Israelis fired on girl identified as 10-year old (w/tape)

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For those who feel that journalism in the USA is better than the rest of the world I have one word (Well two actually)

Enough said I think! :bowdown:

As for the poster feeling safer in Israel than any Arab countries, when you are there ask about the plight of the Catholic and other Christian Churches in Israel and why they are in such desperate states? I have lived in the Arab world for over ten years, never had a problem (except being stopped for speeding once), never lost a nights sleep.
:amen: Thank you for this post. There is a great deal of Arabophobia on here, obviously. God bless you!
An excellent book to read is *The Question of Palestine *by Edward Said, a professor emeritus (and Christian Palestinian) at one of our more distinguished universities. Another excellent book by the same author is Orientalism, which examines the West’s persistent anti-Arab bias in all areas of scholarship and politics. These books should be required reading for anyone attempting to discuss issues concerning Palestine and Palestinians. These books have been around for years and anyone who is actually serious about these issues would do well to seek them out and read them cover to cover. They are not easy reading, however, as they are scholarly and are held in high regard by many in the academic community. Y’all just might learn something!
St. James, I must commend you for your excellent work on here–you are not giving up and I admire that. This is a difficult issue for many Americans who know very little about how it really is for Palestinians. I am no good at this sort of argument so I am grateful to people like you who can stay with it and remain strong and firm in the discourse. Over the years I have met and known numerous Palestinians as well as Israelis and each one of them is appalled at the Israeli military and the ongoing violence they perpetrate. There is so much more going on than our media reveals. There is so much duplicity and complicity in the Israeli and American medias; neither of them reports the truth. I believe this is because of the Israeli/American governmental duplicity and complicity; neither government wants the public to know the truth. In essence, our government is in bed with theirs, and as long as this is the case there will never be accurate reporting about the Palestinians.
**Status of Palestinian Children’s Rights: ****Israel’s violations of the right to life and security and the rights of children deprived of their liberty during the second Intifada (29 September 2000 – 30 June 2004)

**Since the beginning of the Palestinian uprising against occupation, or *Intifada, *on 29 September 2000, Palestinian children have suffered an unprecedented series of human rights violations as a result of Israeli military and settler activity in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). Hundreds of children have been killed, thousands injured and arrested, and hundreds of thousands of others exposed to repeated violence, denied an adequate standard of living, and denied the right to education and adequate health care.

These violations are not the result of new measures that Israel has implemented in response to the Intifada. Rather, they are the result of Israel’s intensification of preexisting policies implemented in the OPT that are aimed towards controlling Palestinian land and the movement of persons and goods in these areas. Israeli restrictions on Palestinian freedom of movement since September 2000, along with Israeli military actions in the OPT, has caused a dramatic downturn of the Palestinian economy and a significant decline in the Palestinian standard of living.

An estimated 60 – 70% of the Palestinian workforce is unemployed and over half the population is reliant upon direct food aid. Pre-existing conditions have been exacerbated in many parts of the West Bank since 2002 due to Israel’s ongoing construction of the West Bank Segregation Wall.

Constituting over half the population, and as the most vulnerable and dependent sector of society, Palestinian children are disproportionately affected by Israeli policies. Inability to access medical care, poverty levels that affect nutritional intake and interruptions in some immunization programs have all lead to an overall decrease in the status of children’s health and an increase in malnutrition and anaemia rates. Spiralling poverty, curfews and closures, the devastation of basic infrastructure, the ever-present threat of violence and the deliberate destruction of homes and schools have provoked a serious decline in the quality of education and the loss of school days.

In 1991, Israel became a State Party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). In 2002, upon its initial review of Israel’s compliance with the CRC, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child underlined the applicability of the Convention in the OPT and Israel’s responsibility to implement its provisions therein. Likewise, in its 9 July 2004 Advisory Opinion concerning the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the International Court of Justice affirmed the CRC’s applicability to Palestinian areas under Israeli occupation.

In spite of Israel’s clear and well defined legal obligation to respect and ensure Palestinian children’s rights, Israel continues to deny the applicability of human rights treaties to the OPT while its military forces simultaneously perpetrate systematic violations of Palestinian human rights as they enforce policies sanctioned by the government of Israel.

Full report:
He won’t acknowldge that…he’s too busy bashing Jews.
And when Muslims intentionally and repeatedly kill Jewish and Christian children? When they kill American children? When they put their own children in danger HOPING they will be killed so guys like St. James will protest? The reason he doesn’t care about dead Jewish children is that he thinks Jews are animals. I would remind everyone that Jesus and Mary are both Jewish.
Actually…there’s more anti-semitism here than ‘Arabophobia’. St. James even started this post with anti-semitism.

NightRider said:
:amen: Thank you for this post. There is a great deal of Arabophobia on here, obviously. God bless you!
Media bias undermines truth and peace

by Ray Hanania
(Wednesday 05 January 2005)

"…Now, the Israelis and their legions of media allies scream that the families of suicide bombers should not be “rewarded” when a member of their family commits a suicide bombing and kills scores of innocent Israeli civilians.

"I agree that the support should not be a reward. I oppose suicide bombings and believe they are wrong and immoral.

"But the fact is, when a suicide bomber kills an Israeli, the Israelis go to the homes of the suicide bomber’s family members who have nothing to do with the suicide bombing and they destroy their homes, their neighbors’ homes, and they uproot their farmlands.

"Most of these innocent victims of a bad conflict are tossed into the street and forced into poverty. Israel calls this collective punishment.

"In many instances, Israeli soldiers have destroyed homes while Palestinians were still in them, killing them.

"So, it’s okay for the Israelis to punish, without trial or morality or the rule of law, relatives of suicide bombers who had nothing to do with the suicide bombers.

"But it’s not okay for the Arabs to intervene and help these distressed families who are much the victims of Israeli violence as the Israelis are the victims of terrorism.

"That’s not logic. That’s bias, bigotry and the kind of one-sided media coverage that you can expect from even a good media organization like CNN.

"It’s worse elsewhere in the American media.

"When the lie is more convenient to tell than the truth, it helps explain why the conflict continues to drag on endlessly.

Full article:
St. James does not believe in equality. He does not care about the lives of Jews. He is even using the Muslims only to attack the Jews. He doesn’t care about them either.

When I return in a few weeks I will give an update from my own eyes. Assuming my bus isn’t blown up or my pizza restaurant…Till then I remind everyone that anti-semitism is a vile thing.
St. James:
This is an entirely baseless claim which reflects the dishonesty of it’s author. I have stated very clearly in many places that I advocate one set of standards for all.

There are no racial distinctions in Christianity. Sadly, the same cannot be claimed of Judaism.
So you just think they are bigots?
St. James:
This is an entirely baseless claim which reflects the dishonesty of it’s author. I have stated very clearly in many places that I advocate one set of standards for all.

There are no racial distinctions in Christianity. Sadly, the same cannot be claimed of Judaism.
You see, St. James, your arguments for the Palestinians would be received by me more favorably if you didn’t have to insert lies about Jews as well. It makes me question all that you have to say. Almost all of your posts regard Jew bashing of some nature, and not just Palestinian rights.

It is a lie that there are racial distinctions in Judaism. There are black, Ethiopian Jews, Jews from India, Arab countries, from Russia, etc. Anybody can covert to Judaism who wishes to. Sammy Davis, Jr. converted. To say that Judaism makes racial distinctions is a lie and it makes me think that your anger toward Israel isn’t because of the Palestinian suffering but because of a darker and more sinister motive.
It is a lie that there are racial distinctions in Judaism.
"Thus it may be inferred that the All Merciful declared their children to be legally fatherless, for [so indeed it is also] written, Whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses." (Yebamoth 98a, Babylonian Talmud)

"And ye my flock, the flock of my pastures, are men, only ye are dedicated men." *(*Baba Mezi’a, 114b, Babylonian Talmud)

*"Shila administered lashes to a man who had intercourse with an Egyptian woman. The man went and informed against him to the Government, saying: There is a man among the Jews who passes judgment without the permission of the Government. An official was sent to [summon] him. When he came he was asked: Why did you flog that man? He replied: **Because he had intercourse with a she-as." **(Berakoth, 58a, Babylonian Talmud)
It is a lie that there are racial distinctions in Judaism. There are black, Ethiopian Jews, Jews from India, Arab countries, from Russia, etc. Anybody can covert to Judaism who wishes to. Sammy Davis, Jr. converted.
I probably shouldn’t get involved in this debate because I believe that most of what St. James posts is wrong. But unfortunately many Jews are racist. Many Jews do not accept the Ethiopan Jews or converts or Sammy Davis. I was never so shocked as when I learned some of the references Jews made about Blacks. For a Jew to marry a Black person is not well regarded (to put it mildly). I know they do not speak for their religion. (And the way these Jews speak about Gentiles is not pretty either.) But the fact remains that there is racism in the practice of most religions. Unfortunately. (Now, I am going to duck to avoid incoming rounds.)
There are black, Ethiopian Jews…
The Ethiopian Jews and Karaites are Jews who accept only the Pentatuch of the Old Testament and reject rabbinic Judaism and it’s Talmud and Kabbalah (the tradition of the elders which was condemned by Jesus in the Gospels).

Karaites have historically been hated and persecuted by orthodox rabbinic Jews. The Karaites were expelled from Spain by Rabbi Joseph ben Faruj.
Actually…there’s more anti-semitism here than ‘Arabophobia’. St. James even started this post with anti-semitism.
Jeffrey, this is not true. St James is anti-*Zionist, *not anti-Semitic. There is a huge difference. If you read Edward Said’s book entitled *The Question of Palestine *you would recognize and know the difference…and there are many anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews by the way…both here and in Israel…
Jeffrey, this is not true. St James is anti-*Zionist, *not anti-Semitic. There is a huge difference. If you read Edward Said’s book entitled *The Question of Palestine *you would recognize and know the difference…and there are many anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews by the way…both here and in Israel…
The Catholic Church condemned anti-Zionism as a cover for anti-Semitism by means of a joint statement issued by a forum of Catholic-Jewish intellectuals this week.

The announcement was made at a gathering of religious, academic and other leading Jewish and Catholic figures in Buenos Aires.

“We oppose anti-Semitism in any way and form, including anti-Zionism that has become of late a manifestation of anti-Semitism,” the statement said.

This is the first time that anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism have been equated by the Catholic Church.

The statement also includes a stern condemnation of terrorism, particularly terror in the name of faith.

“Terror is a sin against man and against God. Fundamentalist terrorism in the name of God has no justification and cannot be justified.”

Ilan Steinberg, director of the World Jewish Congress, one of the forum’s organizers, described the joint statement as “an historic moment.”

“For the first time, the Catholic Church recognizes in anti-Zionism an attack not only against Jews, but against the whole Jewish people.”

Senior Jewish figures called the announcement a significant, public statement of support by the Catholic Church in the face of anti-Zionism.

“In the past, Zionism was equated with racism, and this statement turns anti-Zionism statements to a form of racism,” a Jewish leader said in New York.

The statement joins a prior European Union announcement and UN declaration of war against anti-Semitism as part of a global front fighting the scourge.

Source: IMRA – Independent Media Review and Analysis
****‘Anti-Zionism not the same as anti-Semitism’, say Vatican officials. ****

The Vatican is playing down a statement that emerged from a Catholic-Jewish meeting in Buenos Aires earlier this month which condemned “anti-Zionism” as a form of anti-Semitism (The Tablet, 17 July). Sources in Rome told the National Catholic Reporter’s Vatican correspondent, John Allen, that the statement did not mark a shift in Vatican policy towards Israel or the Middle East.
Full Article:

Some much needed clarification.
Jeffrey, this is not true. St James is anti-*Zionist, *not anti-Semitic. There is a huge difference. If you read Edward Said’s book entitled *The Question of Palestine *you would recognize and know the difference…and there are many anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews by the way…both here and in Israel…
Night Rider, thank you for you kind words.

I would further state that the use of the epithet, “anti-semitism” in this context reveals a serious lack of understanding on the part of those whose arguments are based on it.

The Palestinians themselves are Semites.

Main Entry: Sem·ite
Pronunciation: 'se-"mIt, esp British 'sE-"mIt
Function: noun
Etymology: French sémite, from Semitic Shem, from Late Latin, from Greek SEm, from Hebrew ShEm
Date: 1848

1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs b : a descendant of these peoples

2 : a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language

La Chiara:
I probably shouldn’t get involved in this debate because I believe that most of what St. James posts is wrong. But unfortunately many Jews are racist. Many Jews do not accept the Ethiopan Jews or converts or Sammy Davis. I was never so shocked as when I learned some of the references Jews made about Blacks. For a Jew to marry a Black person is not well regarded (to put it mildly). I know they do not speak for their religion. (And the way these Jews speak about Gentiles is not pretty either.) But the fact remains that there is racism in the practice of most religions. Unfortunately. (Now, I am going to duck to avoid incoming rounds.)
So, I know Jews who aren’t racist. I know Catholics who are racist, and my dear Lutheran grandfather was a racist. The religion itself does not preclude people from converting because of race. If you go to Israel, there will be a wide variety of skin colors among the Jews. Will there be racists there? You bet, but there will also be people who aren’t as in any country.
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