Is this a Christian Crusade in the MidEast that we are conducting?

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Shoshana writes: Here again there is inconsistency…Israel contines to violate UN sanctions. And batw, they are getting nowhere with their war on terrorism.

UN sanctions??? Oh, you mean general assembly resolutions (ie. a block of tyranical totalitarian Arab regimes and terrorist-appeasing European states bound together by general anti-semitism) voting to “condemn” Isreal???

First, general resolutions are not UN SECURITY COUNCIL resolutions. BIG, BIG DIFFERENCE.

Secondly, 17 UN SC resolutions were pertaining to enforcing a peace treaty after a WAR in which Saddam lost.

War not going well?? Mmmmm. Let not “perfect” be the enemy of what is “good”. We are doing a good job in combating terrorism. These hatemongering machete wavers don’t have time to breathe. Call it realistic optimism, but we are making good progress, and doing quite well.
There is no comparison between WW2 and Iraq. Boy, you should know that. How many countries did Hitler invade? How many countries did Saddam invade? It doesn’t take a rockey science to figure that one out. You don’t even need 4 stars, 3 stars, 2stars, and or even one star…sheshhhhh

You continue praying for your president…he needs it. Like so many others, like mine. President Reagan would’ve contested this motion…big time. He didn’t use any invasion to fell communism. He would be doing this :tsktsk: to his colleague.

Did you support Reagan during his years in the White House?? I’m going to go out on a limb and say…no.
And praytell. exactly when did the US go to war in WW2??? I must hear it from your mouth so to speak…
O.k. - this comment has me curious, so I’ll just refrain from discussing our current operations.

We declared war on 8 Dec 1941. Now what exactly is your point? Do you not realize how many YEARS of Japanese and NAZI aggression were met by apathetic and impotent negotiations and talk of peace through appeasement both here and in Europe? Do you not realize how we oppened ourselves up to attack by letting our former military might wither away to almost nothing from 1918 to Pearl Harbor? How is it that you fail to see that the UN being upset about its own sanctions being enforced has made it just as worthless as the League of Nations proved to be?
Here again there is inconsistency
…Israel contines to violate UN sanctions. And batw, they are getting nowhere with their war on terrorism.

No inconsistency. The US has supported many if not most of those resolutions - there are no sanctions. Do you remember WHY Israel has the West Bank and Gaza strip??? How exactly are they getting nowhere? THEY HAVE HELD OFF 3 FULL SCALE INVASIONS. Egypt, Jordan, and Syria are LUCKY they gave most of the land back. Do you really believe the terrorists will stop attacking them if they try appeasement and give back the rest of the territories?
How many countries did Hitler invade? How many countries did Saddam invade?
The point is, had we, the Brittish, or the French acted WHEN HITLER WAS WEAK - as we have with Saddam, HITLER WOULD NEVER HAVE INVADED ANYONE. We allowed Hitler to build up his armies even though he was foolish enough TO PUBLISH HIS PLANS. Saddam was pretty forthright about letting us know his ultimate goals, so we took him out before he regathered his strength, as he was trying to do with the help of the French and others (who conveniently refused to support us).
But stopping one abortion is not exactly like invading a country that would cause repercussions throughout the world. You can’t even compre the two.

True. We can fight abortion effectively by picketing, voting, stigmatizing, spreading the truth about it, etc. Such tactics would never have stopped Saddam’s torture chambers and rape rooms, nor would it have prevented any children from having their eyes gouged out because their parents were suspected of opposing the regime.

Saddam was a threat to the US. I still can’t believe how easy people dismiss that he funded al Queda.

I’m not a war monger. I loathe Jacque Chirac, but I would never support a war to remove him–he’s not a brutal monster. But when tyrants torture and murder, war is often the most humane answer–not fighting murders ensures innocents will be murdered. Just because the citizens aren’t our fellow citizens doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take risks to save them–they are equally as human. War, as horrible as it is, saved the Jews from extinction, prevented South Korean from falling into tyranny, saved Bosnian Muslims from genocide (to his credit, Bill Clinton did this), and saved Afghanistan women from being treated like animals.

War would have saved almost 1 million blacks from being slaughtered in the streets in Rowanda while an American president sat on his hands (coincidentaly, Bill Clinton as well, who is revered as “the first black president”–in light of his inaction in the face of black genocide, a gesture that is nothing short of obscene).

I’m sorry we disagree, but I care to much about the tortured to not want to stop the torturers.
Have you seen that bumper sticker that says, “No More Hiroshima’s?” I wish I had one that says, “No More Pearl Harbors.”

Karl Keating would be hard-pressed to agree with you…and so would I, sweat pea…😃

Little Sweet Pea! Ya really need to slow down…The post was an article reprint…duly noted. LOL! Your lecturing the wrong old dog once again… :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Thanks for the usual self righteous and mis-guided correction though. ROFLOL!

You really should learn to slow reading posts though. 😉 Speed reading will get you run over every time. 😃
The real threat of Islam isn’t the fanatical terrorist. It’s the slow takeover of whole societies bit by bit. If nothing changes, and the rate of change continues at the same pace, France will have an Islamic majority in 50 years. The majority of western Europe is not far behind. The real question for me is will France then become an Islamic state? Freedom of religion is a foreign notion to most Muslims. We have let a moral and religous vacuum envelop the western world through secularism. Now Islam is starting to fill the vacuum.
Once again, Todd, you have hit the nail squarely on the head.
Little Sweet Pea! Ya really need to slow down…The post was an article reprint…duly noted. LOL! Your lecturing the wrong old dog once again… :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Thanks for the usual self righteous and mis-guided correction though. ROFLOL!

You really should learn to slow reading posts though. 😉 Speed reading will get you run over every time. 😃
Ok, my bad. But it does echo your very thought, no doubt.

You can call me any name you want, Marie, but your behaviour is shadowed in your remarks. This behaviour which causes some to lash back at you.

My remark to you on the other thread still stands. You are wrong in smearing another one’s reputation with your self-rightous and misguided perception. It just may be that you do not even understand what you said…I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

But please keep your age to yourself instead of trying it to bully others into submission. Age has nothing to do with maturity.

Israel has done a great job fighting terrorism. We should take lessons. They target terrorist leaders and kill them. The terrorists target pizza joints and kill teenagers or send children in to blow themselves up. Israel’s policy is that if you try to kill us we will kill you and they do it.

This isn’t a pc game in college. I remember in my college we played international politics games. I was the USSR and my partner was the USA. He unilaterally disarmed and invited me to a peace conference. I nuked him. He was aghast. I told him “the object was to win and I did”. He said “I protest”. My response “you can’t, you’re dead”. He was baffled. Typical liberal. They will get us all killed one of these days. Useful idiots, for the terrorists.
Is the United States currently leading Christian Crusade against an aggressive Islam that is threatening Christiandom today?
No. The war in Iraq is a captalist crusade against a culture that is opposed to usury.

It is also a Zionist crusade to secure and expand the position of the Israeli state.
Did you support Reagan during his years in the White House?? I’m going to go out on a limb and say…no.
Reagan’s address dated March 8, 1983 I believe (so-called Evil Empire Speech), published in the Catholic World Report:

President Reagan was heavily criticized by both press commentators and the cultural elite for his so-called ‘Evil Empire speech’ of March 8, 1983. That was an address written not by the White House speechwriters, but by the President himself. The address said little about the Soviet Union, and a lot about Regean.

But in this particular speech President mentioned God more than 20 times, and inlcluded his positions on religious bias and discrimation, the sanctity of all human life, the inordinate seperation of church and state, and the need for adult guidance and for sexual abstinance for teenagers. He concludes his address, in part:

While America’s military strength is important, let me add here that I have always maintained that the struggle going on now for the world will never be decided by bombs and rockets, or armies or military might. The real crisis we face today is a spiritual one; at root it is the test of moral will and faith.

Anthont Lewis of the New York Times wrote that Presient Regean’s speech was:

…primitive…what is the world to think when the greatest of powers is led by a man who approaches the most difficult human problems with simplistic theology…purpoting to apply regligious concepts to contentious technical particulars of arms programs. Can the concept of good verses evil determine whether 10,000 nuclear warheads are enough?

In his presidency he did this: he out-argued Communism and refused to accept its claim of moral superiority; he rallied the West, rallied America and continued to make big gambles, including a defense-spending increase in a recession. He promised he’d place Pershing missiles in Europe if the Soviets would not afree arms reductions, and told Soviet leaders that they’d never be able to beat us in defence, that we’d spend them into the ground. They were suddenly reasonable.

Ronal Regean told the truth to a world made weary by lies. He believed truth was the only platform on which a better future could be built.

We declared war on 8 Dec 1941. Now what exactly is your point? QUOTE]
T compare notes here, Canada entered the war on September 10th, 1939. Canada was never attacked nor threatened. Did you not enter te war due to pearl Harbor? Do you need a threat to act on anything? And if you were not to have been threatened, would you have bothered since it did not affect you personnally? Just asking.

This is my position.
I would be most grateful to God Almighty if one abortion could be avoided amongst the millions being performed. Boy, talk abour terrorism.

Lance, I too have picketed the hospital for a couple of years and prayed the rosary with the group. I even brought my very young son of about 5 holding a picket sign to get the message across (without going to detail with him exactly what he was doing).

But stopping one abortion is not exactly like invading a country that would cause repercussions throughout the world. You can’t even compre the two.

Yes I can and do.
Israel has done a great job fighting terrorism. We should take lessons. They target terrorist leaders and kill them. The terrorists target pizza joints and kill teenagers or send children in to blow themselves up. Israel’s policy is that if you try to kill us we will kill you and they do it.

This isn’t a pc game in college. I remember in my college we played international politics games. I was the USSR and my partner was the USA. He unilaterally disarmed and invited me to a peace conference. I nuked him. He was aghast. I told him “the object was to win and I did”. He said “I protest”. My response “you can’t, you’re dead”. He was baffled. Typical liberal. They will get us all killed one of these days. Useful idiots, for the terrorists.
And the terrorist leaders will continue to multiply like the multiplication of the loaves.

They will kill those who kill them. Although, unfortunetly, they were once oppressed…they are now the oppressers. We never see or hear the whole story…only God does.

You can play all the games you want but I will follow Regaen’s example. This man is truly a Christian,

I will accept your sentence of ‘liberal idiot’. But if a conservative doesn’t agree with Bush, are they conservative idiots? I prefer to be a ‘urodivoi’ and err on the side of caution…

sigh But Cest knows best…

And to all of the other posters I will back down. I only ask that you read the wonderful article on Regaen…please.

I don’t think this is a crusade by any means…It is more along the lines of our culture vs. their culture. Granted, for them, the idea that we are Christians or Jews just infuriates them more…but they are not killing only Jews and Christians…they kill Atheist, Muslims, Hindus, Wiccans, etc…they don’t care who they kill. They are attacking our culture. In addition, we have not declared war against Islam…we have declared war against terrorism…and we don’t discriminate against terrorist. No matter if they are White Protestants, etc…they should be eliminated, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. What we are doing in the Middle East not only benefits us and our children and their children…but it also benefits people throughout the world. An extremist of any flavor is a friend to no one except other extremist…As CAtholics…we are no stranger to this concept…Look at the Spanish Inquisition…Ferdinand and Isabella, wanted to purify their country and make it exclusively a Catholic nation…so they started killing and driving out non-believers…That is extremism at its worse and it is no different with the Islamic extremist…

So, in summary, we are not on a crusade to eradicate Islam…we are engaged in WWIII to rid the world of facism and extremism which is something that has plagued this world in several forms throughout the last few centuries. We are just and right.
St. James,
The more I read your posts the more I hear the old shout Juden Raus! Something tells me you are not what you seem. But your bigotry is beginning to reveal itself. You are so concerned with “Zionism” and so little concerned with Islamofascism. Iraq has nothing to do with Israel. I will be visiting Israel shortly and look forward to it. I have no fear of the Jews, but I do have concerns about being beheaded by your Muslim friends.
LOL… 😃
St. James,
The more I read your posts the more I hear the old shout Juden Raus! Something tells me you are not what you seem. But your bigotry is beginning to reveal itself. You are so concerned with “Zionism” and so little concerned with Islamofascism. Iraq has nothing to do with Israel. I will be visiting Israel shortly and look forward to it. I have no fear of the Jews, but I do have concerns about being beheaded by your Muslim friends.
As CAtholics…we are no stranger to this concept…Look at the Spanish Inquisition…Ferdinand and Isabella, wanted to purify their country and make it exclusively a Catholic nation…so they started killing and driving out non-believers…That is extremism at its worse and it is no different with the Islamic extremist…

So, in summary, we are not on a crusade to eradicate Islam…we are engaged in WWIII to rid the world of facism and extremism which is something that has plagued this world in several forms throughout the last few centuries. We are just and right.
We are just and right…? I hope so. There is always the problem of going overboard though. That concerns me. No one is really “Just and Right”, except, as someone commented: The guy with the Beard painted on the Sistine Chapel.

War is not a pretty business. Not all parties of either faction, will ever be, all Just and all good. Lot’s of prayer is needed. God is the only one who can actually bring about a perfect resolution to the horror of War.

Meantime, we do have to defend ourselves. No one should ever think War is the end all solution to Evil. It is not.
But please keep your age to yourself instead of trying it to bully others into submission. Age has nothing to do with maturity
AhHA! Now we are getting somewhere. I take it you came on board long after the beginning. The age jokes are just that…a Joke! It has to do with several amusing threads we had way back in the beginning of the board, comparing Old people and young children. :rotfl: Most of us know it is strictly in fun. Sorry you missed that. It explains a lot as to way you think it is some kind of remark about your age and a insult.

Never was SweetPea. And that is not and insult either…Just a sign of old ladies who like to tease a bit. If your humor level is low, we will just go with another. Your forum name is too long to type. It also is close to one or two other posters and I get them all confused…It’s the bane of old age! Sigh!

And I am old, but NOT that old. Regan was much older than I am…I like his style though, just as you do.
I saw something new last night. Actually, not new, it is 2 years old, but I never saw it before (with the press we have, go figure).

It was Saddam, on television, on Sepember 11, 2002, standing beside his two sadistic sons, celebrating the anniversary of 9-11by offering big bucks to any suicide terrorist that attacked the USA. I thought he wasn’t a threat?

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