil is the absence of Good. Evil has a limit - the total rejection of God. God is unlimited. God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness are also unlimited. You can not introduce a factor that will make the total rejection of good/God any worse; you can only move closer to or further away from good/God.

Hello, Monarchy, have I missed the mark by much?
I’ve heard it said that the best trick the devil can play on human beings is to convince them that he doesn’t exist. That way, he can work his insidious trickery unhindered. I personally believe that the devil is very real indeed, especially as taught by the Catholic Church! However, what can one say to someone who doesn’t believe in the devil’s existence? I don’t overemphasize or dwell on the matter too much, because that’s spiritually unhelathy, but I think to deny the evil one’s existence is even worse.
Wishing the Peace of Christ to all!
Hi, friend.

I’m an attorney, and I used to do criminal cases – about 2,000 altogether, the PDs Office, told me.

Most criminals have drug abuse somewhere in their rap sheet, these days. And most of the drug abusers were a lot worse than the rap sheet lets on.

And many of those abusers mixed drug abuse with sex. Drugs are an enabler. They let the unregulated “id” loose, in the sex department. The abusers, in other words, get pretty “perverted,” sexually – the worst stuff you can imagine.

So, many, many people today, by mixing drug addiction and perverted sex, achieve profound personal corruption.

In interviewing hundreds of criminal clients, I discovered years ago that regardless of the drug of choice, many of these “drug/sex mixers” have essentially the same experiences of demonic activity: Almost always at night in the dark, they hear knocking in the walls, clicking in the air near them, they hear their first name called by a voice from an invisible source sounding like it belongs to the opposite sex, and chirping in the air above their heads when they go outside and go for a walk in the dark.

Many also have their limbs grabbed, they are hit on the hip as they lay in bed, and they hear growling in the air near their beds.

They also experience telekinetic phenomena – mostly, electrical appliances turning on and off spontaneously.

I got so good at predicting which clients experienced such things, just by viewing their rap sheets, that I was able to astonish them by appearing to know something about their “best kept secret” – few told even their closest acquaintances about the phenomena, for fear of appearing insane.

I advised them to experiment with prayer. Experiencers who did uniformly reported positive results – for example, the knocking in the wall would abate, even if the praqyer was only mental.

After much reading, I noticed that the experiencers, when they mixed drugs and sex, were actually unwittingly following “the dark way” of the occult – regarded by evil occultists as the short cut to contact with spiritual realms. I suspect that the short cut always leads to contact with demonic spirits – it is completely self-indulgent and faithless.

In any event, yes, there are demons – I saw way, WAY too much evidence, during years of criminal work, for the opposite to be true.

Tell you skeptical friend to ask one or more drug-using acquaintances if they have experienced any of the phenomena I have listed above. If he runs across an experiencer, that experienced will think he’s a mind-reader.

Have no doubt, at all, that the phenomena I describe is demonic.

My theory is that just as personal holiness confers holiness on relics, profound personal sinfulness “dirties” one’s environment and makes it “visible” and non-repugnant to evil spirits.
Try reading An Exorcist Tells His Story by Gabrele Amorth

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
Hi, friend.

I’m an attorney, and I used to do criminal cases – about 2,000 altogether, the PDs Office, told me.

Have no doubt, at all, that the phenomena I describe is demonic.

My theory is that just as personal holiness confers holiness on relics, profound personal sinfulness “dirties” one’s environment and makes it “visible” and non-repugnant to evil spirits.
Wow - do you think this occurs to others who may be in grave sin such as those who are acting on homosexual tendencies or those who may have unrepentant abortions?
Nan S:
I’m told that athiests believe Evil and Good are opposites, and one can not exist without being balanced by the other.
You don’t beliveve that good and evil are opposites? I appolgize but it seems to come accross that way. However I don’t belive this way.
They recognize natural law and the principle that certain things are intrinsically evil or intrinsically good, but there is no general consensus between them as to what those things are.
I think most things are intrinsically neutral. If I use an A-bomb to blow up NY, it’s evil. However, if I use the same thing to destroy a asteroid headed in a collison-course with Earth, it’s Good. By itself the A-bomb is neutral. I see the world as gray in alot of places, as black and white thinking results in throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Athiests live in a world of individually-defined situational morality. What is intrinsically evil to one (abortion, for example) becomes good to another under a given set of circumstances.
You could say the exact same thing about Christians, But I have yet to find any atheist who thinks an abortion in and of itself is a good thing.
From the Catholic perspective, God and Total Good are synonymous. Evil is the absence of Good. To explain:
Darkness is the absence of Light. Dark has a limit - the total absence of light. Light is unlimited. You can not introduce a factor that will make “total dark” any darker, you can only make “light” brighter or dimmer.
Cold is the absence of Heat. Cold has a limit - absolute zero, -459.69 degrees Farenheit. Heat is unlimited. You can not introduce a factor that will make “absolute zero” colder; you can only make “heat” warmer or cooler.
Evil is the absence of Good. Evil has a limit - the total rejection of God. God is unlimited. God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness are also unlimited. You can not introduce a factor that will make the total rejection of good/God any worse; you can only move closer to or further away from good/God.

Hello, Monarchy, have I missed the mark by much?
Quite a lot acctualy. And if you read the bible God is FAR from Good.
If logic doesn’t help you, would me telling you that I have heard the devil speak, smelled him, felt his unbelievable presence, been bitten by him and thrown around by him, found out that he is boring for he repeats himself again and again, that he knew things that the victim could never have known, that he had strength that was beyond the capacity of a woman, that his words are dead even if he threatens continuously, that he is powerless aginst the Cross and the Blessed Virgin???

Would it help to tell you that he would send messages that was coded and I had to break the code and it was a warning to the brother of the priest?

Is there anything elese you would like to know???
I’m sorry were you directing this at me?
Wow - do you think this occurs to others who may be in grave sin such as those who are acting on homosexual tendencies or those who may have unrepentant abortions?

I have one friend in another state who took up with a boyfriend in the Navy. My friend confided that when at sea, her boyfriend and fellow sailors would masturbate regularly. When she started bedding him in her apartment whenever he was home on shore leave, he brought a “presence” with him, which stayed in the girl’s apartment after he returned to his ship. She was regularly struck on the hip in the middle of the night. The dog was terrified of the presence.

I suggested to her that she find a priest willing to sit through an exhaustively thorough general confession, terminate her non-marital sexual activity, read the Bible at home regularly, pray regular and attend Mass regular.

My friend afterwards reported that her boyfriend gave up on the relationship in disgust – he wanted his non-marital “nookie” – and the presence followed him back to the boat and haunted him there!

Another friend casually mentioned to me, in the middle of a conversation, the astonishing observation, “What? You’re saying that mystical little people should not have been coming up to my bed at night for years? That they might be demons?”!!!

My suspicion is that the phenomenon is common.
I don’t know all I know I don’t believe in the devil, i just believe in the heavenly Father who is God.
The Devil

Men don’t believe in a devil now as their fathers used to do
They force the door of the broadest creed to let His Majesty through.
There isn’t a print of his cloven foot or a fiery dart from his bow
To be found in earth or air today, for the world has voted so.

But who is mixing the fatal draught that palsies heart and brain?
And loads the earth of each passing year with ten hundred thousand slain?
Who blights the bloom of the land today with the fiery breath of hell,
If the devil isn’t and never was – won’t somebody rise and tell?

Who dogs the steps of the toiling saint and digs the pit for his feet?
Who sows the tares in the field of time, wherever God sows His wheat?
The devil is voted not to be, and of course, the thing is true,
But who is doing the kind of work the devil alone should do?

We are told he does not go about as a roaring lion now,
But whom shall we hold responsible for the everlasting row
To be heard in home, in church, in state, to the earth’s remotest bound,
If the devil by a unanimous vote is nowhere to be found?

Won’t somebody step to the front forthwith, and make his bow and show
How the frauds and the crimes of the day spring up, for surely we want to know.
The devil was fairly voted out, and of course, the devil is gone.
But simple people would like to know, who carries his business on?

Herbert Trench, Irish-born playwright (1865-1923)
My suspicion is that the phenomenon is common.
Interesting ( I find it so anyway ) but I would suspect not too impressive as proof for an atheist, as it could be imaginary, mental illness or something like that.
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