-complicent with inhumane border control detention centers where people are put in cages, and some even dying.
Obama administration put kids in cages
-looking down on the welfare system that would allow poor mothers to actually take care of the child when it’s born.
Yeah, this isn’t true. Especially since Conservatives are the biggest charitable donors in the US.
-Passive on climate change.
Because “science says” isn’t a good reason. And by the way, there are plenty of Conservative and Libertarian owned “Green” companies that didn’t have to be forced to be so. I know this, because alternative energy is something I want to invest in.
-Blackballing people who protest police brutality and racial injustice.
Because leftists makeup numbers that don’t really exist. There is NO EVIDENCE that police discriminate against black people, anymore than they do non-Hispanic Whites, or any other group. In fact, the most disproportional group, in terms of police brutality, seems to be American Indians. And since most American Indians in the US are mixed, to at least some extent, you can’t really say that’s based on race; I.E., the cops don’t know they’re Indian until after they’ve been shot.
This is the reason why I have voted 3rd party, because while I am pro-life, it seems kind of hypocritical to look at all of these other issues with the attitude of “well, they’re not that big of a deal compared to abortion.”
Yeah, Trump earned my vote by passing broad legislation in favour of the Pro-life movement, helping the economy (which leftists do not know how that works, one can be a Democrat and still figure this out, Bill Clinton had a pretty good economy, even if he was terrible in other ways)
You are basing your views on the GOP based on stereotypes, not statistics.
And for the record, I am not a Republican. George W. Bush and other Neoconservatives (and I do not use that term lightly, and not necessarily as an insult), repelled me for a while. But, Donald Trump of all people, did not start any wars. If the Republican party keeps to that, I think I may not have all that many problems with them.
By the way, I understand voting third party, but yes, as it now stands, the Republican party is pro-life.