Not without a complete study by all concerned, which never happened. I doubt even the most common bedouin of those times actually knew the rug was being pulled from under him. This process I think would take a minimum of years with a possible outcome of the idea being rejected outright.
Authoritative nations who have (questionable?)claim to foreign lands may have a say in what it can do, but when it involves the subject people directly, in land use, land ownership, and boundary issues, it directly impacts the subjects. I’m thinking Palestine and England here. In this case England should have no absolute say in this matter, since people have established a homeland and inherited rights that come about by occupation through the years and sometime centuries. This while Israeli’s decided to go and explore and occupy new lands.
England has a history of considering human and moral issues with a certain detachment, implements reactionary measures and without much forethought as to consequences either. The irony is that when it came to doing it’s part in accepting homeless Jews after the war, it’s contribution was to accept only a mediocre number of families. This says it all. ie “Ok if it’s happening ‘over there’, but not here in merry 'ol England”.
The Israelis had a habit of moving off into various nations and settling in those nations has citizens, while the rest of the world occupied themselves with making a home within their nations. This was the Jewish choice and the consequences of wealth or failure was their risk. While any people choose to do this, their ancestors should expect to see the world changed and boundaries changed, and nations born or die while they’re gone.
Some years back there was an Israeli web site from a group who did not take the stance that Israel should have a homeland. They pressed the idea that God meant Israel to be a conceptual place and not a geographical location. It had quite a following.