Is Voting for Trump Endorsing Racism?

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Trump has denounced white supremacy, the KKK, etc. so many times, it’s not even funny anymore. Again, look up the videos, if you don’t believe me.
A day late and a dollar short. He denouncing these things only after backlash and prompting by his advisors. It does not come naturally to him.
I don’t know enough about the actual inner workings of the Proud Boys to make any conclusions about their character.
Others do. Like US Intelligence.
CNN reported in October 2016 that “overall, 54% say relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse since Obama became president
Then 46% (nearly the same amount) say it has not gotten worse under Obama. Very inconclusive statistic.
Trump’s theory on bringing this country together racially…
He has theory. That’s nice. And how is that going? Are we more together today?
he created many opportunity zones
Has that done anything to reduce the wealth gap? Or is it still growing?
Trump oversaw the passage of the most significant criminal justice reform in decades, helping hopefully to bring the African American men who are disproportionally incarcerated to come home and be a part of their families.
Hopefully? How is it going?
Abortion has killed approximately 19 millions black children since 1973.
Black women are the ones who have killed approximately 19 million of their babies since 1973 - not Democrats.
Surprised a “fact-check” site published that, they’re usually left-wing biased.
The question is if voters can ignore Trump’s racial divisiveness.
Trump is not racially divisive, this seems arrogant and may be slander.

Oh, the Democrats control most of the big cities where strife has occurred like Minneapolis

This is beyond the pale.

The Democratic agenda again, does not value the sanctity of life, hence, trouble will continue in the inner cities they have controlled for 55 years.
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It’s too simplistic anyway.

I know a lot of Trump supporters who are not white
A day late and a dollar short. He denouncing these things only after backlash and prompting by his advisors. It does not come naturally to him.
I don’t know about that. At the press conference when he supposedly said there were “very fine people on both sides” (which is totally taken out of context) he also, at that very same press conference said “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.” If you listen to this, it was not a pre-prepared statement - it just came out of his mouth. Even on the day of the Charlottesville incident, he said, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides.” So, he’s obviously calling out bigotry and hatred there right from the beginning. Also, in 2000, Trump said, “The Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep,” Trump said in a statement (reported then by The New York Times).
Others do. Like US Intelligence.
No comment here.
Then 46% (nearly the same amount) say it has not gotten worse under Obama. Very inconclusive statistic.
In this survey, 29% said that race relations stayed the same and only 16% of people said they got better. For America’s first black President, I think that that is pretty bad. If anyone could have worked to bring the races together, it could have been him. But, he didn’t.
He has theory. That’s nice. And how is that going? Are we more together today?
Trump has only been President for 4 years. It’s pretty hard to undo decades of corruption and mismanagement in 4 years. These things take time. But we’re on the right track. Obviously, COVID has gotten in the way in the short term.

Has that done anything to reduce the wealth gap? Or is it still growing?
Again, we have to give things time. But, I found some compelling signs that we are moving in the right direction, from the State of Working America Wages 2019 from the Economic Policy Institute, emphasis mine:
Black workers. Between 2018 and 2019, the vast majority of black workers had stronger wage growth than in any other year since 2000; however, black wages at the top have not seen improvement since 2018, while 95th-percentile wages for Hispanic and white workers have risen 2.9% and 2.5%, respectively, since 2018. (Again, when looking at all of these numbers, we need to keep in mind that the CPS data is subject to a certain amount of volatility from year to year; for data on black wages, that volatility is likely to be even more pronounced because of the smaller data sample represented by the black population.) Before 2019, what was particularly striking about black wages was slow wage growth since 2000, nearly across the board. In 2019, the tide turned and all deciles have finally exceeded their 2000 and 2007 levels. Even so, white and Hispanic workers had much faster growth across the board since 2000 than black workers, while black workers have just been making up for lost ground as opposed to actually getting ahead.

From 2000 to 2019, the overall black–white wage gap grew, while the overall Hispanic–white wage gap narrowed slightly.​

The bottom section of Table 3 displays wage gaps by race/ethnicity. Wage gaps by race/ethnicity track how much less African American and Hispanic workers are paid relative to white workers; here, black and Hispanic wages are shown as a share of white wages at each decile of their respective wage distributions. Compared with white workers, black workers have been losing ground since 2000, with larger black–white wage gaps across the entire distribution.7 In 2000, black wages at the median were 79.2% of white wages. By 2019, they were only 75.6% of white wages, representing an increase in the wage gap from 20.8% to 24.4%. Conversely, Hispanic workers have been slowly closing the gap with white workers at the bottom 70% of the wage distribution. In 2000, median Hispanic wages were 69.7% of white wages and, by 2019, they were 74.6% of white wages, representing a narrowing of the gap from 30.3% to 25.4%. The 95th-percentile Hispanic–white wage gap still remains significantly wider than its 2000 level.

The regression-adjusted black–white and Hispanic–white wage gaps (controlling for education, age, gender, and region) both narrowed over the last year (Appendix Table 1). While the regression-adjusted Hispanic–white wage gap narrowed a bit, from 12.3% in 2000 to 10.8% in 2019, the regression-adjusted black–white gap was much larger in 2019 (14.9%) than it was in 2000 (10.2%). In 2000, the Hispanic–white wage gap was larger than the black–white wage gap. In 2019, the reverse was true.
Hopefully? How is it going?
I don’t know enough about exactly who has/hasn’t been released. But, like I said before, more definitely needs to be done, it’s just the first step in the right direction. Every change for the better in our society has to start somewhere. Just the fact that we were able to do that means something, I think.
Black women are the ones who have killed approximately 19 million of their babies since 1973 - not Democrats.
Liberals/progressives in government brought about legalized abortion, grafted it into the inner cities and the lives of African American women, and have continued to push for expansion and normalization of abortion access for years. What once was a call for “safe, legal, and rare” is now “abortion is an essential component to women’s health care and women’s freedom.” Obviously, yes, everyone is culpable for their own sins, but it has been the liberal and progressive wing of our society that has created the environment in which this is possible.

May God bless you all! 🙂
That might be a case of confirmation bias. With a Republican president, there are simply more facts that need checking of Trump’s statements than anyone else. A lot of his supporters believe he lies just to shock people and as a technique of communication, but it might still make factcheck.

As a rule, most “never,” “all,” “none,” etc. statements are untrue, at least in a literal sense.
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OP, turn off the mainstream fake news. Seriously. It’s not reality and your rant about the president being racist is complete garbage and not even close to reality. He’s done more for blacks than any other president, including Obama.

I can’t wait vote for President Trump over the well-known racist Joe Biden.
The media keeps twisting his words and drumming false headlines! They probably don’t realize that lots of us actually watch the original events so we hear what was actually said! That’s how we know they are throwing out false headlines like “trump makes the queen mother wait for him”… big news/ big lie and so many more! The black and Hispanic people around trump tell the great things he is doing and the media calls them names… More false hate speech from talking heads and media!
Trump has stoked and exploited racial divisions. Democrats have not done this.
Joe Biden’s “you ain’t black;” Republicans “are gonna put y’all back in chains,” etc., comments don’t count, I guess.
As a Canadian watching everything, I’d say no. Biden on the otherhand…
No, you left out exactly what Trump said.
I wasn’t clear. The quote I gave was from Trump clarifying the quotes that you use.
Yes Trump believed that the Judge had a conflict of interest and was biased against him. That doesn’t make the statement racist. Trump doesn’t say that the judge is inferior but he believes that the judge is not fair and impartial. I have yet to see the loosing side in court believe differently. It is human nature but it isn’t racist.
Taliban has officially endorsed Trump.
Did the Taliban Endorse Trump While Scientific Community Endorsed Biden?
A spokesperson for the Taliban denied endorsing Trump, whose campaign also rejected the alleged 2020 backing from the group. The New England Journal of Medicine said the country’s current political leaders “have demonstrated that they are dangerously incompetent" and “this election gives us the power to render judgment,” but it did not refer to Biden or Trump by name.
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