Is this article right? "Joe Biden Called Conservative Christians 'the Dregs of Society,' Would Eviscerate Religious Freedom"

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But surely, in the case of Biden and the Democrats today, it is a flood of issues that trouble any Catholic.
No it isn’t.
A flood of issues - most of which you carefully ignore - certainly worries me as a Catholic.

Seriously, the unending legal battles that the Little Sisters of the Poor have had to undergo doesn’t alarm you? The attack by Feinstein on someone being a member of the Knights of Columbus doesn’t scare you? Why not?

What about the two bills I mentioned, one of which you ignored, and the other of which you said: “So hiring a gay man is repugnant to you?”

Come on. The bill will mean even more lawsuits forcing ten year old girls into sharing locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms with those of the opposite sex. It will end the hope of many young women of wining at a sport, since now trans women who went through puberty as male will mostly win instead.

The Equity Bill will assuredly be a true disaster for all believing Catholics. So, so so many issues here that will be harmful, but the one that is the most important is the ability to teach Catholic dogma to our children.
A flood of issues - most of which you carefully ignore
I’m not ignoring them, they are simply not an issue for me in the grand scheme of things.

We have a climate crisis.
We have a poverty crisis.
We have a civil rights crisis.
We have a Pandemic crisis.

NONE of which even scratches the top ten concerns of your average republic party member. These are issues that must be addressed NOW. Not next time. Now. Its an emergency. I’m logically performing triage in my vote.
Seriously, the unending legal battles that the Little Sisters of the Poor have had to undergo doesn’t alarm you?
No, because orphans whine for bread. Blacks are gunned down in the street by civilians and the only reason any repercussion happened is that the government is FINALLY afraid of its people.

So no, the “rights” of a hospital to not have a bowl of condoms in the main lobby isn’t in my purview.
Come on. The bill will mean even more lawsuits forcing ten year old girls into sharing locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms with those of the opposite sex.
It will end the hope of many young women of wining at a sport, since now trans women who went through puberty as male will mostly win instead.
You are worried about sports when the planet is on fire?
The Equity Bill will assuredly be a true disaster for all believing Catholics. So, so so many issues here that will be harmful, but the one that is the most important is the ability to teach Catholic dogma to our children.
So here is the crux of my problem. The Republic party wants to guarantee your leave it to beaver style picket fence age at the expense of everything else. who cares about human rights as long as dad can flip burgers on his grill every Saturday while mom makes salad in the kitchen?

Do you not understand that a pound of meat costs more in water then the world can provide? You grew up in the same highschools I did? That told you only 2.5% of the water on this planet is drinkable? Putting aside the planet’s climate crisis (which your bible tells you to be a good steward of) how much water do you think it takes to make one pound of beef?

1,799 gallons.

But we let companies like Nestle suck up as much as they want like there’s no price on it and sell it back to us with insane markup.

The way we live is not sustainable. It’s not responsible, and the republic Party THRIVES on to keep your comfortable.

News flash, yes abortion is terrible, you know what’s worse? A planet that can’t support life.
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We have a climate crisis.
Sorry, but
  1. Our planet can not only support life, we are actually looking at wiping out real poverty across the world, perhaps in the next fifty years. In the last 200 years, the number of people living in poverty has not just declined, it has crashed.
  2. Climate change, etc. My husband is an academic whose field involves weather. Here is the problem with trying to assess the last 20 years or so of research on the subject:
    Susan Crockford fired after finding polar bears thriving despite climate change - Washington Times
    If you try to publish anything outside of the accepted dogma, you will be fired, doxxed, threatened, refused tenure, and perhaps even worse. Many, many people in the field are frankly living in a state of terror the situation is so fraught.
All of which simply ignores the truly alarming situation we are in with the Democratic party and Catholicism.
Biden did say he would force the Little Sisters of the Poor and others to provide birth control- many of which are in fact abortifants, and abortions through insurance plans even as they have fought and won through the courts at great expense. That is in fact contrary to allowing freedom of religion and freedom of conscience.

Biden has become a most ardent abortion supporter and in favor of using taxpayer funds to support, provide funding and export abortions - that is using taxpayer funds to kill babies here and abroad.

With your love and care of a child a child whose life was shortened - you know both the heartache and love that flows from innocent lives …

Biden does not merely treat each human person with respect he is promoting alternative life styles, normalizing them and Yes, Biden and the Democratic Party do intend to eliminate any dissent from those who do hold to Traditional morality like marriage being between one man and one woman.

Women fought hard for equality in sports but alas that is being taken away …

Anti-Catholicism las a long history in America…now that sentiment is all encompassing of Christianity…
Our planet can not only support life, we are actually looking at wiping out real poverty across the world, perhaps in the next fifty years.
While that’s true we are talking about the planet as a whole not just the US. The only way the Republic party will tow the line of progress is if we force them to come to terms with the fact they won’t be voted in if they don’t.
If you try to publish anything outside of the accepted dogma, you will be fired, doxxed, threatened, refused tenure, and perhaps even worse.
While sad doesn’t change facts. Open dialog about scientific inquiry is a good idea but I find it tasteless when the same people who promote the republic party call for it only when it benefits them. the rest of the time they will totally let slide the president making statements like “clean wonderful coal” which you know he’s saying just to get votes and no one believes.

Now if you want to talk about the democrat’s inability to acknowledge nuclear as a clean source of power then sure point made.

Just don’t say “what about impartial scientific dialog?!?” only when it’s to your benefit.
We can start new threads on how Catholics cannot be Democrats from now until the cows come home, but it will still remain outside of what the Catholic Church has said. No one here has the authority to speak for the Church, and what a Catholic’s just gotta do, beyond what the Church has said. On this one issue, the Church has been very supportive of those who face unjust discrimination based on sexual orientation. We are not Westboro Baptist Church and have nothing in common with them on this issue.
While that’s true we are talking about the planet as a whole not just the US
I was talking about the entire world. Please check the stats from the UN, among others. It appears poverty will be extinguished worldwide within fifty years or so.
  1. Here’s how science works. I propose a theory. I test the theory. I come to a result. If I am unable to check or test or propose alternate facts against the theory, how can a result be reached?
All of which simply ignores the truly alarming situation we are in with the Democratic party and Catholicism.
We can start new threads on how Catholics cannot be Democrats from now until the cows come home, but it will still remain outside of what the Catholic Church has said
Sorry, but I believe the topic was about religious freedom and the Democratic party. This is a very serious and alarming issue.since, in multiple ways, the freedom of Catholics to continue to practice their faith seems under attack.

It’s being attacked physically, by having statues of St. Serra broken and taken down.

Most of all, it’s being threatened by those who hate our beliefs. Think of how Amy Coney Barrett’s beliefs have been treated, and compare them to the laudatory praise for the pro abortion, feminist Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
Maybe you can share another reason with us. The Democrats have been doing this for some time now on a number of issues.
Denouncing evil isn’t wrong.
Thats one issue.
The Democrats are fools if there is no change to the platform then.
Setting aside LGBTQ and abortion the Republic party has no interest in the people themselves. In the last 20 years alone our world has been completely changed. Just on the topic of computers alone most people have no idea how they work or why government should care. Your privacy, indeed your ownership of is completely on the table right now.

Companies continuously error the concept of ownership and the Republic party doesn’t care. They believe in trickle down theory. Get a big company like Amazon to not pay taxes but we’ll tax all the workers slaved to death inside.

Lest the unemployment rate looks good am I right?
The other party is just as guilty in another way, Democrat run cities don’t inspire much confidence.
Most of all, it’s being threatened by those who hate our beliefs. Think of how Amy Coney Barrett’s beliefs have been treated, and compare them to the laudatory praise for the pro abortion, feminist Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
Barett didn’t do anything wrong as far as I know, but there were attacks.
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The Democrats are spewing their own hate and prejudice under the guise of political correctness.
A good definition of political correctness is “manners”.
Why bother persuading when you can intimidate, browbeat and shame others to accept your politics?
I’m not convinced that Democrats do that. Why should Republicans try to gain converts when they can just keep Democrats from voting by aiming new legal restrictions at them?
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the wicked detest the upright.
… but no one can stand the obnoxious.

You are begging the question. According to the Catholic Church unjust discrimination does not come from being “upright”.

Biden did not call all people of faith dregs. He only referred to certain, a few, extremists.
They are a small percentage of the American people, virulent people,
He used the word “virulent.” What you are doing is similar to condemning Jesus for attacking people of faith because he was quite harsh toward the Pharisees. You simply cannot generalize, even for campaign purposes.
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Nobody wants to be accused of being homophobic, transphobic, bigoted, racist, misogynist, etc. Every one of these labels targets a conservative value, and anyone holding to those values will be declared a hater of the new norms the left have set for society.
The conscience is the battleground these bombs hit. Inherently traditional and founded on truth and guided by it ( correct me if I’m wrong) can only be overcome by a fundamental shift in the rules of judgement established by it. We don’t discuss issues in an innocent until proven guilty environment anymore. It’s a guilty until proven guilty environment now.
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He says that there are a few who, despite losing, are determined to undermine, and are virulent about it.
I have heard of no one and certainly no group who is determined to undermine these court cases.
The only organized group I have heard of who were against homosexuals was that ugly group in Florida, which seems to have folded since the 2 daughters left.

If the number is that small, why bring it up? It is utterly pointless and serves only to advance an agenda.
The only organized group I have heard of who were against homosexuals
I cannot speak to your knowledge, but I have seen and heard of a lot more than one organized group that fits that description. Not to mention that what was under discussion was more than just homosexuality, it was primarily same sex marriage and LGBT in general. And there are quite a few people who post here that seem to want to undermine or reverse certain Court decisions they don’t approve of. Which of course is not the same thing as being virulent about it, even though some individuals may be that as well.
If the number is that small, why bring it up?
As I said before, to make sure people are aware that they exist and to watch out for them.
It is utterly pointless and serves only to advance an agenda.
Not pointless, and the agenda is awareness of hateful people in our midst. Why is this such an issue with you?
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