I might suggest that before you post something as absurd as this based on an out of context snippet from the Catechism, you look up what the Catechism says about Christ’s return (paragraphs 668-679). The CCC is a systematic presentation of the entire faith and it does not contradict itself. So if your interpretation of a single paragraph contradicts the whole profession of faith as it is laid out in detail, it’s likely that your interpretation is wrong.So you’re not expecting Christ to return? Or are you saying that when Christ returns He and Bishop of Rome will slug it out and the Vicar of Christ will win, because your infallible teaching is that the Vicar of Christ is the perpetual and visible head of the Church?
You seem to be using the Catechism as a way to “debunk” the Catholic Church in exactly the same manner in which atheists use the bible to “debunk” Christianity. In both cases it’s disingenuous. You simply cannot make credible assertions based on a little piece when you obviously do not understand the whole.
What you’re doing is no different than the anti-Christian who condemns Jesus as a warmonger when He says “Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.” (Lk 12:51) That anti-Christian takes a piece and interprets it in a manner most in tune with his false presuppositions. He does so without making the attempt to understand the whole gospel.
It’s very easy to take a small piece of something large, interpret it in the most damning way possible in order to create a false impression. If it’s unintentional, then I suggest trying to understand the whole before throwing stones. If it’s intentional then you’re just bearing false witness and you don’t really deserve any sort of thoughtful response.