No, it is not true.
They are taking a quote out of context from a speech he made at the 2018 Human Rights Campaign National Dinner.
And here is a transcript of the relevant portion, which starts around 19:44:
As you know, when I was Vice President, I spent a lot of time traveling around the world, and I would speak out about this issue in these countries. And I would be told in some of the countries it’s cultural. Well, let me tell you something. Those who try to excuse this kind of discrimination in the name of culture, I say prejudice is prejudice and inhumanity is inhumanity. It is a crime. And using religion or culture as a license to discriminate, demonizing the community, individuals, to score political points, is no more justifiable around the world than it is here at home, and our policies should reflect that.
Despite losing in the courts, and in the court of public opinion, these forces of intolerance remain determined to undermine and roll back the progress you all have made. This time, they, not you, have an ally in the White House. This time, they have an ally. …
Jesus ate with sinners, and showed compassion and forgiveness even to those who were nailing him to the cross. I think saying religion should not be used as a justification for hate or prejudice is perfectly all right from a Christian perspective.
Funny how those “forces of intolerance” are never named just shamed by association. Precisely what is this intolerance composed of and how does the “White House” exert power over those who have none?
The problem is that Biden is demonizing those who hold traditional views on gender roles and those who aren’t completely on board with the progressive and politically correct narrative concerning “social justice.” He is showing his own bigotry and prejudice against those with conservative and traditional Christian values by characterizing them as “forces of intolerance.”
By pointing fingers at others and assuming the moral high ground in the cultural and moral “revolutions” he thinks that portraying those who don’t accept his views as intolerant and bigoted he has won the debate about those values and the progressive relativist position is necessarily the correct and enlightened one.
Basically, to translate for those who are so naive as to think the progressive cause is the most just and virtuous one: he is stating that anyone who holds conservative values on family, marriage, gender roles, abortion and euthanasia is intolerant and bigoted against those of a more “enlightened” and progressive mindset.
In other words, this is a culture war and the conservative viewpoint has lost - he thinks - because that position has been declared to be evil by Joe and Co. Argument by pure assertion and repetition (along with name calling.)