During the 1970s, the primary target of the sexual revolutionaries was stay at home moms. That pig you were married to is going to kick you to the curb once he sees a more attractive woman. You will get stuck with the kids. Get a job so you’ll have that to fall back on. How did they know that? They didn’t. To them being a stay at home mom was the worst possible thing a woman could. So they painted men - all men - as male chauvenist pigs. That was 100% wrong.
And yet I look here and the attitudes that women “have a different purpose”, not to mention language that seems to suggest some inherent weakness in females, still persists. You seem to want to demonize feminism in its entirety, and not deal with the fact that there was, and still is to some extent, a patriarchy that views women as second class citizens, invoking carefully crafted language about how men and women are, for lack of a better phrase, “separate but equal”.
I know many stay-at-home moms, or at least moms that only have part time and casual work. My ex-wife stayed at home to raise our daughters, and it was a costly but right decision for
my family. But every family is different, and the idea that a women’s fundamental purpose is to either be a walking womb or a nun is anachronistic. Women are human beings, with the same rights as men, and the right to be paid the same wage for the same job, and not to be discriminated against or treated like they’re simpering children. And there were a lot of men in the 1970s, and still are some today, who feel exactly that, and those men should be made to feel shame.
Of course some strains of feminism went completely off the mark. It’s no different than any other movement. But if I were to, say, treat Christianity with the same sweeping generalizations, picking out the fringe lunatics as somehow being representative, then I could go around declaring all Christians Christian Identity types.
That’s my problem with your whole line of rhetoric. A rejection that there was injustice and inequality, and an attempt to undermine a very large and diverse movement based upon the lunatic fringe.
Women are equal to men. Full stop. Women deserve the same political and social rights as men. Full stop. Women have the right to determine their own course in life (and by extension to accept the consequences of those decisions). Full stop. They have the right not to be treated like hysterical children that need protecting by men. Full stop.