Is the devil real or a human invention?

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Gee, the fact that I am caring on a conversation with you online, which anyone who wants can access and read? I could call you on the telephone, etc…

Please read:

Please read what I wrote, I said Physical Proof. What you just stated is logic, not physical proof. I can argue that santa doesn’t exist because for him to visit every house in the world he would have to travel at millions of miles per hour, etc… But I can not show physical evidence that he does not exist.

Put it another way. In a court of law, the onus of proof is on the prosecution to prove their assertion is true (this man murdered his wife, etc…) as they are making the assertion.

Put it even another way, Can you show proof that you don’t owe me a million dollars?

see above

Why don’t you read C.S. Lewis??? 😉
Nan S:
Having acknowledged that you can not disprove the existence of God, how do you justify claiming there is no such thing?
Most atheists don’t. You just assume that they do. They may argue the logic about god claims shown them, but they do not state that god does not exist because they know they can’t prove it.

And, as you certainly do not want to look stupid yourself, surely you have evidence of some kind to support your unbelief???

Do you believe in unicorns/bigfoot/faries/centaurs/etc…? Surely you have some physical evidence to support your unbelief?

I think another poster had good idea - have you read or would be willing to read CS Lewis?

I think another poster had good idea - have you read or would be willing to read CS Lewis?
Methinks Monarchy is intentionally ignoring me…:crying: 😉
monarchy.what exactly do you want to do? shake God’s hand?? Unless you have a time machine that can take you to Jesus’s time that isnt gonna happen. search on this site and read about people’s interactions with miracles and with the devil. we all imagine it?? explain weeping statues that exist around the globe, or perhaps research the prophacies made at fatima. like many have already suggested, read cs lewis. i also recommend the site . the book, Jay’s Journal is quite a moving tale of demonic activity as well. we believe that our faith is the completion, the perfection of faith. God can use the faith of the Muslims, the Hindus, Jews, ect to lead the followers to Himself. so yes, other members of other religions can hear God, it doesnt mean they are all imagining it. i am sorry if i sound abrupt. i feel for you, and i pray for you. you must open your heart to God’s love and passion to know Him. He weeps every day you spend with your back turned to Him. for you to claim to know ultimatly that there is no God - you must know all about everything in the universe and be God yourself. since i doubt this, there must be some doubt. explore this, and i pray you come home.
Nan S:
Having acknowledged that you can not disprove the existence of God, how do you justify claiming there is no such thing? And, as you certainly do not want to look stupid yourself, surely you have evidence of some kind to support your unbelief???
I said ‘it’ is no such thing, meaning because you cannot prove that God doesn’t exist, does not automatically mean that he does. So an argument based on evidence is always going to be fruitless.
for you to claim to know ultimatly that there is no God - you must know all about everything in the universe and be God yourself. since i doubt this, there must be some doubt. explore this, and i pray you come home.
for you to ‘know’ that God is, you must have about the same level of knowledge, which you don’t. Patronising non christians with assertions based on faith is dumb.
I said ‘it’ is no such thing, meaning because you cannot prove that God doesn’t exist, does not automatically mean that he does. So an argument based on evidence is always going to be fruitless.
Granted. What I am wondering, however, is how and why you decided to be an athiest. (I’m presuming from your tone that you are one.) Was it because of a careful examination of the evidence for God which you then decided was inadequate? Was it because of teachings that you disliked? Or was it something else?

Because, you see, I have this in common with theists the world over: that we have found plenty of convincing evidence supporting the existence of God, no matter what name we call Him.
The devil is real . . . and he ran off with the minds of those who would deny it!

PS You keep bringing up logic, but Thomas Aquinas, in Summa Theologica LOGICALLY laid out proof of the existence of God, which the Catholic Church still relys upon for apologetics. I won’t lay out miles of information, but just consider the idea that scientific proof proves God. Evolution has been widely accepted as scientific truth. Therefore, if evolution is true, then healthier, more fit, better adapted individuals would survive. That has proven to be true in the animal kingdom, where many lesser species have died out as the result of evolution. However, it is NOT true for humanity, which does not kill nor abandon the less fit amongst them. Nature, being intrinsically selfish, focuses on survival of the fittest, but in humans, **this scientific truth is not true . **Humans, despite their intrinsic leaning toward self-preservation, are just as often if not more so, inclined to help other people, even when it is clear to them that they do so at their own peril. This scientifially inexplicable phenomenon is attributed to the existence of God, in that it denies the principals of the physical world. In the application of pure logic, your argument can be shot down by the very fact that in the face of scientific fact, physical proof of the truth of evolution, human beings are consciously aware of moral truth, and do not necessarily foloow their physical nature
MONARCHY–unless you can be everywhere in the entire universe at one time, you cannot prove that God does not exist. You can only speculate that he does not exist. But I’m sure you know that already.

You mentioned St. Nicholas earlier. As he did have an existence and his body lies entombed in Turkey, why don’t you try praying to Santa Claus for a confirmation one way or the other on God’s existence?

p.s. You also mentioned Puddinhead Wilson by Mark Twain. One of my favorite books!! Did you know he also wrote a book about Joan of Arc? Very, very unlike his other literature. However, he believed that it was his best work.
However, what can one say to someone who doesn’t believe in the devil’s existence?
work with teenagers in any capacity for any length of time, these kids deal with the devil, the father of lies, every day, and can attest to the reality of evil.
Anytime there is evil, the affects of the Devil are present. Either it is his demons doing the inticing or it is he himself.
Yet, be grateful that the devil CANNOT be in different places at the same time! :eek:

Only God is omnipresent! :cool:
We all know evil and hatred exists, and we all know good and love exists. Those of us who believe in God as a real entity are most likely to believe that the devil is also real. One only needs to look up a few passages in scriptures and read up on the life of Padre Pio who had physical encounters with Satan.

For our hard core atheists, it’s a pity that very likely they may find out only after it is too late. To ignore or discount Satan, leaves one open to all kinds of trouble.

IF one does not acknowledge that abortion, sexual promiscuity, or ignoring those in need is wrong then how does one avoid sinful behavior.

One thing that I always wonder is, why do atheists even bother with abiding by any moral standards at all ???

IF God and Satan do not exists, then there really are no consequences (or conversely rewards) for leading an upright life or for leading a totally dispicable life. What’s the point ?

IF nothingness is your ultimate fate, would it not be be smarter and more advantageous to simply do whatever you can get away with. Why bother to be faithful to your spouse or honest in your tax returns ?
If anyone want to know if the devil exists as an alchololic or drug addicts. We know that the devil exists. We find him in our addictions.
According to some of these posts, the devil is responsible for most of the ills of society. I guess that throws free-will out the window.
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