I don’t know enough about transgender people and gender dysphoria to have an opinion about what kinds of therapy children who are transgender should receive.Thorolfr:
Isn’t it odd, that the status quo approves of young children exploring alternative sexual identities (and this obviously requires the “cooperation” of their parents), yet therapies that propose common sense are taboo.buffalo:
There’s nothing stopping adults from doing so. Most laws that ban “reparative therapy,” apply to children, not adults.If a person has unwanted same sex attraction, should they be able to seek change and therapy?
That strikes me as oddly biased and closed minded.
It’s like a child having a right to believe in a flat earth, and a common sense science teacher being told “hands off”.
But as a gay man, I do know a lot about reparative therapy and personally know a number of people who have been through such programs. The evidence which has accumulated over a number of decades is that such therapy does more harm than good because in most cases, changing sexual orientation has not been possible and after failing to change despite years of trying, many people have suffered a lot of psychological damage and are worse off after having been through such therapy programs.
After an extensive review of the scientific literature on the topic of reparative therapy, the American Psychological Association concluded in 2009: “The results of scientifically valid research indicate that it is unlikely that individuals will be able to reduce same-sex sexual attractions or increase other-sex attractions through SOCE [Sexual Orientation Change Efforts]”. The American Academy of Pediatrics has stated: “Therapy directed at specifically changing sexual orientation is contraindicated, since it can provoke guilt and anxiety while having little or no potential for achieving changes in orientation.”
So, it is not “common sense” that children with SSA should be subjected to “reparative therapy” and I think that it is right that such therapy should be banned for children.
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