Is this a Christian Crusade in the MidEast that we are conducting?

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AhHA! Now we are getting somewhere. I take it you came on board long after the beginning. The age jokes are just that…a Joke! It has to do with several amusing threads we had way back in the beginning of the board, comparing Old people and young children. :rotfl: Most of us know it is strictly in fun. Sorry you missed that. It explains a lot as to way you think it is some kind of remark about your age and a insult.

Thanks for clearing that up. I was not here when CA began. I did not take so much offense as you think. I had Misericordie in mind.

Never was SweetPea. And that is not and insult either…

Actually, this also did not offend me. I love the flower. It also has a wonderful smell. (a real compliment , really) I was just trying to be sarcastic, that’s all.

Just a sign of old ladies who like to tease a bit. If your humor level is low, we will just go with another.

I also like to tease and my humour level is not that low. So, let us start all over, ok? What I was offended with was you laughing so much at me. Laughter is good for the soul but not at someone else’s expense. But my perception will change…have patience.

Your forum name is too long to type. It also is close to one or two other posters and I get them all confused…It’s the bane of old age! Sigh!

Yes, I have SOMEtimers also.

And I am old, but NOT that old. Regan was much older than I am…I like his style though, just as you do.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read the article. Yes, Regaen was the epitomy of Christian conduct. He is high there on my list of favourite people and I mourned his death. I watched most programs that covered his death. He also died ot Alzheimer’s which my own father-in-law is in the last throes of the disease. The Pope and Regaen were grest buddies.

In all I have tried to say (so imperfectly) about this war is what Regaen manifested in the world with his presence as the great President of the US. It does brings tears to my eyes. Could not Bush have done the same thing as Regaen? And why not? Could not Bush have threatened as a last resort to plant missiles like Regaen at different points in the world? Could Iraq, in the end, have done the same thing as Russia? Just capitulated??? These are all the questions I ask myself.


And to you also. As Regaen was considered a ‘uridovoi’ when he presided over the greatest country with such great wisdom, I too, would like to emulate such behaviour. thanks for clearing a few things!

Blessings, Shoshana

Actually the Inquisition was caused by the Muslims who invaded Spain. After a 700 year long war they were driven out. It created a paranoia, not entirely unfounded, that the Muslims hoped to make a come back. So the Spanish began the process of trying to figure out who was loyal and could be trusted. No Muslims would have meant no Inquisition. An irony of history.
The great majority of my country was reconquered by the christians in the XIII century and the spanish muslims live four centuries in Spain, well, they din´t want to be spanish, why? because they supported the islamic south invasions and the turks, and the Catholic Kings forgives the life with their baptism, they baptised and later they came back his muslims costumes, in the XVI century several cities in Spain were invaded for the Turks, and muslims, like fifth column, supported the invasion, in several regions like Valencia and Murcia the muslims were the 30% of the people, we know that in France with 10%, it´s problematic, can you imagine 30%, finnally they were deported to the North Africa because they prefer their religion against Spain, and this was a very bad news, greetings
The great majority of my country was reconquered by the christians in the XIII century and the spanish muslims live four centuries in Spain, well, they din´t want to be spanish, why? because they supported the islamic south invasions and the turks, and the Catholic Kings forgives the life with their baptism, they baptised and later they came back his muslims costumes, in the XVI century several cities in Spain were invaded for the Turks, and muslims, like fifth column, supported the invasion, in several regions like Valencia and Murcia the muslims were the 30% of the people, we know that in France with 10%, it´s problematic, can you imagine 30%, finnally they were deported to the North Africa because they prefer their religion against Spain, and this was a very bad news, greetings
The problem is that schools do not teach people here their own history; we have been engaged since the Cold War of teaching much “revisionist” history which makes many totally ignorant of the past. I notice today in the UK, 1 out of 3 of them do not even know where Jesus was born - it is everywhere - and I doubt very much if we will see fatwas issued en masse against terrorists. It just isn’t going to happen.
The great majority of my country was reconquered by the christians in the XIII century and the spanish muslims live four centuries in Spain, well, they din´t want to be spanish, why? because they supported the islamic south invasions and the turks, and the Catholic Kings forgives the life with their baptism, they baptised and later they came back his muslims costumes, in the XVI century several cities in Spain were invaded for the Turks, and muslims, like fifth column, supported the invasion, in several regions like Valencia and Murcia the muslims were the 30% of the people, we know that in France with 10%, it´s problematic, can you imagine 30%, finnally they were deported to the North Africa because they prefer their religion against Spain, and this was a very bad news, greetings
What country are you in?
T compare notes here, Canada entered the war on September 10th, 1939. Canada was never attacked nor threatened. Did you not enter te war due to pearl Harbor? Do you need a threat to act on anything? And if you were not to have been threatened, would you have bothered since it did not affect you personnally? Just asking.
You have one very big point wrong here. Canada, along with the rest of the world, was threatened. Or do you think Hitler would have just stopped at the Atlantic. Also, implying that we didn’t act is wrong. We did act to support our allies after 9/9/39, but due to years of isolationist policy that tore apart our military, all we could do was send supplies and war materials as we got our industry turned up for wartime. As far as us not acting without a threat - YES, we have typically stayed out of conflicts like Rwanda (at least militarily), that were not a threat to us in some way. In recent times we did this because after WWII we worked through the U.N. in such cases. Prior to the founding of the U.N. we didn’t get involved because of our isolationist policies and also because news of what was going on in other parts of the world was not so readily available. Cases such as Rwanda show just how impotent the U.N. has become.
Prior to the founding of the U.N. we didn’t get involved because of our isolationist policies and also because news of what was going on in other parts of the world was not so readily available. Cases such as Rwanda show just how impotent the U.N. has become.
There are also a few small clarifying details I believe: England declared war due to treaty and failure of peace agreements, Canada as part of the Commonwealth had a bit of different reason for getting in earlier than did the US.
Canada has the luxury of spitting in our eye. They know the US cannot allow anything to happen to them since we are so close together. But I would remind them. If the terrorists introduced a biological agent in the US it will reach them too. They have been trying to do just that. So I suggest the Canadians, if only out of self interest, help us win the war on terror.
Canada has the luxury of spitting in our eye. They know the US cannot allow anything to happen to them since we are so close together. But I would remind them. If the terrorists introduced a biological agent in the US it will reach them too. They have been trying to do just that. So I suggest the Canadians, if only out of self interest, help us win the war on terror.
Their very loose laws regarding immigration from lands known for terrorism endanger the entire hemisphere. They will rue it someday just as the Spanish have found pulling out of Iraq didn’t save them, and as the Germans have found paying the Munich Olympics blackmail didn’t help them either.
The problem is that schools do not teach people here their own history; we have been engaged since the Cold War of teaching much “revisionist” history which makes many totally ignorant of the past. I notice today in the UK, 1 out of 3 of them do not even know where Jesus was born - it is everywhere - and I doubt very much if we will see fatwas issued en masse against terrorists. It just isn’t going to happen.
The manipulation in my country is very important, the mass media controlled by people that don´t want the fatherland and insult the patriots of Spain is very important, we live in a very similar atmosphere of Big Brother of Orwell.
In my opinion the most important problem is if 50 years ago the people were ignorant, they wanted to know, and more before and later they learned, but now the people is ignorant too, but mass media have said to them, “it doesn´t matter if you don´t know, this, it isn´t important” sometimes I thought like in my Spain, could go out people like James I, The Cid, Pelayo, Hernan Cortes, Pizarro, Saint Francisco Xavier ando others( excuse me my translations) and the current people, but my answer is: when a person is in grace of Christ and the Church, he is stronger, greetings
Their very loose laws regarding immigration from lands known for terrorism endanger the entire hemisphere. They will rue it someday just as the Spanish have found pulling out of Iraq didn’t save them, and as the Germans have found paying the Munich Olympics blackmail didn’t help them either.
Never mind the fact that Canada is looking at bringing in muslim law.

I have been to Spain several times. I loved Santiago de Compostella. It is a wonderful country. They deserve better then their current government.
Whose War?

A neoconservative clique seeks to ensnare our country in a series of wars that are not in America’s interest.

by Patrick J. Buchanan

"The War Party may have gotten its war. But it has also gotten something it did not bargain for. Its membership lists and associations have been exposed and its motives challenged. In a rare moment in U.S. journalism, Tim Russert put this question directly to Richard Perle: “Can you assure American viewers … that we’re in this situation against Saddam Hussein and his removal for American security interests? And what would be the link in terms of Israel? …”

"Neocons say we attack them because they are Jewish. We do not. We attack them because their warmongering threatens our country, even as it finds a reliable echo in Ariel Sharon.
"And this time the boys have cried “wolf” once too often. It is not working. As Kaus notes, Kaplan’s own New Republic carries Harvard professor Stanley Hoffman. In writing of the four power centers in this capital that are clamoring for war, Hoffman himself describes the fourth thus:

And, finally, there is a loose collection of friends of Israel, who believe in the identity of interests between the Jewish state and the United States. … These analysts look on foreign policy through the lens of one dominant concern: Is it good or bad for Israel? Since that nation’s founding in 1948, these thinkers have never been in very good odor at the State Department, but now they are well ensconced in the Pentagon, around such strategists as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.

"‘If Stanley Hoffman can say this,’ asks Kaus, ‘why can’t Chris Matthews?’ Kaus also notes that Kaplan somehow failed to mention the most devastating piece tying the neoconservatives to Sharon and his Likud Party.

“In a Feb. 9 front-page article in the Washington Post, Robert Kaiser quotes a senior U.S. official as saying, “The Likudniks are really in charge now.” Kaiser names Perle, Wolfowitz, and Feith as members of a pro-Israel network inside the administration and adds David Wurmser of the Defense Department and Elliott Abrams of the National Security Council. (Abrams is the son-in-law of Norman Podhoretz, editor emeritus of Commentary, whose magazine has for decades branded critics of Israel as anti-Semites.)”

entire article:
St. James,
Still no plans to answer me? Was ist los? Who was it that said hatred of Jews is ultimately hatred of Christ?
The manipulation in my country is very important, the mass media controlled by people that don´t want the fatherland and insult the patriots of Spain is very important, we live in a very similar atmosphere of Big Brother of Orwell.
In my opinion the most important problem is if 50 years ago the people were ignorant, they wanted to know, and more before and later they learned, but now the people is ignorant too, but mass media have said to them, “it doesn´t matter if you don´t know, this, it isn´t important” sometimes I thought like in my Spain, could go out people like James I, The Cid, Pelayo, Hernan Cortes, Pizarro, Saint Francisco Xavier ando others( excuse me my translations) and the current people, but my answer is: when a person is in grace of Christ and the Church, he is stronger, greetings
Your country has taken some heavy hits lately: first they want the image of St. Jaime the Moorslayer removed so they don’t offend anyone; then you have a terrorist attack, then you have a socialist government who is disrupting centuries of tradition in church vs. state relations, and then you have the separtists bombing intermittently for their cause - what’s the king saying about any or all of this? Where does he seem to stand? And I must say Franco seemed to sense that things of this nature would happen after he eft the scene. Very sad and very, very difficult for the land of the great Isabella whose canoniztion is being fought again, because some would be “offended”.
I still await St. James’ answer. It will be interesting to see if he is a holocaust denier.
"Cui Bono? For whose benefit these endless wars in a region that holds nothing vital to America save oil, which the Arabs must sell us to survive? Who would benefit from a war of civilizations between the West and Islam?

"Answer: one nation, one leader, one party. Israel, Sharon, Likud.

"Indeed, Sharon has been everywhere the echo of his acolytes in America. In February 2003, Sharon told a delegation of Congressmen that, after Saddam’s regime is destroyed, it is of ‘vital importance’ that the United States disarm Iran, Syria, and Libya.

"‘We have a great interest in shaping the Middle East the day after the war on Iraq,’ Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz told the Conference of Major American Jewish Organizations. After U.S. troops enter Baghdad, the United States must generate ‘political, economic, diplomatic pressure’ on Tehran, Mofaz admonished the American Jews.

"Are the neoconservatives concerned about a war on Iraq bringing down friendly Arab governments? Not at all. They would welcome it.

"‘Mubarak is no great shakes,’ says Richard Perle of the President of Egypt. ‘Surely we can do better than Mubarak.’ Asked about the possibility that a war on Iraq—which he predicted would be a ‘cakewalk’—might upend governments in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, former UN ambassador Ken Adelman told Joshua Micah Marshall of Washington Monthly, ‘All the better if you ask me.’

"On July 10, 2002, Perle invited a former aide to Lyndon LaRouche named Laurent Murawiec to address the Defense Policy Board. In a briefing that startled Henry Kissinger, Murawiec named Saudi Arabia as ‘the kernel of evil, the prime mover, the most dangerous opponent’ of the United States.

"Washington should give Riyadh an ultimatum, he said. Either you Saudis ‘prosecute or isolate those involved in the terror chain, including the Saudi intelligence services,’ and end all propaganda against Israel, or we invade your country, seize your oil fields, and occupy Mecca.

“In closing his PowerPoint presentation, Murawiec offered a ‘Grand Strategy for the Middle East.’ ‘Iraq is the tactical pivot, Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot, Egypt the prize.’ Leaked reports of Murawiec’s briefing did not indicate if anyone raised the question of how the Islamic world might respond to U.S. troops tramping around the grounds of the Great Mosque.”

"What these neoconservatives seek is to conscript American blood to make the world safe for Israel. They want the peace of the sword imposed on Islam and American soldiers to die if necessary to impose it.

"Washington Times editor at large Arnaud de Borchgrave calls this the ‘Bush-Sharon Doctrine.’ 'Washington’s ‘Likudniks,’ he writes, ‘have been in charge of U.S. policy in the Middle East since Bush was sworn into office.’

“The neocons seek American empire, and Sharonites seek hegemony over the Middle East. The two agendas coincide precisely. And though neocons insist that it was Sept. 11 that made the case for war on Iraq and militant Islam, the origins of their war plans go back far before.”
There seem to be certain parties within this thread that have an antagonistic relationship with each other and seem incapable of being charitable towards one another. For that reason this thread is being closed. If similar behavior carries over into other threads you can count on suspensions being handed out.

Paul Stephens
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