I can think of other lands occupied by “aggressors” like Tibet for example. But it does not mean we should ignore Palestine. Palestinians are the indigenous people of the land. Genetic studies have shown that the Palestinian people have more ancient Hebrew blood than Ashkenazi or Sephardi Jews. The Palestinian Christians, particularly those belonging to the Jerusalem church founded by St, James, trace their roots to the Jews who accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah (the first disciples of Jesus). Palestinians and Jews are related (although Palestinians may more “genetically Jewish”) and should be able to coexist.Israel took the West Bank in a defensive war against Jordan. This is the only case I can think of where aggressors have garnered so much sympathy. Israel is singled out and condemned far out of proportion to other countries and without any regard to proportionality. There are other peoples around with a far more convincing claim to statehood. There are places currently occupied by aggressor nations that you never hear about. I can’t remember the last time I saw a free Cyprus bumper sticker or saw any free Cyprus rallies. So when I look and see Israel singled out the way it is the only explanation, considering world history, is embedded antisemitism. The world for whatever reason simply hates the Jews.![]()
If not for Israel’s insistence to be a “Jewish state” the conflict could have been avoided. Palestinian Jews, Christians and Muslims got along fine before the creation of Israel. The 2 state solution is now becoming less realizable. Israel continue to built illegal settlements and Netanyahu had recently declared that he totally rejects that idea of establishing a Palestinian state. A one-state solution could then become the only viable solution. I would support a single state where Jews and Palestinians can live together. Israel can annex Gaza and the West Bank and grant full citizenship to Palestinians and allow Palestinians in diaspora to return home (right of return). Netanyahu and the right wing Zionists are against this because that could mean the end of the “Jewish” nature of Israel (Zionists see the “demographic threat” as serious). As Christians, we should not support a Jewish state nor an Islamic state.
Your statement that the world simply hates the Jews has been overused to justify the oppression of Muslim and Christian Palestinians. We Christians do not hate the Jews (although we have often been accused of antisemitism). Catholics love the Jews and we pray for their salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as their Messiah…and as the second person of the Triune God.