I always found this interesting because my view of what the parties are doing is 100% the opposite. Absolutely no one has an actual goal of keeping people on welfare.The same sort of thing can be said for Democrats–welfare is structured to be difficult to get out of, and so they seem to keep that as their issue on which to get elected.
If abortion were off the table, I might still vote Republican (even tho they drive me up a wall sometimes!) because they seem more interested in giving the poor a helping hand out of poverty.
Republicans also seem more interested in keeping jobs here and in keeping them for citizens and permanent residents, and just generally keeping an eye on how actual people are managing.
Neither party is perfect, but I think, if abortion were off the table, that the back-and-forth between the Democrats who want to care for poor people in perpetuity and the Republicans who want to reduce welfare spending as much as possible would keep us in a good middle regarding the poor.
Republicans are keeping more people on welfare by having harsh cutoffs that encourage people to stay below the line out of fear of losing support. A big problem with our current system is the “donut hole” effect, where assistance cutoffs are lower than what a family needs to survive, thus keeping them on welfare. These policies are generally enacted by conservatives who are concerned about people who don’t deserve welfare. Republicans are also enacting a lot of policies that encourage the proliferation of low wage jobs. Most welfare recipients are in households with at least one working adult, after all, and most welfare recipients who are considered able to work are working. Of those who aren’t, most are only in that status for a short time. So there really isn’t this huge class of adults who could be working but are living off of welfare instead. Much more commonly we’re seeing people who are working, but aren’t making enough to live off of, especially once you exclude children and the permanently disabled from the statistics.
Democrats are more supportive of programs that encourage people to get a leg up rather than seeking to cut off as many people as possible as soon as possible. They’re also more interested in economic structures that would support well paying jobs and the ability to live independently, rather than more low wage jobs that mostly funnel more money into the pockets of billionaires. They’re also more supportive of laws that would allow increased access for those with disabilities, flexible policies that would assist working parents in being able to hold down a job, and so forth. These are the kind of things that actually encourage people to get off welfare. I’ve been in the system before and the more conservative areas it’s definitely actually harder, because it’s much easier to lose support by taking any steps to improve your life and end up losing the help you need to keep going.