Is Transgenderism a Mental Disease?

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If it has taken the Church 100s of years to finally accept that homosexual inclination may not be due to being mad, bad or sad or traumatic upbringing then surely we are at liberty to apply the same wait and see approach to gender dysphoria…an even more difficult but not rare phenomenon.

APA researcher explodes myth: Gays aren’t ‘born that way’​

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 22, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A top researcher with the American Psychological Association (APA) and lesbian activist has acknowledged that gays are not “born that way.”

Dr. Lisa Diamond, co-editor-in-chief of the APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology and one of the APA’s “most respected members," says sexual orientation is “fluid” and not unchangeable.

As clinical psychologist Dr. Laura A. Haynes summarizes Diamond’s APA Handbook chapters, her book and YouTube lectures, “The battle to disprove 'Born that way and can’t change’ is now over, and (Diamond) is telling LGBT activists to stop promoting the myth.”

Contrary to the typical argument that homosexuals are “born gay” as “who they are” and cannot change, the APA officially recognized sexual orientation change in 2011.


Gender Dysphoria in Children​

American College of Pediatricians – November 2018

Gender dysphoria (GD) in children is a term used to describe a psychological condition in which a child experiences marked incongruence between his or her experienced gender and the gender associated with the child’s biological sex. Twin studies demonstrate that GD is not an innate trait. Moreover, barring pre-pubertal affirmation and hormone intervention for GD, 80 percent to 95 percent of children with GD will accept the reality of their biological sex by late adolescence.
What we do know is that we are what we are biologically born.
It makes no difference how a person feels, what they think, what they say, how they dress, what hormones they take or what surgery they have.
Born a male always a male. Born a female always a female.
What we do know is that we are what we are biologically born.
It makes no difference how a person feels, what they think, what they say, how they dress, what hormones they take or what surgery they have.
Born a male always a male. Born a female always a female.
and we are to fulfill God’s plan for us as male or female.
Perhaps sometimes this is caused by a schism and therefore psychological in essence but I believe that it’s mainly hormonal or physiological.

Sometimes things are caused by very simple beginnings but the effects can be highly complex.

If you don’t think people have been affected by hormones in the food chain how do you explain the fact that many youngsters are now considerably taller than the previous generations. Better food? Better diet? No. Growth hormones in the food chain or some such corruption. Imo.
Sorry, few care for rationalised logic based on a pre existing position. Nature makes mistakes in other pyschosexual areas.
If gender dysphoria has a biological etiology then unequivocally calling it a mental disease is somewhat unreasonable.
There are two different terms in play here: sex and gender

Sex is a biological fact. It can be tested for in every sexual species, humans included.

Gender is a sociological construct: females wear dresses, etc…

If a male decides to wear dresses and a bra, while still claiming to be a male, that does not necessarily indicate any mental illness,

If one willfully denies a scientifically testable truth, as the same person is male; that is a delusion, on par with a denial that the Earth orbits the Sun, or that the atomic number of Carbon is 6.

The extent of the delusion is determinate on how willful the denial is.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness according to the DSM, but it may be going the way of homosexuality if Satan has his way. The UN recently decided that it was no longer a mental illness.

Transgenderism, however, is more of a socio-political issue than a mental illness.
This is my experience with people suffering from GD as well as homosexuality. There is usually some trauma or sexual abuse in their past.
If you don’t think people have been affected by hormones in the food chain how do you explain the fact that many youngsters are now considerably taller than the previous generations. Better food? Better diet? No. Growth hormones in the food chain or some such corruption. Imo.
It is known that plastics emit false estrogens. Fish are affected by the pill used by women.
This is my experience with people suffering from GD as well as homosexuality. There is usually some trauma or sexual abuse in their past.
Yes. It is understood that a trauma in early childhood is mostly responsible. Fatherless homes, abuse, shunning by the mother all contribute.
My friend has a transgender child and they have the most loving and stable home you could ever imagine. ‘Understood’ by whom?
So, so many LGBTQ+ kids are abused and/or cast out because of their sexual orientation/gender identity.
In early childhood?

It is child abuse to further a child in this direction. They must come to terms with reality. Trying to change innate understanding of natural law for the few misguided is foolhardy and will not stand the test of time.
My friend has a transgender child and they have the most loving and stable home you could ever imagine. ‘Understood’ by whom?
Yeah, yeah. Over and over theses examples are cited. To further the agenda these examples must be publcized.
I have no agenda and don’t be so rude (‘yeah,yeah’). You haven’t given any proper evidence other than ‘it is understood’
Furthermore, the American Psychiatric Association classifies it as such:

What Is Gender Dysphoria?
Interesting the cautious way they word this. They don’t outright call it a mental condition or disorder (unless I missed it), but DO qualify that gender non-conformity is NOT one in the paragraph distinguishing transgenderism from non-conformist. Seems like they are trying as hard as possible to not go on record with what they are essentially affirming.
This is an insult to people who’ve actually been abused by their parents. A parent who allows their child to explore their gender identity in a safe, compassionate setting is doing an excellent job.
Wrong. It is disassociating reality. It is dangerous and cruel with lifelong effects to the child. You must be aware that suicide rates escalate. And it is not societal acceptance that is the issues, it is the internal conflict created by promoting it.
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