This doesn’t make any sense.We do not need to inherit sin if we inherit death
This doesn’t make any sense.We do not need to inherit sin if we inherit death
Interesting, could you please provide a source on this?And that “explanation” differs from the EO’s traditional explanation for Original Sin and its effects on unbaptized infants.
From the council of Carthage.Likewise it seemed good that whosoever denies that infants newly from their mother’s wombs should be baptized, or says that baptism is for remission of sins, but that they derive from Adam no original sin, which needs to be removed by the laver of regeneration, from whence the conclusion follows, that in them the form of baptism for the remission of sins, is to be understood as false and not true, let him be anathema.
From canon 2 of the Quinisext councilBut we set our seal likewise upon all the other holy canons set forth by our holy and blessed Fathers, that is, by the 318 holy God-bearing Fathers assembled at Nice, and those at Ancyra, further those at Neocaesarea and likewise those at Gangra, and besides, those at Antioch in Syria: those too at Laodicea in Phrygia: and likewise the 150 who assembled in this heaven-protected royal city: and the 200 who assembled the first time in the metropolis of the Ephesians, and the 630 holy and blessed Fathers at Chalcedon. In like manner those of Sardica, and those of Carthage: those also who again assembled in this heaven-protected royal city under its bishop Nectarins and Theophilus Archbishop of Alexandria.
What church is that displayed in your profile pic? It is beautiful.
Children, by inheriting death from Adam, do indeed “inherit Sin from Adam”… For it is upon this death that they do inherit, that all have sinned… And as the Psalmist writes, “For in sins did my mother bear me”… Which itself affirms the transmission of sins from the mother to the child… And yet the manner of this transmission is not explained… So to say that their sins are derived from Adam is correct, and in many ways so derived, but this is not to say that they inherit Adam’s sin… Our sins are our own, and whatever we do that is not of God is sin…Likewise it seemed good that whosoever denies that infants newly from their mother’s wombs should be baptized, or says that baptism is for remission of sins, but that they derive from Adam no original sin, which needs to be removed by the laver of regeneration, from whence the conclusion follows, that in them the form of baptism for the remission of sins, is to be understood as false and not true, let him be anathema.
Just a manner of speaking:We do not need to inherit sin if we inherit death
If we inherit death, we will be sinning…
We do not need to inherit sin in order to commit sin…
I put is that way to make it more crisp…
The South did not give up slavery without a civil war…Is it possible that some, if not many Catholic teachings would not have come to fruition if the Eastern Orthodox Churches had been able to debate and provide an opinion?
As an Orthodox, I would say yes.Is the Eastern Orthodox Church correct?
Byzantine Catholics have a different theological approach to the Immaculate Conception:immaculate conception
The East (and not just EO, but EC) does not, however, have the same universal acceptance of nearly all of Augustine. In particular, his view on original sin is not accepted.The teaching of Original Sin comes primarily from St. Augustine, whom the Orthodox Church up until the last century considered a “pillar of Orthodoxy”
I would agree. Here is an example:There is room in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church for both theories, from two great and holy Church Fathers without turning it into another reason for division between East and West.
What if?What if the Catholic Church built upon Peter is the Orthodox Church?
In his position, where ever Peter is then, Peter is head of the Church everywhere. His last See was Rome. Therefore, That is where his successors , come from.I mean they truly claim to be, and have pretty strong arguments. Sure Peter set up the See of Rome, but did he not also set up the See of Antioch first?
When you wroteSo why wouldn’t the Patriarch’s of Antioch be the successors of Peter?
How is that possible if one Church (EO) says that a couple is married (after a church approved divorce) and the other Church (RC) says that the couple is in an adulterous state of mortal sin (because divorce is forbidden}?I do believe that both Orthodox and Roman Catholic can love side-by-side, if full communion with one another, as long as Latin theological expressions are not pushed into the Eastern Churches.
I thought that this de fide teaching has been changed and that the new de fide teaching is that there is hope that an unbaptized infant can go to heaven?It is a de fide teaching of the Church that those who die in mortal sin or in original sin alone both go to hell but suffer unequal punishments: