Is this article right? "Joe Biden Called Conservative Christians 'the Dregs of Society,' Would Eviscerate Religious Freedom"

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Was your initial post sincere? The entire context of the quote is given. It clearly does not mention homosexuality, yet you accepted the lie that it did, even with the text in front of you. Was this just a political campaign trick?
Hi, yes, I am completely sincere in this…and, sorry, but I don’t understand what you are talking about, even though I did read the article. It seemed quite clear to me, although of course maybe I misread it.

Are you a Catholic? If you are, then I assume you, also, are concerned by the Democratic party’s tilt against religion.

Biden never once condemned the persecution of the nuns by the Democrats. He has slid from being slightly anti abortion to agreeing to abortion under almost all circumstances. The article also mentions Biden’s support for the Equality Act, which, the article claims “would force biblical orthodox Christians to violate their consciences on LGBT activism. It would also open women’s sports and women’s private spaces to biological males.”

If you are a Catholic, then, how can you support him?
No Catholic can. Simply because he pushes for pro-choice right to abortion.

Thousands of innocent lives killed WEEKLY and people think supporting a presidential candidate like THAT is acceptable.

Trump may seriously have moral issues, but he ISNT pushing for the killing of innocents by the hundreds of thousands.

You cannot support any pro-choice nominee for anything and be Catholic. Period. End of arguement. Anyone who disagrees needs to repent of supporting murder.
I agree with you. I just wanted to clarify that point.

You see, the words discrimination and prejudice are often used interchangeably and thus the former only in a bad sense.

Then people are confused, and they are easily confused by a slippery use of language.

Unfortunately, this occurs all too often in political discourse.

See how Biden structured what he said. Altho he called only “some” of these “virulent” people the dregs of society, he most certainly denigrates the entire group and links them with the dregs.
Despite losing in the courts, and in the court of public opinion,
To what could he possibly be referring here? What major upheaval has occurred? Clearly he is alluding to homosexual and transsexual “rights.” So who is Biden describing as virulent and possibly even a dreg of society?

Sure, people who go around beating people up for the fun of it are the dregs of society, but they are few and far between, and not at all representative of those thoughtful many who believe that marriage should be reserved for those who can by their nature form families, which is what marriage is all about, after all.
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See how Biden structured what he said. Altho he called only “some” of these “virulent” people the dregs of society, he most certainly denigrates the entire group and links them with the dregs.
Yes, exactly.

Should we, as Catholics, be afraid that our rights are about to be undermined by the Democrats? They have gone after the Little Sisters of the Poor relentlessly, in case after case, even when there seemed no real need, even when you would have thought any rational person would simply have given up. What was the point of attacking a group of elderly nuns who lived their lives helping others?

Biden supports the Equality Act which he has called “his first priority.” This would “force biblical orthodox Christians to violate their consciences on LGBT activism. It would also open women’s sports and women’s private spaces to biological males” according to the article.

In addition, Biden swore to nominate only Supreme Court justices who agree with abortion rights. Planned Parenthood has given him their endorsement.

I am truly worried.
200k this year alone is all.
Yeah, he really pushed for that. Even campaigned on it! Told governors to put COVID patients in nursing homes to increase the number of deaths! Did not send hospital ships to help anyone, distributed ventilators unfairly… oh, the list just goes on and on!
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Yeah, he really pushed for that. Even campaigned on it! Told governors to put COVID patients in nursing homes to increase the number of deaths! Did not send hospital ships to help anyone, distributed ventilators unfairly… oh, the list just goes on and on!
You have ever heard him talk? Yes?

“It’s no big deal.”
“It goes away in warm weather.”
“We should slow down testing. It looks bad.”

That’s off the top of my head.
The article talks about a Biden staffer who insisted that anyone holding the traditional belief of Christians, Jews, and Muslims should be disqualified from public office.
I don’t care what a staffer thinks, because the staffer isn’t Biden himself.
Even more alarming, the article quotes Biden himself, in 2018, calling traditional religious believers who oppose LGBT activism as “the dregs of society.”
Do we know what the context is? It might very well be that he momentarily chose his words poorly while talking about a group which he perceives as preventing a portion of his countrymen from gaining the rights based purely on religions reason. There’s no constitutional basis for marriage being between a man and a woman, but there is basis for a separation between church and state.

It’s worth noting that in the United States “traditional belief” was strictly protestant in nature and Catholics were seen as an aberration.
If this is true, how can any Catholic vote for Biden?
The same way people voted for Trump after he was recorded saying of “They’re rapists” when talking about undocumented immigrants from Mexico. As it turns out gaffes have very little impact on how people vote - those who know about them care more about policy and those who are likely to be swayed by gaffes probably haven’t heard them.
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Are you a Catholic? If you are, then I assume you, also, are concerned by the Democratic party’s tilt against religion.
Please spare me. I think that many Catholics fail to see the difference between pluralism and an attack on any religion. There’s a tilt against co-mingling church and state, I’ll grant you that.
So he was saying that some people who use religion or culture as an excuse to demonize other people are the dregs of society.
Yes the proverbial ‘some’.
Another way of saying ’ not all of them are dregs '. No Liberal is though…lol
So, this is about Biden’s position on gay marriage, which is the same as Trump’s position on gay marriage, right? So, what is the point?
Don’t know if it is true, but I know Biden HAS said a lot of racist stuff. This is verifiable. Also, his non answer on the Supreme Court question.
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A few days ago I was watching some clips on Youtube of the Robert Bork confirmation hearings and also the Clarence Thomas hearings. Biden was active in defeating the Bork nomination and trying to defeat the Thomas nomination.
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Trump may seriously have moral issues, but he ISNT pushing for the killing of innocents by the hundreds of thousands.
200k this year alone is all.
Some states have declared abortion mills as “essential services” 😠😫😱

Pre-crisis, there were 4000 abortions per minute being performed here in the U.S.

Re the 200k figure: Tucker Carlson said tonight that there is no official definition of death from C19. The 200k figure includes people who had other co-morbidities (e.g. diabetes) and the virus was the straw that broke the camel’s back so to speak.
No, it is not true.

They are taking a quote out of context from a speech he made at the 2018 Human Rights Campaign National Dinner.

And here is a transcript of the relevant portion, which starts around 19:44:
As you know, when I was Vice President, I spent a lot of time traveling around the world, and I would speak out about this issue in these countries. And I would be told in some of the countries it’s cultural. Well, let me tell you something. Those who try to excuse this kind of discrimination in the name of culture, I say prejudice is prejudice and inhumanity is inhumanity. It is a crime. And using religion or culture as a license to discriminate, demonizing the community, individuals, to score political points, is no more justifiable around the world than it is here at home, and our policies should reflect that.

Despite losing in the courts, and in the court of public opinion, these forces of intolerance remain determined to undermine and roll back the progress you all have made. This time, they, not you, have an ally in the White House. This time, they have an ally. …
Jesus ate with sinners, and showed compassion and forgiveness even to those who were nailing him to the cross. I think saying religion should not be used as a justification for hate or prejudice is perfectly all right from a Christian perspective.
Funny how those “forces of intolerance” are never named just shamed by association. Precisely what is this intolerance composed of and how does the “White House” exert power over those who have none?

The problem is that Biden is demonizing those who hold traditional views on gender roles and those who aren’t completely on board with the progressive and politically correct narrative concerning “social justice.” He is showing his own bigotry and prejudice against those with conservative and traditional Christian values by characterizing them as “forces of intolerance.”

By pointing fingers at others and assuming the moral high ground in the cultural and moral “revolutions” he thinks that portraying those who don’t accept his views as intolerant and bigoted he has won the debate about those values and the progressive relativist position is necessarily the correct and enlightened one.

Basically, to translate for those who are so naive as to think the progressive cause is the most just and virtuous one: he is stating that anyone who holds conservative values on family, marriage, gender roles, abortion and euthanasia is intolerant and bigoted against those of a more “enlightened” and progressive mindset.

In other words, this is a culture war and the conservative viewpoint has lost - he thinks - because that position has been declared to be evil by Joe and Co. Argument by pure assertion and repetition (along with name calling.)

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It is true that religion should not be used as a justification for hate and prejudice, but neither should politics.

And in this case religion and religious values are being targeted by the hatred and bigotry of political ends: soft and squishy morality, the ideology of Marxism and soft totalitarianism.

Nobody wants to be accused of being homophobic, transphobic, bigoted, racist, misogynist, etc. Every one of these labels targets a conservative value, and anyone holding to those values will be declared a hater of the new norms the left have set for society.

The Democrats are spewing their own hate and prejudice under the guise of political correctness. By accusing those who disagree with the progressive left position of being hateful and prejudiced the progressive left Democrats believe they do not need to convince or persuade others to rationally accept their position, they believe that by characterizing those who disagree with them as hateful bigots they have attained the moral high ground. Why bother persuading when you can intimidate, browbeat and shame others to accept your politics?
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