Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name,Oh my! Havent we gone over this four or five times? Websters Dictionary has several definitions for petual. Here is the sense in which it is intended here1) : valid for all time. You see time ends when Christ returns.
Thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven(s)
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever, Amen.
Who says that time ends when Christ returns? So what is this new heaven and new earth in this timeless and spaceless event of Christ’s arrival? Where’s the earth if there’s no space for it? etc.
You might like to think you’re the authority, but your belief is speculation, unproven. Your catechism forces you to agree with those of us who disagree with you, it comes from the infallible teaching authority of the Pope together with his magesterium. They use the word perpetual not the word temporary.You can disagree that this will happen, but this is what we believe, that Peterine succession will go on until Jesus Christ returns in His Glory. You may argue that you do not agree that this is the case but you cannot tell us that we believe something else, though you’d like to.
I think it’s on topic. The Orthodox Church in the famous and remembered words of one of her Fathers, still not in the oblivion to which your Church consigned him, sums it up thus: the pope is as any of the other patriarchs and then only if he’s Orthodox, as spoken by St Mark of Ephesus, Pillar of Orthodoxy.BTW, this may be a little off topic, but the Orthodox Church does recognize the Primacy of the Pope.
Interestingly he and his ilk were consigned to oblivion by the EP Athenagoras whose successor Bartholomew is getting quite a reputation as the ‘neo-papist’, he’s playing the equal in honour to old Rome card.
Constantinople was accorded equal honour with Old Rome at the fourth council because the New rome had become the all singing, all dancing capital of the whole Roman Empire and ‘levels’ of honour were decided on how important the place was within the Roman Empire, it had nothing to do with spiritual primacy, everything to do with ease of administration in a growing Church.
Not sure of the dates, but maybe this was before old Rome reverted to the size and importance of a village, or if it had already become that the decision not to demote it to last in pecking order might have been out of politeness.